Christian Evidences Practice Exam Quiz

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Christian Evidences Practice Exam Quiz


Section 1: The Existence of God

  1. Which of the following is a classical argument for the existence of God?
    A) The Ontological Argument
    B) The Teleological Argument
    C) The Cosmological Argument
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  2. The Cosmological Argument is based on the principle that:
    A) Everything that begins to exist has a cause
    B) The universe has always existed
    C) Science disproves God’s existence
    D) Morality is purely subjective
    Answer: A
  3. The Teleological Argument is also known as the:
    A) Argument from Miracles
    B) Moral Argument
    C) Argument from Design
    D) Argument from Consciousness
    Answer: C
  4. The Moral Argument states that:
    A) Moral values are a social construct
    B) Objective moral values exist only if God exists
    C) Right and wrong are determined by popular opinion
    D) Science can fully explain morality
    Answer: B
  5. The fine-tuning of the universe is often used as evidence for:
    A) Evolution
    B) The multiverse theory
    C) The existence of an intelligent designer
    D) The randomness of existence
    Answer: C

Section 2: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ

  1. Which of the following statements did Jesus make about His divine identity?
    A) “Before Abraham was, I am.”
    B) “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
    C) “I and the Father are one.”
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  2. The resurrection of Jesus is central to Christianity because:
    A) It confirms His deity
    B) It validates His teachings
    C) It assures believers of eternal life
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  3. The Apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15 that if Christ has not been raised:
    A) Our faith is futile
    B) Christians are still in their sins
    C) We are of all people most to be pitied
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  4. What is the best historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?
    A) The empty tomb
    B) The eyewitness testimonies
    C) The transformation of the disciples
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  5. The earliest written testimony of Christ’s resurrection is found in:
    A) The Gospel of John
    B) The Gospel of Luke
    C) Paul’s letters (1 Corinthians 15)
    D) The Gospel of Matthew
    Answer: C

Section 3: The Authority and Truth of the Bible

  1. The Bible claims to be:
    A) A collection of myths
    B) The inspired Word of God
    C) A book of moral guidelines only
    D) A scientific textbook
    Answer: B
  2. The term “inspiration” in 2 Timothy 3:16 means:
    A) The Bible was written by human authors alone
    B) God-breathed, meaning divine authorship
    C) The Bible contains errors
    D) Only parts of the Bible are trustworthy
    Answer: B
  3. Which manuscript evidence supports the reliability of the New Testament?
    A) The Dead Sea Scrolls
    B) The Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus
    C) The Nag Hammadi texts
    D) The Epic of Gilgamesh
    Answer: B
  4. Archaeological discoveries have:
    A) Contradicted biblical accounts
    B) Provided no evidence for biblical events
    C) Confirmed many historical details in the Bible
    D) Disproved Christianity
    Answer: C
  5. The unity of the Bible, despite being written by multiple authors over centuries, suggests:
    A) It is a coincidence
    B) A single divine authorship
    C) It was manipulated by church leaders
    D) The authors copied from each other
    Answer: B

Section 4: Challenges to Christianity

  1. Scientific naturalism argues that:
    A) The supernatural does not exist
    B) Only science can provide truth
    C) Miracles are impossible
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  2. Postmodernism teaches that:
    A) Truth is relative
    B) There are no absolute moral values
    C) Religious beliefs are personal preferences
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  3. The problem of evil is often used as an argument:
    A) Against the existence of God
    B) For the necessity of moral laws
    C) To support divine justice
    D) To affirm God’s sovereignty
    Answer: A
  4. A common response to the problem of evil is:
    A) God gave humans free will
    B) Suffering can have a greater purpose
    C) Evil is a result of human rebellion
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  5. The belief that science and Christianity are incompatible is:
    A) A common misconception
    B) Supported by Christian scientists like Francis Collins
    C) Refuted by historical contributions of Christians to science
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D

Section 5: Defense of Christianity

  1. Apologetics is the:
    A) Defense of the Christian faith
    B) Study of Christian traditions
    C) Criticism of religious beliefs
    D) Promotion of pluralism
    Answer: A
  2. Which of the following is NOT a type of Christian apologetics?
    A) Classical
    B) Evidential
    C) Presuppositional
    D) Relativistic
    Answer: D
  3. The historical method for verifying ancient documents supports the Bible because:
    A) The New Testament has more manuscripts than any other ancient text
    B) The time gap between original and copies is small
    C) The consistency of manuscripts is high
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  4. The Kalam Cosmological Argument was developed in:
    A) Medieval Islamic philosophy
    B) Ancient Greek philosophy
    C) Modern atheist writings
    D) The Book of Genesis
    Answer: A
  5. Who famously said, “A man who was merely a man and said the things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher”?
    A) C.S. Lewis
    B) William Lane Craig
    C) Richard Dawkins
    D) Thomas Aquinas
    Answer: A
  6. The concept that Jesus’ disciples invented His resurrection is unlikely because:
    A) They were willing to die for their belief
    B) Roman and Jewish authorities failed to produce His body
    C) The accounts are early and consistent
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  7. Which scientist remained a devout Christian while making major scientific contributions?
    A) Isaac Newton
    B) Albert Einstein
    C) Charles Darwin
    D) Stephen Hawking
    Answer: A
  8. Miracles are possible if:
    A) Naturalism is false
    B) God exists
    C) The supernatural is real
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  9. Who is considered the “father of modern apologetics”?
    A) Blaise Pascal
    B) Augustine
    C) C.S. Lewis
    D) Thomas Aquinas
    Answer: D
  10. Faith in Christianity is best described as:
    A) Blind trust
    B) Reasoned belief based on evidence
    C) Emotional conviction
    D) A leap into the unknown
    Answer: B


