Old Testament Foundations Practice Exam Quiz

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Old Testament Foundations Practice Exam Quiz


Who is considered the father of the nation of Israel?

A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) David
D) Jacob

What is the first book of the Old Testament?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Psalms

What is the significance of the story of Adam and Eve?

A) It explains the creation of the world.
B) It is the foundation of Israel’s covenant with God.
C) It illustrates the origins of sin and the fall of humanity.
D) It introduces the Ten Commandments.

Which of the following was a major judge in Israel?

A) Saul
B) Gideon
C) Solomon
D) Elisha

What was the first plague in Egypt that God sent through Moses?

A) Darkness
B) Water turning to blood
C) Frogs
D) Lice

In the book of Exodus, what did God provide to feed the Israelites in the wilderness?

A) Quail
B) Manna
C) Bread
D) Fish

Who was the king of Israel when the nation was divided into the northern and southern kingdoms?

A) Solomon
B) Saul
C) Rehoboam
D) Jeroboam

What is the significance of the book of Leviticus?

A) It contains the creation narrative.
B) It gives a detailed history of Israel’s kings.
C) It provides laws for the priests and Israelites’ holiness.
D) It tells the story of the Exodus.

Who succeeded Moses as leader of Israel?

A) Joshua
B) Caleb
C) Saul
D) Samuel

What was the Ark of the Covenant?

A) A large military vessel
B) A box containing the Ten Commandments
C) A religious temple
D) A place of worship

In which book of the Old Testament do we find the story of David and Goliath?

A) 1 Samuel
B) 2 Samuel
C) 1 Kings
D) 2 Kings

Who was the prophet that confronted King David after his sin with Bathsheba?

A) Isaiah
B) Nathan
C) Jeremiah
D) Elijah

Which Old Testament book contains the Ten Commandments?

A) Leviticus
B) Numbers
C) Exodus
D) Deuteronomy

Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land?

A) Moses
B) Joshua
C) Samuel
D) Solomon

The book of Psalms is primarily composed of what type of writing?

A) History
B) Prophecy
C) Poetry and Songs
D) Laws

The prophet Elijah confronted which wicked king and queen?

A) Saul and Abigail
B) Ahab and Jezebel
C) David and Bathsheba
D) Jeroboam and Athaliah

Which prophet was swallowed by a big fish?

A) Elijah
B) Jonah
C) Daniel
D) Hosea

Which Old Testament book is known for its wisdom literature and reflections on life?

A) Genesis
B) Proverbs
C) Kings
D) Job

In which city did David establish his kingdom?

A) Jericho
B) Bethlehem
C) Jerusalem
D) Samaria

What is the main theme of the book of Ecclesiastes?

A) The covenant between God and Israel
B) The vanity of life and the pursuit of wisdom
C) The story of creation
D) The history of Israel’s kings

Who was the last judge of Israel?

A) Eli
B) Samuel
C) Gideon
D) Deborah

Which king of Israel is known for building the Temple in Jerusalem?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Rehoboam

The prophet Isaiah foretold the coming of which key figure in the New Testament?

A) Moses
B) Elijah
C) Jesus Christ
D) John the Baptist

What does the term “covenant” mean in the Old Testament context?

A) A set of laws
B) A mutual agreement or promise between God and his people
C) A place of worship
D) A religious offering

What were the Israelites instructed to do during the Passover in Egypt?

A) Build altars to God
B) Eat unleavened bread
C) Sacrifice a lamb and mark their doorposts with its blood
D) Gather manna in the wilderness

What was the sin of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?

A) Idolatry
B) Pride and sexual immorality
C) Lying and cheating
D) Disobedience to the commandments

Which book of the Old Testament details the return of the Israelites from Babylonian exile?

A) Nehemiah
B) Esther
C) Ezra
D) Daniel

What is the primary message of the book of Hosea?

A) A call for social justice
B) God’s love for Israel despite their unfaithfulness
C) A prophecy about the coming Messiah
D) The history of Israel’s kings

Which of the following is considered one of the major prophets of the Old Testament?

A) Malachi
B) Hosea
C) Isaiah
D) Amos

What was the main reason for the division of Israel into two kingdoms?

A) Different religious beliefs
B) Solomon’s heavy taxation and forced labor policies
C) The invasion of Assyria
D) Conflict over land rights


31. Who was the first king of Israel?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Samuel

32. Who built the first temple in Jerusalem?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Hezekiah
D) Josiah

33. Which of the following prophets had a vision of a valley of dry bones?

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

34. Who was the king of Israel during the time of the prophet Elijah?

A) Jeroboam
B) Ahab
C) Hezekiah
D) Josiah

35. What was the sin that led to the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.?

A) Idolatry and injustice
B) Disobedience to the law
C) Rejection of the prophets
D) Denial of God’s covenant

36. Who led the Israelites in their conquest of the Promised Land after Moses’ death?

A) Joshua
B) Caleb
C) Samuel
D) Gideon

37. Which Old Testament book is primarily focused on the life of King David?

A) 1 Samuel
B) 2 Samuel
C) 1 Kings
D) 2 Kings

38. In the Old Testament, who is described as a “man after God’s own heart”?

A) Solomon
B) Saul
C) David
D) Abraham

39. Who was the prophet that challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?

A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Samuel
D) Isaiah

40. Which Old Testament figure is known for his wisdom and wrote the book of Proverbs?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Solomon and David
D) Samuel