Section 6: The Existence of God (Continued)

  1. Which philosophical argument argues for God’s existence based on the reality of objective moral values?
    A) Ontological Argument
    B) Moral Argument
    C) Teleological Argument
    D) Kalam Cosmological Argument
    Answer: B
  2. The Kalam Cosmological Argument states that:
    A) The universe had no beginning
    B) Everything that begins to exist has a cause
    C) The Big Bang disproves God
    D) Only matter exists
    Answer: B
  3. The phrase “uncaused cause” is commonly used to describe:
    A) The multiverse
    B) The first law of thermodynamics
    C) God as the necessary being
    D) Evolution
    Answer: C
  4. The fine-tuning argument suggests that:
    A) The universe was created randomly
    B) The conditions for life are highly improbable
    C) Science disproves intelligent design
    D) Chaos naturally leads to order
    Answer: B
  5. The Anthropic Principle states that:
    A) The universe appears designed for human life
    B) Humans create their own meaning
    C) Science and faith cannot coexist
    D) Morality is subjective
    Answer: A

Section 7: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ (Continued)

  1. Which of the following is NOT an early creed affirming Jesus’ resurrection?
    A) 1 Corinthians 15:3-8
    B) Philippians 2:6-11
    C) The Nicene Creed
    D) John 3:16
    Answer: D
  2. The “swoon theory” argues that:
    A) Jesus did not die but only fainted
    B) Jesus’ body was stolen
    C) The resurrection was a hallucination
    D) Jesus’ resurrection was a spiritual event
    Answer: A
  3. The transformation of the disciples after Jesus’ resurrection supports the idea that:
    A) The resurrection was a hoax
    B) The disciples were deceived
    C) They genuinely believed they had seen the risen Jesus
    D) Christianity is based on mythology
    Answer: C
  4. What was the primary reason for the Jewish leaders’ rejection of Jesus?
    A) They misunderstood His teachings
    B) They did not believe in miracles
    C) They saw His claims to deity as blasphemy
    D) They feared Roman retaliation
    Answer: C
  5. Which early Roman historian mentioned Jesus and His crucifixion?
    A) Tacitus
    B) Julius Caesar
    C) Plato
    D) Aristotle
    Answer: A

Section 8: The Authority and Truth of the Bible (Continued)

  1. The process of determining the original text of Scripture based on manuscript evidence is called:
    A) Apologetics
    B) Textual Criticism
    C) Systematic Theology
    D) Hermeneutics
    Answer: B
  2. The Bible contains how many books in total?
    A) 39
    B) 27
    C) 66
    D) 73
    Answer: C
  3. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls helped confirm:
    A) The reliability of Old Testament manuscripts
    B) That Christianity is a myth
    C) That the Bible was altered by medieval scribes
    D) That Jesus never existed
    Answer: A
  4. The doctrine of biblical inerrancy means:
    A) The Bible contains errors
    B) The Bible is completely trustworthy in all it affirms
    C) The Bible should not be taken literally
    D) The Bible is only relevant for ancient times
    Answer: B
  5. Jesus affirmed the Old Testament’s authority when He said:
    A) “The Scripture cannot be broken.”
    B) “The Old Testament is outdated.”
    C) “Follow your own truth.”
    D) “Question everything.”
    Answer: A

Section 9: Challenges to Christianity (Continued)

  1. Naturalism asserts that:
    A) The supernatural exists
    B) Science and faith are compatible
    C) Only the material world exists
    D) God is necessary for morality
    Answer: C
  2. The problem of suffering and evil is often used as an argument:
    A) For the existence of God
    B) Against the existence of an all-powerful, loving God
    C) To prove that miracles happen
    D) To show that all religions are true
    Answer: B
  3. A common Christian response to the problem of evil is:
    A) Free will allows for genuine love
    B) God can bring good out of suffering
    C) Evil is temporary and will be defeated
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  4. Postmodernism denies:
    A) Objective truth
    B) Moral absolutes
    C) Universal religious claims
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  5. The claim that all religions are equally true is called:
    A) Pluralism
    B) Atheism
    C) Monotheism
    D) Rationalism
    Answer: A

Section 10: Defense of Christianity (Continued)

  1. Who wrote “Mere Christianity,” one of the most famous apologetic works?
    A) William Lane Craig
    B) C.S. Lewis
    C) Thomas Aquinas
    D) Martin Luther
    Answer: B
  2. The term “apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning:
    A) To say sorry
    B) To give a defense
    C) To explain science
    D) To criticize religion
    Answer: B
  3. The historicity of Jesus’ life is supported by:
    A) Biblical accounts
    B) Roman and Jewish historians
    C) Archaeological evidence
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  4. The “minimal facts” approach to the resurrection includes:
    A) Jesus’ death by crucifixion
    B) The empty tomb
    C) The transformation of skeptics
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  5. Who is one of the leading defenders of the Resurrection today?
    A) Bart Ehrman
    B) Richard Dawkins
    C) Gary Habermas
    D) Friedrich Nietzsche
    Answer: C
  6. What is a key argument against the “hallucination theory” of the Resurrection?
    A) Hallucinations are not group experiences
    B) Jesus never really died
    C) The apostles admitted they made it up
    D) Science disproves miracles
    Answer: A
  7. The Bible describes faith as:
    A) A blind leap
    B) Trust based on evidence
    C) A rejection of reason
    D) A feeling
    Answer: B
  8. What does the Greek word “logos” mean in John 1:1?
    A) Faith
    B) Light
    C) Word (divine reason)
    D) Power
    Answer: C
  9. The phrase “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is often used to:
    A) Challenge miracles
    B) Support Christianity
    C) Prove morality
    D) Deny atheism
    Answer: A
  10. What is the ultimate purpose of apologetics?
    A) To win arguments
    B) To defend the truth of Christianity and lead others to Christ
    C) To criticize other religions
    D) To prove Christianity scientifically
    Answer: B


Section 11: The Existence of God (Continued)

  1. Which scientific discovery supports the idea that the universe had a beginning?
    A) Theory of Evolution
    B) Big Bang Theory
    C) String Theory
    D) Multiverse Theory
    Answer: B
  2. The term “first cause” in the Cosmological Argument refers to:
    A) The first physical law
    B) God as the uncaused creator
    C) The first planet formed
    D) Random chance
    Answer: B
  3. Who famously said, “I had to become a Christian because of philosophy”?
    A) C.S. Lewis
    B) William Lane Craig
    C) Antony Flew
    D) Bertrand Russell
    Answer: C
  4. The idea that the complexity of DNA points to an intelligent designer is part of:
    A) The Moral Argument
    B) The Ontological Argument
    C) The Teleological Argument
    D) The Problem of Evil
    Answer: C
  5. Who formulated the Ontological Argument?
    A) Thomas Aquinas
    B) Anselm of Canterbury
    C) Richard Swinburne
    D) John Calvin
    Answer: B

Section 12: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ (Continued)

  1. The earliest written gospel is believed to be:
    A) Matthew
    B) Mark
    C) Luke
    D) John
    Answer: B
  2. The term “Christology” refers to the study of:
    A) The Holy Spirit
    B) The nature and person of Jesus Christ
    C) The end times
    D) The church
    Answer: B
  3. The resurrection of Jesus is unique because:
    A) Other religious leaders also claimed to rise
    B) It was a physical resurrection, not just spiritual
    C) The disciples never spoke about it
    D) It was a metaphor, not an actual event
    Answer: B
  4. Which skeptical scholar admits that Jesus’ disciples believed He appeared to them after His death?
    A) Richard Dawkins
    B) Bart Ehrman
    C) Sam Harris
    D) Christopher Hitchens
    Answer: B
  5. The “criterion of embarrassment” strengthens the credibility of the resurrection accounts because:
    A) The disciples openly admitted their failures
    B) Women were the first witnesses
    C) The disciples did not expect Jesus to rise
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D

Section 13: The Authority and Truth of the Bible (Continued)

  1. The New Testament was written in which language?
    A) Hebrew
    B) Latin
    C) Greek
    D) Aramaic
    Answer: C
  2. What is the primary reason the Apocrypha is not included in Protestant Bibles?
    A) It was never accepted by Jewish scholars
    B) Jesus never quoted from it
    C) The early church questioned its inspiration
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  3. How many Greek New Testament manuscripts exist today?
    A) Fewer than 100
    B) Around 1,000
    C) Over 5,000
    D) 10,000+
    Answer: C
  4. The Bible has been translated into how many languages?
    A) Less than 100
    B) Around 500
    C) More than 2,000
    D) 10,000+
    Answer: C
  5. Who was the first person to translate the Bible into English?
    A) Martin Luther
    B) John Wycliffe
    C) William Tyndale
    D) Thomas Cranmer
    Answer: B

Section 14: Challenges to Christianity (Continued)