41. What was the name of Abraham’s wife?

A) Rachel
B) Sarah
C) Rebekah
D) Leah

42. Who was thrown into the lion’s den for refusing to worship the king’s statue?

A) Moses
B) Daniel
C) Isaiah
D) Elijah

43. What event is described in the Book of Esther?

A) The conquest of the Promised Land
B) The destruction of the wall of Jericho
C) The saving of the Jews from a plot to destroy them
D) The exodus from Egypt

44. Which Old Testament book contains a song of victory after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

45. Which two brothers fought for the birthright in the book of Genesis?

A) Jacob and Esau
B) Isaac and Ishmael
C) Cain and Abel
D) Joseph and Benjamin

46. Who was the first prophet to anoint Saul as the king of Israel?

A) Samuel
B) Elijah
C) Isaiah
D) Nathan

47. What did the prophet Nathan rebuke King David for?

A) His disobedience to God’s law
B) His murder of Uriah
C) His failure to build the temple
D) His pride in the military

48. What was the primary role of the Levitical priests in Israel?

A) To serve as warriors
B) To lead worship and teach the law
C) To be political leaders
D) To govern Israel’s cities

49. Which book contains the laws of ritual purity and holiness for the Israelites?

A) Numbers
B) Deuteronomy
C) Leviticus
D) Joshua

50. What was the central location of worship for the Israelites during the period of the Judges?

A) Jerusalem
B) The Tabernacle at Shiloh
C) The Temple at Gibeon
D) Bethel

51. Who were the two spies that encouraged the Israelites to take the Promised Land?

A) Joshua and Caleb
B) Moses and Aaron
C) David and Solomon
D) Joseph and Benjamin

52. What did God promise Abraham in the covenant?

A) A large military army
B) Descendants as numerous as the stars and the land of Canaan
C) A throne in Jerusalem
D) Eternal life

53. What was the primary message of the prophet Micah?

A) Judgment on Judah for their sins
B) A call for social justice and true worship
C) Predictions of the coming Messiah
D) The fall of Babylon

54. What is the purpose of the Book of Job?

A) To give a history of the kings of Israel
B) To explain the nature of suffering and the justice of God
C) To describe the conquest of Canaan
D) To provide the laws for Israel’s priests

55. What caused the downfall of the Kingdom of Israel?

A) Their sin of idolatry and rejection of the prophets
B) The invasion of the Assyrians
C) The internal conflict between the tribes
D) The abandonment of the covenant

56. Who was the prophet that foretold the destruction of Nineveh?

A) Amos
B) Micah
C) Nahum
D) Jeremiah

57. Which of the following is considered a “minor prophet”?

A) Isaiah
B) Hosea
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

58. What was the name of the city that Jonah was sent to, to warn of its destruction?

A) Nineveh
B) Jerusalem
C) Tyre
D) Bethlehem

59. What happened when the Israelites were disobedient to God during their journey through the wilderness?

A) They were blessed abundantly
B) They were punished and wandered for 40 years
C) They conquered the land of Canaan
D) They entered into a new covenant

60. What was the major consequence of King Solomon’s disobedience to God?

A) The kingdom was divided into Israel and Judah
B) The kingdom was invaded by Egypt
C) He was exiled to Babylon
D) His reign ended peacefully


61. Which prophet is known for his vision of the coming “Day of the Lord” and the outpouring of God’s spirit?

A) Joel
B) Amos
C) Hosea
D) Zechariah

62. What was the name of the giant defeated by David with a slingshot?

A) Goliath
B) Saul
C) Jericho
D) Nebuchadnezzar

63. Which Old Testament figure is known for interpreting dreams and becoming a powerful ruler in Egypt?

A) Moses
B) Joshua
C) Joseph
D) Solomon

64. Which prophet warned Israel about the coming Assyrian invasion?

A) Jeremiah
B) Amos
C) Isaiah
D) Ezekiel

65. What was the name of the prophet who succeeded Elijah?

A) Samuel
B) Elisha
C) Jonah
D) Zephaniah

66. Which king of Israel built a fleet of ships to trade with other nations and explored distant lands?

A) Solomon
B) Hezekiah
C) David
D) Rehoboam

67. Who was swallowed by a great fish after attempting to flee God’s command?

A) Isaiah
B) Jonah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

68. Which king of Israel reigned during a time of great peace and prosperity and built the first temple?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Hezekiah
D) Josiah

69. Who were the first two people to commit sin in the Garden of Eden?

A) Cain and Abel
B) Adam and Eve
C) Noah and his wife
D) Abraham and Sarah

70. What is the primary theme of the Book of Ecclesiastes?

A) The futility of human endeavors apart from God
B) The importance of following the law
C) The promises of God to His people
D) The conquest of Canaan

71. What is the significance of the rainbow in the story of Noah?

A) It was a symbol of Noah’s covenant with God.
B) It was a sign of God’s blessing on Noah’s family.
C) It was a promise that God would never again flood the earth.
D) It was a symbol of the new land that Noah would inhabit.

72. Which of the following kings was known for his religious reforms, including the discovery of the Book of the Law?

A) Solomon
B) Hezekiah
C) Josiah
D) Manasseh

73. Who were the Israelites’ primary enemies during the conquest of the Promised Land?

A) Egyptians
B) Philistines
C) Canaanites
D) Assyrians

74. Who was the first patriarch of the Hebrew people, called by God to leave his homeland and journey to the Promised Land?

A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) Isaac
D) Jacob

75. What did God provide the Israelites with every day in the desert for food?

A) Bread from heaven (manna)
B) Fish from the Red Sea
C) Grains from the land
D) Milk and honey

76. Which prophet married a woman named Gomer, symbolizing Israel’s unfaithfulness to God?

A) Hosea
B) Amos
C) Isaiah
D) Jeremiah

77. Which Old Testament book contains the Ten Commandments?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

78. Who was the last judge of Israel before the establishment of the monarchy?

A) Eli
B) Samuel
C) Deborah
D) Gideon

79. What did God use to guide the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness by day and night?

A) A cloud by day and a fire by night
B) A burning bush
C) A star
D) An angel

80. What was the major sin of the Israelites that led to their exile in Babylon?

A) Their failure to observe the Sabbath
B) Their rejection of the prophets and idolatry
C) Their refusal to enter the Promised Land
D) Their disobedience to God’s covenant of circumcision

81. Which prophet is known for his messages about the coming Messiah and the suffering servant?

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

82. Which book of the Bible is named after a woman who became queen and saved the Jews from destruction?

A) Ruth
B) Esther
C) Deborah
D) Naomi

83. What is the significance of the “Book of the Covenant” mentioned in the Book of Exodus?

A) It is the law given to Moses on Mount Sinai
B) It is the record of the kings of Israel
C) It is the list of sacrifices required by the law
D) It is the genealogical record of the tribes of Israel

84. Who was the king of Judah that instituted religious reforms and removed idols from the land?

A) Rehoboam
B) Josiah
C) Manasseh
D) Hezekiah

85. Who was the ruler of Babylon who conquered Jerusalem and exiled the Israelites?

A) Nebuchadnezzar
B) Sennacherib
C) Tiglath-Pileser
D) Darius

86. Who was the prophet that foretold the fall of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria?

A) Nahum
B) Zephaniah
C) Joel
D) Hosea

87. What was the role of the “Judges” in ancient Israel?

A) They were military leaders who helped Israel conquer foreign enemies
B) They were priests who oversaw the sacrifices
C) They were rulers who led the Israelites and administered justice
D) They were prophets who delivered God’s messages

88. Which king of Israel is known for his wealth, wisdom, and the construction of the first temple?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Ahab
D) Hezekiah

89. Who led the Israelites through the wilderness and received the Ten Commandments from God?

A) Joshua
B) Solomon
C) Moses
D) Caleb

90. What is the central theme of the Book of Psalms?

A) Prophecies about the coming of the Messiah
B) Songs and prayers expressing worship, lament, thanksgiving, and praise to God
C) Laws for the priests of Israel
D) Historical accounts of the kings of Israel


91. Which of the following kings is known for his sin of building high places for idol worship in Israel?

A) Solomon
B) Ahab
C) Jeroboam
D) Hezekiah

92. What was the name of the river where Ezekiel saw his vision of the glory of God and the dry bones?

A) Nile
B) Jordan
C) Tigris
D) Chebar

93. Which Old Testament book contains a story about a widow who was taken care of by the prophet Elijah during a drought?

A) 1 Kings
B) Ruth
C) 2 Kings
D) Esther

94. Who was the king of Israel known for his wickedness, leading the northern kingdom into idol worship and sin?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Ahab
D) Jeroboam II

95. What was the name of the first king of Israel?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Rehoboam

96. Who was the prophet that saw a vision of God sitting on His throne surrounded by seraphim in the Book of Isaiah?

A) Jeremiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Isaiah
D) Daniel

97. Which Old Testament figure was called by God to build an ark and save his family and animals from a great flood?

A) Noah
B) Moses
C) Abraham
D) Adam

98. In the Book of Judges, who was the woman who led Israel to victory over the Canaanites?

A) Ruth
B) Deborah
C) Esther
D) Miriam

99. Which prophet is known for his prophecy of the coming “New Covenant” that would be written on the hearts of God’s people?

A) Jeremiah
B) Isaiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

100. Which book of the Bible recounts the story of the conquest of Canaan under Joshua’s leadership?

A) Numbers
B) Leviticus
C) Joshua
D) Deuteronomy

101. Who was the second king of Israel, who united the kingdom and established Jerusalem as its capital?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Rehoboam

102. What was the main purpose of the Tabernacle in the wilderness?

A) To serve as a place of worship and sacrifice to God
B) To house the Ark of the Covenant only
C) To keep the Israelites’ food and possessions
D) To serve as a military stronghold

103. In which Old Testament book would you find the Ten Plagues that God sent to Egypt?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

104. Which Old Testament character is known for his patience during suffering and his eventual restoration by God?

A) Job
B) Solomon
C) Elijah
D) Noah

105. Who was the king of Judah who witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile to Babylon?

A) Jehoiakim
B) Zedekiah
C) Josiah
D) Manasseh

106. What did God command Moses to do with the Ten Commandments after they were broken in anger?

A) Keep them hidden in the Tabernacle
B) Break the stone tablets again
C) Carve a second set of tablets
D) Burn the tablets