  1. The phrase “God of the gaps” is often used to argue that:
    A) Christianity fills in where science lacks answers
    B) Science proves the Bible is wrong
    C) Miracles cannot happen
    D) The universe is self-sufficient
    Answer: A
  2. The “Multiverse Theory” is often used as an alternative to:
    A) Evolution
    B) Intelligent Design
    C) The Big Bang
    D) The Kalam Cosmological Argument
    Answer: B
  3. The concept of “historical revisionism” is often used to:
    A) Strengthen biblical reliability
    B) Challenge biblical history
    C) Confirm the authenticity of miracles
    D) Prove the resurrection
    Answer: B
  4. The belief that Jesus never existed is called:
    A) Mythicism
    B) Pantheism
    C) Monotheism
    D) Universalism
    Answer: A
  5. Who is known for the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” argument against God’s existence?
    A) Richard Dawkins
    B) Sam Harris
    C) Bertrand Russell
    D) Christopher Hitchens
    Answer: C

Section 15: Defense of Christianity (Continued)

  1. Who wrote “The Case for Christ”?
    A) Ravi Zacharias
    B) Lee Strobel
    C) C.S. Lewis
    D) William Lane Craig
    Answer: B
  2. Who wrote “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist”?
    A) Frank Turek and Norman Geisler
    B) Greg Koukl
    C) J.P. Moreland
    D) Tim Keller
    Answer: A
  3. The phrase “faith seeking understanding” is associated with:
    A) Thomas Aquinas
    B) Anselm of Canterbury
    C) Augustine
    D) John Calvin
    Answer: B
  4. Who said, “Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning”?
    A) C.S. Lewis
    B) G.K. Chesterton
    C) William Lane Craig
    D) Francis Schaeffer
    Answer: A
  5. The phrase “Pascal’s Wager” refers to:
    A) A philosophical argument for faith in God
    B) The idea that morality is relative
    C) The belief that science can replace religion
    D) The notion that Jesus was a myth
    Answer: A
  6. The phrase “faith and reason are compatible” is supported by:
    A) Thomas Aquinas
    B) David Hume
    C) Karl Marx
    D) Friedrich Nietzsche
    Answer: A
  7. Who is known for the “Moral Argument” for God’s existence?
    A) Immanuel Kant
    B) William Lane Craig
    C) Richard Swinburne
    D) Alvin Plantinga
    Answer: B
  8. Which book defends miracles as possible and rational?
    A) “The Problem of Pain” by C.S. Lewis
    B) “Miracles” by C.S. Lewis
    C) “Reasonable Faith” by William Lane Craig
    D) “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins
    Answer: B
  9. The phrase “irreducible complexity” is often used in debates about:
    A) The origin of life
    B) The moral argument
    C) The existence of evil
    D) The problem of suffering
    Answer: A
  10. Who is one of the most well-known Christian apologists today?
    A) Sam Harris
    B) William Lane Craig
    C) Bart Ehrman
    D) Daniel Dennett
    Answer: B


Section 16: The Existence of God (Continued)

  1. The argument that the universe exhibits evidence of fine-tuning to support life is known as:
    A) The Kalam Cosmological Argument
    B) The Teleological Argument
    C) The Ontological Argument
    D) The Moral Argument
    Answer: B
  2. Who said, “I am not an atheist because of evidence, but because I do not want the world to have meaning”?
    A) Bertrand Russell
    B) Friedrich Nietzsche
    C) Aldous Huxley
    D) Richard Dawkins
    Answer: C
  3. The idea that God is necessary for the existence of objective moral values is central to:
    A) The Teleological Argument
    B) The Cosmological Argument
    C) The Moral Argument
    D) The Ontological Argument
    Answer: C
  4. The “First Mover” argument is attributed to:
    A) Immanuel Kant
    B) Thomas Aquinas
    C) Blaise Pascal
    D) David Hume
    Answer: B
  5. Who wrote The Dawkins Delusion as a response to The God Delusion?
    A) William Lane Craig
    B) John Lennox
    C) Alvin Plantinga
    D) Alister McGrath
    Answer: D

Section 17: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ (Continued)

  1. The “empty tomb” argument for the resurrection is strengthened by:
    A) Jewish leaders claiming the body was stolen
    B) Women being the first witnesses
    C) The tomb being publicly known
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  2. The resurrection of Jesus is recorded in which of the following books?
    A) Only Matthew and John
    B) Only Matthew, Mark, and Luke
    C) All four Gospels
    D) Only John
    Answer: C
  3. Jesus’ claim to be the “Son of Man” is a reference to:
    A) His humanity
    B) A title from Daniel 7 referring to the Messiah
    C) His humility
    D) A mistranslation
    Answer: B
  4. The Apostle Paul states that Christianity is worthless if:
    A) Christians are persecuted
    B) The Bible is not inerrant
    C) Jesus did not rise from the dead
    D) The Church does not grow
    Answer: C
  5. Who wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins”?
    A) Peter
    B) Paul
    C) John
    D) James
    Answer: B