107. Which Old Testament figure was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel?

A) Isaac
B) Jacob
C) David
D) Noah

108. Which of the following kings was the most righteous king of Judah and worked to restore true worship?

A) Ahab
B) Hezekiah
C) Solomon
D) Manasseh

109. In the Book of Exodus, which of the following did God use to demonstrate His power over Egypt’s gods?

A) The ten plagues
B) The parting of the Red Sea
C) The manna from heaven
D) The burning bush

110. Which Old Testament book focuses on the themes of covenant, obedience, and faithfulness to God through the law?

A) Leviticus
B) Deuteronomy
C) Joshua
D) 1 Samuel

111. What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?

A) Mount Ararat
B) Mount Sinai
C) Mount Nebo
D) Mount Carmel

112. Which Old Testament figure served as a prophet and led the Israelites back from Babylonian exile to rebuild the temple?

A) Ezra
B) Nehemiah
C) Haggai
D) Zechariah

113. Who was the king who sought to kill the baby Jesus and ordered the massacre of infants?

A) Herod the Great
B) Caesar Augustus
C) Pilate
D) Nebuchadnezzar

114. Which of the following is NOT one of the “Minor Prophets” in the Old Testament?

A) Joel
B) Amos
C) Daniel
D) Obadiah

115. Which Old Testament figure is known for his ability to interpret dreams, which ultimately led to his rise to power in Egypt?

A) Moses
B) Daniel
C) Joseph
D) Elijah

116. Who was the king of Israel who built high places for idol worship, leading to the division of the kingdom?

A) Jeroboam
B) Solomon
C) Ahab
D) David

117. Which of the following books is NOT part of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible)?

A) Leviticus
B) Deuteronomy
C) Joshua
D) Genesis

118. What was the primary focus of the prophet Micah’s message?

A) Social justice, peace, and judgment on corrupt rulers
B) The rebuilding of the temple
C) The coming of the Messiah
D) Prophecies of war

119. What did God provide for the Israelites as they wandered in the desert for forty years?

A) A permanent home
B) Water from rocks
C) Cattle to raise
D) The Ark of the Covenant

120. What was the first city the Israelites conquered upon entering the Promised Land?

A) Jericho
B) Ai
C) Jerusalem
D) Hebron


121. Which of the following kings was known for his reforms to bring Judah back to God and remove idol worship?

A) Jehoshaphat
B) Hezekiah
C) Ahab
D) Solomon

122. Who was the last judge of Israel before the establishment of the monarchy?

A) Eli
B) Samuel
C) Deborah
D) Gideon

123. Which of the following prophets is known for his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?

A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Amos
D) Hosea

124. What was the name of the queen who saved the Jewish people from annihilation in Persia?

A) Ruth
B) Esther
C) Naomi
D) Deborah

125. Who was the father of King David?

A) Saul
B) Eli
C) Jesse
D) Solomon

126. In the Old Testament, which prophet was swallowed by a large fish after attempting to flee God’s command?

A) Amos
B) Jonah
C) Ezekiel
D) Jeremiah

127. Which of the following is NOT one of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai?

A) Honor your father and mother
B) You shall not commit adultery
C) You shall not covet your neighbor’s donkey
D) You shall not make a graven image

128. What was the name of the first city that Joshua and the Israelites conquered when they entered the Promised Land?

A) Jericho
B) Ai
C) Bethlehem
D) Nazareth

129. Which Old Testament figure is known for being taken up to heaven in a whirlwind without experiencing death?

A) Elijah
B) Moses
C) Enoch
D) Noah

130. Who was the prophet that succeeded Elijah and performed many miracles, including healing Naaman of leprosy?

A) Elisha
B) Isaiah
C) Amos
D) Ezekiel

131. Which of the following kings is known for asking God for wisdom, which led to his building the temple in Jerusalem?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Rehoboam

132. In the Old Testament, what was the purpose of the Sabbath day?

A) A day for fasting
B) A day for work and rest
C) A day for worship and rest
D) A day to celebrate festivals

133. Which prophet is known for his prophecy about the coming of the Messiah as a suffering servant?

A) Isaiah
B) Hosea
C) Daniel
D) Zechariah

134. Who was the king of Judah who rediscovered the Book of the Law and instituted religious reforms?

A) Uzziah
B) Jehoshaphat
C) Josiah
D) Zedekiah

135. In the Book of Genesis, who was the first woman created by God?

A) Sarah
B) Eve
C) Rebekah
D) Rachel

136. What was the name of the city where Abraham almost sacrificed his son Isaac as a test of faith?

A) Bethlehem
B) Mount Nebo
C) Jericho
D) Moriah

137. Who was the prophet that confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?

A) Nathan
B) Samuel
C) Isaiah
D) Ezekiel

138. Which Old Testament book describes the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the exile to Assyria?

A) 2 Kings
B) 2 Samuel
C) 1 Chronicles
D) 1 Kings

139. Who was the prophet that foretold the destruction of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria?

A) Jonah
B) Nahum
C) Amos
D) Micah

140. Which king of Israel is known for his extensive building projects, including the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem?

A) Saul
B) Solomon
C) Jeroboam
D) David

141. What did the Israelites carry with them as a symbol of God’s presence during their wilderness journey?

A) The Ark of the Covenant
B) The Tablets of the Law
C) The Golden Calf
D) The Tent of Meeting

142. Which Old Testament book focuses on the themes of love, loyalty, and redemption through the story of Ruth?

A) Ruth
B) Esther
C) Genesis
D) Leviticus

143. Which of the following is NOT a part of the historical books of the Old Testament?

A) Judges
B) 1 Samuel
C) Psalms
D) 2 Samuel

144. Which prophet was known for his message of judgment against the idolatry and immorality of Israel and Judah?

A) Jeremiah
B) Isaiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Hosea

145. Which Old Testament character is known for his role in the destruction of the walls of Jericho?

A) Joshua
B) Caleb
C) Samson
D) Gideon

146. Which Old Testament character was made queen of Persia and played a key role in saving her people from destruction?

A) Deborah
B) Ruth
C) Esther
D) Hannah

147. Which king of Israel is known for being led into sin by his wife, Jezebel, and worshiping Baal?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Ahab
D) Rehoboam

148. What was the name of the prophet who declared that “the just shall live by faith” in the Old Testament?

A) Isaiah
B) Habakkuk
C) Jeremiah
D) Amos

149. Which Old Testament character was thrown into a den of lions but was saved by God?

A) Elijah
B) Daniel
C) Ezekiel
D) Jonah

150. What does the term “Exodus” refer to in the Old Testament?

A) The creation of the world
B) The journey of the Israelites through the wilderness
C) The departure of the Israelites from Egypt
D) The destruction of Jerusalem


151. Who was the first king of Israel after the nation was united?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Samuel

152. Which of the following prophets is known for his “vision of the valley of dry bones”?

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

153. Who was the first person to receive the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai?

A) Joshua
B) David
C) Moses
D) Abraham

154. Who was the prophet that predicted the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel to Assyria?

A) Amos
B) Hosea
C) Micah
D) Isaiah

155. Which king of Judah was known for his prayer that led to God extending his life by 15 years?

A) Jehoshaphat
B) Manasseh
C) Hezekiah
D) Josiah

156. Who was the prophet who said, “The lion has roared; who will not fear?” in reference to God’s judgment?

A) Joel
B) Amos
C) Hosea
D) Zephaniah

157. Which Old Testament book contains the story of Samson and Delilah?

A) Judges
B) 1 Samuel
C) Kings
D) 1 Chronicles

158. What was the primary purpose of the Tabernacle built by the Israelites in the wilderness?

A) To provide a place for the priests to live
B) To serve as a portable temple for God’s presence
C) To serve as a fortress against enemy attacks
D) To be a place for public celebrations

159. What was the name of the prophet who was called to deliver God’s message to the people of Nineveh?

A) Amos
B) Hosea
C) Jonah
D) Micah

160. Which Old Testament book tells the story of the creation of the world?

A) Exodus
B) Genesis
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

161. What was the name of the king who wrote the majority of Proverbs?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Hezekiah
D) Josiah

162. What is the main theme of the Book of Job?

A) The importance of the Law
B) The suffering of the righteous and God’s sovereignty
C) The history of the Jewish people
D) The prophetic warnings against idolatry

163. Which prophet is known for his “servant songs,” which speak of the coming Messiah?

A) Daniel
B) Isaiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Jeremiah

164. Who was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac?

A) Sarah
B) Rebekah
C) Rachel
D) Leah

165. Which of the following books is part of the Old Testament wisdom literature?

A) Psalms
B) Leviticus
C) Esther
D) Ruth

166. Which Old Testament character interpreted dreams for Pharaoh and became a ruler in Egypt?

A) Jacob
B) Joseph
C) Moses
D) Daniel

167. What was the name of the kingdom that split from Judah after Solomon’s reign?

A) Israel
B) Edom
C) Moab
D) Philistia

168. Which of the following kings of Israel was famous for his wisdom and for building the Temple in Jerusalem?

A) Saul
B) Solomon
C) Jeroboam
D) Hezekiah

169. Who succeeded Moses as the leader of Israel and led the Israelites into the Promised Land?

A) Joshua
B) Caleb
C) Samuel
D) Elijah

170. Which prophet experienced a vision of God’s throne and said, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts”?

A) Ezekiel
B) Daniel
C) Isaiah
D) Jeremiah

171. Which of the following kings of Judah reigned when the kingdom fell to Babylon?

A) Hezekiah
B) Josiah
C) Zedekiah
D) Jehoshaphat

172. Who was the prophet that confronted King Ahab and his wife Jezebel about their wickedness?

A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Hosea
D) Amos

173. Which Old Testament character had his name changed from Abram to Abraham, becoming the father of many nations?

A) Isaac
B) Jacob
C) Abraham
D) Moses

174. Which Old Testament character was known for his strength, but was eventually betrayed by Delilah?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Samson
D) Saul

175. Which Old Testament book contains the story of the Exodus and the giving of the Law?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

176. Which of the following prophets prophesied the fall of Babylon?

A) Daniel
B) Ezekiel
C) Jeremiah
D) Zechariah

177. Who was the prophet that foretold the coming of the “branch” or Messiah, who would bring justice and peace?

A) Micah
B) Malachi
C) Zechariah
D) Joel

178. Which of the following kings of Judah instituted religious reforms after discovering the Book of the Law in the Temple?