Section 18: The Authority and Truth of the Bible (Continued)

  1. The Masoretic Text is significant because it is:
    A) The oldest New Testament manuscript
    B) A Greek translation of the Bible
    C) The authoritative Hebrew text of the Old Testament
    D) A collection of Gnostic writings
    Answer: C
  2. The term “Septuagint” refers to:
    A) The Latin Vulgate
    B) The Greek translation of the Old Testament
    C) The oldest Dead Sea Scroll
    D) The first printed Bible
    Answer: B
  3. Who discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls?
    A) Archaeologists
    B) Bedouin shepherds
    C) Jewish rabbis
    D) Christian missionaries
    Answer: B
  4. The Bible was written over a period of approximately:
    A) 500 years
    B) 1,000 years
    C) 1,500 years
    D) 2,000 years
    Answer: C
  5. Which of the following early church fathers confirmed the four Gospels as authoritative?
    A) Origen
    B) Irenaeus
    C) Tertullian
    D) Augustine
    Answer: B

Section 19: Challenges to Christianity (Continued)

  1. The view that truth is relative and there is no absolute truth is known as:
    A) Naturalism
    B) Postmodernism
    C) Empiricism
    D) Rationalism
    Answer: B
  2. The argument that miracles are impossible because they violate the laws of nature is associated with:
    A) Richard Dawkins
    B) David Hume
    C) Karl Marx
    D) Bertrand Russell
    Answer: B
  3. What does the “Problem of Divine Hiddenness” argue?
    A) That God is too obvious to deny
    B) That if God exists, He would make His existence clearer
    C) That God does not intervene in human affairs
    D) That miracles prove God’s existence
    Answer: B
  4. The claim that Christianity borrowed its resurrection story from pagan myths is refuted by:
    A) Lack of historical evidence for similar pagan myths
    B) The unique Jewish context of Jesus’ resurrection
    C) Eyewitness testimonies
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  5. Who is known for popularizing the idea that Jesus was just a myth?
    A) Dan Brown
    B) Richard Carrier
    C) Bart Ehrman
    D) William Lane Craig
    Answer: B

Section 20: Defense of Christianity (Continued)

  1. The term “presuppositional apologetics” refers to:
    A) Defending Christianity by assuming it is true
    B) Relying solely on historical evidence
    C) Arguing against evolution
    D) Using philosophy to prove God’s existence
    Answer: A
  2. The “Moral Argument” was famously used by which philosopher?
    A) Immanuel Kant
    B) John Locke
    C) Søren Kierkegaard
    D) David Hume
    Answer: A
  3. The “Fine-Tuning Argument” states that:
    A) The universe was created randomly
    B) The physical constants of the universe are precisely set for life
    C) Evolution is the best explanation for life
    D) Christianity is a cultural phenomenon
    Answer: B
  4. Who wrote The Reason for God?
    A) C.S. Lewis
    B) Tim Keller
    C) John Lennox
    D) Greg Koukl
    Answer: B
  5. The term “worldview” refers to:
    A) A personal religious experience
    B) The way a person interprets reality
    C) A theological system
    D) A philosophical method
    Answer: B
  6. The “Trilemma” argument (Liar, Lunatic, or Lord) was proposed by:
    A) William Lane Craig
    B) G.K. Chesterton
    C) C.S. Lewis
    D) Norman Geisler
    Answer: C
  7. Who wrote Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions?
    A) Greg Koukl
    B) Ravi Zacharias
    C) Frank Turek
    D) William Lane Craig
    Answer: A
  8. The idea that science and Christianity are fundamentally opposed is known as:
    A) The Warfare Thesis
    B) The Anthropic Principle
    C) The Fine-Tuning Argument
    D) The Cosmological Argument
    Answer: A
  9. Which Christian philosopher is famous for defending belief in God as “properly basic”?
    A) John Lennox
    B) William Lane Craig
    C) Alvin Plantinga
    D) J.P. Moreland
    Answer: C
  10. The purpose of apologetics is to:
    A) Win debates
    B) Defend Christianity and help people come to faith
    C) Show that Christianity is superior to other religions
    D) Prove all atheists wrong
    Answer: B


Section 21: The Existence of God (Continued)

  1. Which argument states that everything that begins to exist must have a cause?
    A) The Ontological Argument
    B) The Moral Argument
    C) The Teleological Argument
    D) The Kalam Cosmological Argument
    Answer: D
  2. Who is a well-known proponent of the Kalam Cosmological Argument?
    A) William Lane Craig
    B) Alvin Plantinga
    C) C.S. Lewis
    D) Richard Swinburne
    Answer: A
  3. The idea that the universe is “finely tuned” for life suggests:
    A) Random chance explains the universe
    B) A designer is responsible for its precision
    C) Evolution disproves theism
    D) The multiverse theory is correct
    Answer: B
  4. The “Anthropic Principle” suggests that:
    A) The universe was designed for human life
    B) Humans create their own reality
    C) The Bible is outdated
    D) Atheism is the best explanation for existence
    Answer: A
  5. Who said, “I had no intention of becoming a Christian… but I was compelled by the weight of evidence”?
    A) C.S. Lewis
    B) Antony Flew
    C) Richard Dawkins
    D) Francis Collins
    Answer: A