A) Hezekiah
B) Manasseh
C) Josiah
D) Zedekiah

179. Which Old Testament character was the first to be anointed as a king over Israel?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Rehoboam

180. Which Old Testament book is known for its many short sayings and wisdom teachings?

A) Proverbs
B) Psalms
C) Ecclesiastes
D) Job


181. Who was the prophet that performed miracles, such as parting the Red Sea and calling down manna from heaven?

A) Moses
B) Elijah
C) Elisha
D) Samuel

182. Which Old Testament book primarily focuses on the wisdom of life and the meaning of vanity?

A) Proverbs
B) Ecclesiastes
C) Job
D) Psalms

183. Which of the following prophets foretold the return of Israel from Babylonian exile?

A) Ezekiel
B) Hosea
C) Zechariah
D) Jonah

184. Which king of Judah was the great-grandfather of King Josiah and was known for his religious reforms?

A) Hezekiah
B) Manasseh
C) Amon
D) Uzziah

185. Which Old Testament book tells the story of a Moabite woman who became the great-grandmother of King David?

A) Ruth
B) Esther
C) Jonah
D) Daniel

186. What was the name of the first city conquered by the Israelites when they entered the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership?

A) Jericho
B) Ai
C) Hazor
D) Gibeon

187. Which Old Testament character was swallowed by a large fish after fleeing from God’s command to go to Nineveh?

A) Jonah
B) Daniel
C) Ezekiel
D) Amos

188. Who was the prophet who warned King Ahab and Queen Jezebel about the consequences of their wickedness?

A) Samuel
B) Isaiah
C) Elisha
D) Elijah

189. Who was the first king of Israel after the kingdom split into two separate nations?

A) Saul
B) Jeroboam
C) David
D) Solomon

190. Which of the following books of the Old Testament is not considered a historical book?

A) Judges
B) Ruth
C) Psalms
D) 1 Kings

191. Which prophet wrote the “Book of Lamentations”?

A) Ezekiel
B) Jeremiah
C) Daniel
D) Isaiah

192. What was the name of the first high priest of Israel, who was the brother of Moses?

A) Aaron
B) Eleazar
C) Phinehas
D) Joshua

193. Which of the following kings of Judah was known for instituting reforms and restoring proper worship in the Temple?

A) Solomon
B) Hezekiah
C) Jehoshaphat
D) Zedekiah

194. Who was the prophet who prophesied about the coming of the Messiah as a suffering servant?

A) Jeremiah
B) Isaiah
C) Zechariah
D) Hosea

195. Which of the following characters was thrown into a den of lions for praying to God instead of to King Darius?

A) Daniel
B) Shadrach
C) Meshach
D) Abednego

196. Which Old Testament figure was sold into slavery by his brothers and later became second-in-command in Egypt?

A) Isaac
B) Jacob
C) Joseph
D) Benjamin

197. Who was the prophet who had a vision of a scroll that he was commanded to eat in Ezekiel 3?

A) Amos
B) Hosea
C) Ezekiel
D) Zephaniah

198. Who was the king of Judah who brought about a great revival and religious reform in Judah during his reign?

A) Hezekiah
B) Josiah
C) Jehoshaphat
D) Solomon

199. Which book in the Old Testament contains the story of the Tower of Babel?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

200. Who was the prophet that delivered God’s message to the people of Israel, warning them of judgment and exile because of their unfaithfulness?

A) Ezekiel
B) Amos
C) Isaiah
D) Jeremiah

201. What was the name of the river that the Israelites crossed to enter the Promised Land?

A) Nile
B) Jordan
C) Euphrates
D) Tigris

202. Who was the mother of King Solomon and the wife of David?

A) Bathsheba
B) Abigail
C) Rachel
D) Sarah

203. What was the name of the king of Babylon who exiled the people of Judah to Babylon?

A) Nebuchadnezzar
B) Belshazzar
C) Darius
D) Xerxes

204. Which Old Testament character was known for his wisdom and judged between two women who claimed to be the mother of a child?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Samuel
D) Ezekiel

205. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death?

A) Joshua
B) Caleb
C) Gideon
D) Samuel


206. Who was the prophet that confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?

A) Samuel
B) Nathan
C) Elijah
D) Elisha

207. Which of the following Old Testament books contains the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt?

A) Numbers
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Deuteronomy

208. Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom and building the first Temple in Jerusalem?

A) Saul
B) Solomon
C) David
D) Rehoboam

209. Who was the prophet who witnessed the vision of the “four horsemen” in the Book of Zechariah?

A) Isaiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Zechariah
D) Jeremiah

210. Which Old Testament character was known for his strength, which he lost after his hair was cut by Delilah?

A) David
B) Samson
C) Saul
D) Solomon

211. Which prophet delivered the message of judgment to Nineveh but later became angry when God spared the city?

A) Jonah
B) Isaiah
C) Joel
D) Amos

212. Which Old Testament figure was the father of twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel?

A) Isaac
B) Jacob
C) Abraham
D) Joseph

213. What was the name of the queen who saved the Jews from destruction in the Persian Empire?

A) Deborah
B) Esther
C) Rachel
D) Bathsheba

214. Which Old Testament book is known for its vivid prophecies about the coming Messiah, particularly the “Suffering Servant” passages?

A) Ezekiel
B) Daniel
C) Isaiah
D) Malachi

215. Who was the prophet that was thrown into a pit and later saved by King Zedekiah during the Babylonian siege?

A) Jeremiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Amos
D) Isaiah

216. Who was the king of Judah that found the Book of the Law during renovations in the Temple and called for reforms?

A) Hezekiah
B) Josiah
C) Zedekiah
D) Jehoshaphat

217. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai?

A) Moses
B) Joshua
C) Samuel
D) David

218. Who was the king of Israel who built an altar to Baal and led the nation into idolatry?

A) Ahab
B) Jeroboam
C) Hezekiah
D) Solomon

219. Which prophet had a vision of a “fiery furnace” and the three Hebrew men who were saved by God?

A) Daniel
B) Ezekiel
C) Amos
D) Hosea

220. Which Old Testament book contains the story of a king who sought wisdom but later experienced a fall into idolatry?

A) 1 Kings
B) 2 Kings
C) Chronicles
D) Isaiah

221. Who was the prophet that told King David that his son would build the Temple in Jerusalem?

A) Samuel
B) Nathan
C) Elijah
D) Elisha

222. Which Old Testament king of Israel had a palace built with ivory and gold but fell into idolatry?

A) Solomon
B) Ahab
C) David
D) Jeroboam

223. Who were the two spies who gave a good report about entering the Promised Land, encouraging Israel to trust in God?

A) Caleb and Joshua
B) Joshua and Eleazar
C) Aaron and Moses
D) Eli and Samuel

224. Which prophet delivered the message of God’s judgment on Israel and foretold the coming destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians?

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Amos
D) Hosea

225. Who was the king of Judah that sought counsel from the prophet Elisha during a time of war?

A) Hezekiah
B) Jehoshaphat
C) Josiah
D) Ahab

226. What did God send to the Israelites in the wilderness to provide food for them?

A) Manna
B) Quail
C) Bread from Heaven
D) Fish

227. Which Old Testament book is a collection of songs, prayers, and poems, many attributed to King David?

A) Proverbs
B) Psalms
C) Ecclesiastes
D) Song of Songs

228. Which of the following kings of Israel was considered “a man after God’s own heart”?

A) Saul
B) Solomon
C) David
D) Jeroboam

229. Who was the prophet who foretold the coming of Elijah and the “great and terrible day of the Lord”?

A) Micah
B) Malachi
C) Amos
D) Joel

230. Which Old Testament character wrestled with God and had his name changed to Israel?

A) Isaac
B) Joseph
C) Jacob
D) Moses

231. Which of the following kings of Judah was known for instituting religious reforms, restoring proper worship, and destroying idols?

A) Hezekiah
B) Josiah
C) David
D) Solomon

232. Which Old Testament character, known for his wisdom, wrote most of the Proverbs and the Book of Ecclesiastes?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Samuel
D) Hezekiah

233. What did God ask the prophet Hosea to do as a sign of Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him?

A) Marry a prostitute
B) Build an altar
C) Sacrifice his children
D) Leave his homeland

234. Which Old Testament book contains the story of Ruth’s faithfulness and loyalty to her mother-in-law?

A) 1 Samuel
B) 2 Samuel
C) Ruth
D) Esther

235. Who was the prophet who foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and warned of God’s judgment upon the people for their sin?

A) Ezekiel
B) Daniel
C) Jeremiah
D) Malachi


236. Who was the prophet that God sent to the city of Nineveh to call the people to repentance?

A) Jonah
B) Elijah
C) Isaiah
D) Daniel

237. Which king of Israel is known for his wisdom and for writing many of the Proverbs?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Hezekiah
D) Ahab

238. Which prophet had a vision of the “Valley of Dry Bones” and prophesied their revival?

A) Zechariah
B) Ezekiel
C) Isaiah
D) Jeremiah

239. Which book of the Old Testament contains the song of Moses after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea?

A) Exodus
B) Leviticus
C) Numbers
D) Deuteronomy

240. Who was the mother of Samuel, the prophet?

A) Hannah
B) Abigail
C) Rachel
D) Bathsheba

241. Which Old Testament king of Judah built altars to Baal and other false gods?

A) Solomon
B) Rehoboam
C) Manasseh
D) Jehoshaphat

242. What was the name of the prophet who saw the vision of four beasts in the Book of Daniel?

A) Ezekiel
B) Daniel
C) Isaiah
D) Zephaniah

243. What was the name of the prophet who interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a large statue with different materials?

A) Daniel
B) Elijah
C) Jeremiah
D) Hosea

244. Which king of Israel was known for leading the nation into idolatry and wickedness, causing God to bring judgment?

A) Jeroboam
B) Solomon
C) Ahab
D) David

245. Which book of the Old Testament contains the Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon?

A) Proverbs
B) Ecclesiastes
C) Song of Songs
D) Psalms

246. Which prophet saw a vision of a “new heaven and a new earth” in the Book of Isaiah?

A) Jeremiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Isaiah
D) Daniel

247. Which Old Testament character was known for his patience during intense suffering and trials?

A) Abraham
B) Job
C) Solomon
D) David

248. What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?

A) Mount Zion
B) Mount Nebo
C) Mount Horeb
D) Mount Sinai

249. Who was the prophet who declared God’s judgment on Israel and Judah for their sin and disobedience?

A) Amos
B) Hosea
C) Ezekiel
D) Jeremiah

250. Which king of Judah is known for his religious reforms and destruction of idols?

A) Hezekiah
B) Josiah
C) Jehoshaphat
D) Ahab

251. Which Old Testament book contains the story of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

252. What was the name of the prophet who had visions of the destruction of Israel and called the people to repentance?

A) Micah
B) Jonah
C) Amos
D) Nahum

253. Which Old Testament character was known for interpreting dreams for Pharaoh and for his wisdom in saving Egypt from famine?