Section 22: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ (Continued)

  1. Which first-century Jewish historian wrote about Jesus?
    A) Tacitus
    B) Pliny the Younger
    C) Josephus
    D) Suetonius
    Answer: C
  2. The “Minimal Facts Argument” for the resurrection was developed by:
    A) William Lane Craig
    B) Gary Habermas
    C) N.T. Wright
    D) Bart Ehrman
    Answer: B
  3. The Apostle Paul’s conversion is significant because:
    A) He was a Roman governor
    B) He was originally a persecutor of Christians
    C) He wrote most of the Old Testament
    D) He never met Jesus
    Answer: B
  4. The earliest creedal statement about Jesus’ resurrection is found in:
    A) The Gospel of John
    B) 1 Corinthians 15
    C) Acts 2
    D) Romans 8
    Answer: B
  5. Which of the following is NOT an argument used against the resurrection?
    A) The disciples hallucinated Jesus
    B) Jesus never actually died
    C) The resurrection story was a later invention
    D) The resurrection was witnessed by 500 people
    Answer: D

Section 23: The Authority and Truth of the Bible (Continued)

  1. The earliest complete manuscript of the New Testament is:
    A) The Dead Sea Scrolls
    B) Codex Sinaiticus
    C) The Septuagint
    D) The Latin Vulgate
    Answer: B
  2. The doctrine of biblical inspiration means:
    A) The Bible was written by human wisdom alone
    B) The Bible was dictated word-for-word by God
    C) God guided the human authors to write His message
    D) The Bible contains errors but is still useful
    Answer: C
  3. The Gospel of Luke is unique because:
    A) It was written in Aramaic
    B) It was written by a Gentile
    C) It was the shortest Gospel
    D) It contains no parables
    Answer: B
  4. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the accuracy of which Old Testament book?
    A) Genesis
    B) Psalms
    C) Isaiah
    D) Lamentations
    Answer: C
  5. Which Old Testament prophet predicted the suffering of the Messiah?
    A) Jeremiah
    B) Ezekiel
    C) Isaiah
    D) Daniel
    Answer: C

Section 24: Challenges to Christianity (Continued)

  1. The term “scientific naturalism” refers to:
    A) The belief that only natural causes exist
    B) A belief in supernatural miracles
    C) The acceptance of both science and faith
    D) The rejection of all religious beliefs
    Answer: A
  2. Atheists argue that belief in God is like belief in:
    A) The laws of physics
    B) The Easter Bunny or Santa Claus
    C) The importance of morality
    D) A historical event
    Answer: B
  3. What is the “God Hypothesis”?
    A) The belief that God exists based on faith alone
    B) The idea that science can prove God’s existence
    C) The argument that God is the best explanation for the universe
    D) The claim that God is unnecessary for morality
    Answer: C
  4. The idea that Christianity is simply a psychological crutch was proposed by:
    A) Sigmund Freud
    B) Karl Marx
    C) Friedrich Nietzsche
    D) David Hume
    Answer: A
  5. Which book critiques Christianity by calling it the “opium of the people”?
    A) The God Delusion
    B) The Communist Manifesto
    C) Thus Spoke Zarathustra
    D) A Critique of Pure Reason
    Answer: B

Section 25: Defense of Christianity (Continued)

  1. Which Christian apologist debated Christopher Hitchens in Does God Exist?
    A) John Lennox
    B) Greg Koukl
    C) William Lane Craig
    D) Lee Strobel
    Answer: C
  2. The phrase “God is not dead” comes from:
    A) Friedrich Nietzsche
    B) Blaise Pascal
    C) William Lane Craig
    D) N.T. Wright
    Answer: A
  3. Which of the following philosophers argued that belief in God is “properly basic”?
    A) Bertrand Russell
    B) Alvin Plantinga
    C) David Hume
    D) Thomas Aquinas
    Answer: B
  4. The Moral Argument suggests that:
    A) Morality is subjective
    B) If objective morality exists, God must exist
    C) Religion is not necessary for moral behavior
    D) Morality comes from social evolution
    Answer: B
  5. The book Cold-Case Christianity was written by:
    A) J. Warner Wallace
    B) Josh McDowell
    C) Ravi Zacharias
    D) Norman Geisler
    Answer: A
  6. Who said, “If God does not exist, everything is permissible”?
    A) Dostoevsky
    B) Nietzsche
    C) Sartre
    D) Camus
    Answer: A
  7. The Moral Argument is closely associated with:
    A) Immanuel Kant
    B) Richard Dawkins
    C) Stephen Hawking
    D) Charles Darwin
    Answer: A
  8. The Pascal’s Wager argument claims:
    A) Believing in God is the safest bet
    B) Christianity is the only true religion
    C) Faith must be based on evidence
    D) Atheism is more rational
    Answer: A
  9. Who wrote The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus?
    A) Lee Strobel
    B) Gary Habermas and Michael Licona
    C) Tim Keller
    D) Greg Koukl
    Answer: B
  10. The primary purpose of apologetics is to:
    A) Argue against atheists
    B) Defend and explain the truth of Christianity
    C) Prove all other religions false
    D) Win debates at all costs
    Answer: B


Section 26: Christianity and Science

  1. The Big Bang theory is compatible with Christianity because:
    A) It suggests the universe had a beginning
    B) It proves God does not exist
    C) It states the universe is eternal
    D) It contradicts Genesis 1
    Answer: A
  2. The fine-tuning argument in science suggests:
    A) The universe exists by random chance
    B) The universe is designed for life
    C) The laws of physics are chaotic
    D) There is no evidence for design
    Answer: B
  3. Who was a Christian scientist and the founder of modern genetics?
    A) Isaac Newton
    B) Gregor Mendel
    C) Charles Darwin
    D) Albert Einstein
    Answer: B
  4. Which of the following scientists was a devout Christian?
    A) Francis Crick
    B) Richard Dawkins
    C) Isaac Newton
    D) Stephen Hawking
    Answer: C
  5. The discovery of DNA supports theism because:
    A) DNA is a complex information system
    B) DNA disproves the Bible
    C) Evolution explains DNA completely
    D) DNA is evidence of randomness
    Answer: A

Section 27: Historical Reliability of the Bible

  1. Which archaeological discovery confirmed the existence of Pontius Pilate?
    A) The Dead Sea Scrolls
    B) The Pilate Stone
    C) The Rosetta Stone
    D) The Nag Hammadi Library
    Answer: B
  2. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain manuscripts of:
    A) The entire New Testament
    B) Old Testament books and Jewish writings
    C) The Gnostic Gospels
    D) Letters from Paul
    Answer: B
  3. How many ancient manuscripts of the New Testament exist?
    A) Less than 100
    B) Around 1,000
    C) Over 5,000
    D) 500
    Answer: C
  4. Which non-Christian historian mentioned Jesus in his writings?
    A) Homer
    B) Tacitus
    C) Plato
    D) Aristotle
    Answer: B
  5. The Gospels are considered historically reliable because:
    A) They were written centuries after Jesus
    B) They contain contradictions
    C) They are based on eyewitness accounts
    D) They were changed over time
    Answer: C

Section 28: Ethical Teachings of Christianity

  1. Jesus summarized the law with two commands:
    A) Love your neighbor and obey the government
    B) Love the Lord and love your neighbor
    C) Follow the Ten Commandments and love money
    D) Pray daily and read Scripture
    Answer: B
  2. The Sermon on the Mount is found in:
    A) Luke 15
    B) Matthew 5-7
    C) John 3
    D) Romans 8
    Answer: B
  3. What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus?
    A) Do not steal
    B) Love the Lord your God with all your heart
    C) Be a good person
    D) Give money to the poor
    Answer: B
  4. Which Christian teaching was revolutionary in the ancient world?
    A) Forgiveness of enemies
    B) Wealth is a sign of righteousness
    C) Survival of the fittest
    D) Might makes right
    Answer: A
  5. The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches:
    A) To love only those who believe like us
    B) The importance of helping those in need
    C) That Samaritans were superior to Jews
    D) That Jesus was a political leader
    Answer: B

Section 29: Comparative Worldviews

  1. Atheism is the belief that:
    A) God is unknowable
    B) Many gods exist
    C) There is no God
    D) Jesus is God
    Answer: C
  2. Which religion denies the divinity of Jesus?
    A) Christianity
    B) Islam
    C) Judaism
    D) Both B and C
    Answer: D
  3. Hinduism teaches that:
    A) There is one God
    B) Reincarnation is part of life
    C) Salvation comes through faith in Jesus
    D) The Bible is God’s Word
    Answer: B
  4. Buddhism teaches that the goal of life is to:
    A) Worship God
    B) Achieve Nirvana
    C) Follow Jesus
    D) Obey the Qur’an
    Answer: B
  5. The central belief of Christianity that differs from all other religions is:
    A) Jesus is the Son of God and rose from the dead
    B) Salvation is based on good works
    C) God is unknowable
    D) There are many paths to God
    Answer: A