A) Isaac
B) Joseph
C) Moses
D) Samuel

254. Who was the king of Israel who created two golden calves for the people to worship?

A) Jeroboam
B) Saul
C) Ahab
D) Solomon

255. Which prophet called down fire from heaven to demonstrate the power of God against the prophets of Baal?

A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Amos
D) Daniel

256. Which Old Testament character was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, without experiencing death?

A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Enoch
D) Moses

257. What was the name of the king who sought advice from the prophet Elisha when Israel was under siege by Moab?

A) Jehoshaphat
B) Hezekiah
C) Jehoram
D) Ahab

258. Which Old Testament figure is known for his wisdom and for building the Temple in Jerusalem?

A) Solomon
B) David
C) Hezekiah
D) Josiah

259. Who was the prophet who prophesied about the coming of a messenger who would prepare the way for the Lord?

A) Malachi
B) Isaiah
C) Hosea
D) Amos

260. Who was the king of Israel who refused to listen to the prophet Samuel and offered sacrifices that he was not authorized to make?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Jeroboam


261. Who was the first king of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Jeroboam

262. Which Old Testament book is primarily a collection of wisdom sayings and proverbs attributed to King Solomon?

A) Psalms
B) Proverbs
C) Ecclesiastes
D) Song of Songs

263. Which Old Testament character was the last judge of Israel and also served as a prophet?

A) Samuel
B) Samson
C) Eli
D) Gideon

264. Who was the prophet that opposed King Ahab and the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?

A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Amos
D) Isaiah

265. Which king of Judah is remembered for his dedication to restoring the Temple and following God’s laws?

A) Hezekiah
B) Josiah
C) Manasseh
D) David

266. Which Old Testament figure is known for leading the Israelites into the Promised Land after the death of Moses?

A) David
B) Joshua
C) Samuel
D) Caleb

267. Which Old Testament prophet was called by God to prophesy to the people of Israel about their unfaithfulness and their need for repentance?

A) Jeremiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Isaiah
D) Hosea

268. Who was the father of King Solomon and the second king of Israel?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Hezekiah
D) Rehoboam

269. Which Old Testament book begins with the creation of the world and includes the story of Adam and Eve?

A) Exodus
B) Genesis
C) Leviticus
D) Deuteronomy

270. Which prophet was swallowed by a great fish after he tried to flee God’s command to go to Nineveh?

A) Hosea
B) Jonah
C) Isaiah
D) Amos

271. Which Old Testament book contains a detailed description of the laws given to the Israelites, including the Ten Commandments?

A) Exodus
B) Leviticus
C) Deuteronomy
D) Numbers

272. Who was the prophet that warned Israel of their impending exile to Assyria due to their sin?

A) Jeremiah
B) Amos
C) Hosea
D) Joel

273. Which Old Testament king was the first to unify the twelve tribes of Israel?

A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Rehoboam

274. Who was the Israelite woman who became the queen of Persia and saved her people from destruction?

A) Naomi
B) Deborah
C) Esther
D) Rachel

275. What did God send to lead the Israelites by night during their journey in the wilderness?

A) A pillar of cloud
B) A pillar of fire
C) A whirlwind
D) A star

276. Which king of Judah was known for his reforms and the finding of the Book of the Law during the reign of Josiah?

A) Hezekiah
B) Manasseh
C) Jehoshaphat
D) Josiah

277. Which Old Testament character had a coat of many colors given to him by his father Jacob?

A) Saul
B) Joseph
C) David
D) Solomon

278. Which Old Testament character’s faith was tested when he was asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, but was stopped by God at the last moment?

A) Abraham
B) Moses
C) Noah
D) David

279. Which Old Testament book contains the story of God’s covenant with Abraham and the promise of the land for his descendants?

A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers

280. Who was the prophet that was called to deliver messages of judgment to the nations surrounding Israel, including Moab, Ammon, and Edom?

A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Amos
D) Zephaniah

281. Which Old Testament book focuses on the theme of vanity and the search for meaning in life?

A) Ecclesiastes
B) Proverbs
C) Song of Songs
D) Psalms

282. Which Old Testament book is a collection of laments over the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple?

A) Jeremiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Lamentations
D) Daniel

283. Who was the prophet who lived during the reign of King Uzziah and prophesied the coming of the Messiah in the Book of Isaiah?

A) Jeremiah
B) Ezekiel
C) Amos
D) Isaiah

284. What was the name of the prophet who succeeded Elijah and performed many miracles, including healing Naaman the Syrian of leprosy?

A) Elisha
B) Jonah
C) Amos
D) Hosea

285. Which Old Testament king of Israel was known for his military victories and for writing many of the Psalms?

A) Saul
B) Solomon
C) David
D) Rehoboam