Section 30: The Uniqueness of Christianity

  1. Christianity is unique because it teaches:
    A) Salvation by grace through faith
    B) That all religions lead to the same God
    C) That people must earn their salvation
    D) That there are many gods
    Answer: A
  2. The Trinity teaches that:
    A) God is three separate beings
    B) There are three gods
    C) God is one being in three persons
    D) Jesus was only human
    Answer: C
  3. What is the primary source of Christian doctrine?
    A) The Qur’an
    B) The Vedas
    C) The Bible
    D) Church tradition
    Answer: C
  4. The Bible teaches that sin:
    A) Is only a problem for some people
    B) Separates people from God
    C) Can be forgiven by doing good works
    D) Does not exist
    Answer: B
  5. The doctrine of original sin states that:
    A) Sin only affects those who commit serious crimes
    B) Every person is born with a sinful nature
    C) People can become perfect in this life
    D) Sin is an illusion
    Answer: B

Final Bonus Questions

  1. What is the Christian view of heaven?
    A) A place where people are reincarnated
    B) The presence of God for eternity
    C) A temporary state of being
    D) A place only for the wealthy
    Answer: B
  2. What is the purpose of baptism in Christianity?
    A) To be saved by water
    B) A public declaration of faith in Christ
    C) A guarantee of entrance into heaven
    D) A cultural tradition
    Answer: B
  3. What does the Bible say about Jesus’ return?
    A) It will be unexpected
    B) It will be at a specific date known by humans
    C) It already happened
    D) It will never happen
    Answer: A
  4. Christianity teaches that salvation is through:
    A) Good works
    B) Jesus Christ alone
    C) Following religious rituals
    D) Obeying the law
    Answer: B
  5. Who wrote most of the New Testament?
    A) Peter
    B) Paul
    C) John
    D) James
    Answer: B


Section 31: The Existence of God (True/False)

  1. The Kalam Cosmological Argument states that the universe had a beginning and therefore must have had a cause.
    Answer: True
  2. The Moral Argument claims that morality is entirely subjective and does not point to God’s existence.
    Answer: False
  3. The Teleological Argument suggests that the complexity and order of the universe imply a designer.
    Answer: True
  4. The Anthropic Principle states that the universe appears fine-tuned to support human life.
    Answer: True
  5. Atheism is the belief that God is unknowable but might exist.
    Answer: False

Section 32: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ (True/False)

  1. Jesus never claimed to be God in any way.
    Answer: False
  2. The resurrection of Jesus is supported by multiple early eyewitness testimonies.
    Answer: True
  3. The “Swoon Theory” claims that Jesus never actually died but merely fainted on the cross.
    Answer: True
  4. The Apostle Paul remained an enemy of Christianity even after claiming to see the risen Jesus.
    Answer: False
  5. The earliest Christian creed about Jesus’ resurrection is found in 1 Corinthians 15.
    Answer: True

Section 33: The Authority and Truth of the Bible (True/False)

  1. The Bible is the best-selling book of all time.
    Answer: True
  2. The Old Testament was written in Greek, while the New Testament was written in Hebrew.
    Answer: False
  3. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed that the Old Testament had been accurately preserved over time.
    Answer: True
  4. Jesus and His disciples often quoted from the Old Testament as authoritative Scripture.
    Answer: True
  5. The Bible contains no fulfilled prophecies.
    Answer: False

Section 34: Christianity and Science (True/False)

  1. Many of the founders of modern science were Christians who believed that science and faith are compatible.
    Answer: True
  2. Isaac Newton, the father of physics, was an atheist who rejected the Bible.
    Answer: False
  3. DNA, often referred to as the “language of life,” is cited as evidence of intelligent design.
    Answer: True
  4. The fine-tuning of the universe suggests that the laws of physics were randomly set without purpose.
    Answer: False
  5. The Big Bang theory contradicts the idea that the universe had a beginning.
    Answer: False

Section 35: Historical Reliability of the Bible (True/False)

  1. Archaeology has never found any evidence supporting biblical events or people.
    Answer: False
  2. The Pilate Stone is an archaeological discovery that confirms the existence of Pontius Pilate.
    Answer: True
  3. The New Testament has more surviving ancient manuscripts than any other ancient work.
    Answer: True
  4. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls showed that the Old Testament had been significantly changed over time.
    Answer: False
  5. Tacitus, a Roman historian, mentioned Jesus in his writings.
    Answer: True

Section 36: Ethical Teachings of Christianity (True/False)

  1. Jesus taught that loving God and loving others were the greatest commandments.
    Answer: True
  2. The Sermon on the Mount is found in the book of Genesis.
    Answer: False
  3. Christianity promotes the idea of vengeance rather than forgiveness.
    Answer: False
  4. Jesus taught that we should love even our enemies.
    Answer: True
  5. The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches that only those from our own religion deserve kindness.
    Answer: False

Section 37: Comparative Worldviews (True/False)

  1. Islam teaches that Jesus is the Son of God.
    Answer: False
  2. Buddhism focuses on achieving Nirvana rather than worshiping a personal God.
    Answer: True
  3. Hinduism is strictly monotheistic and teaches that there is only one God.
    Answer: False
  4. Christianity teaches that salvation is earned by doing enough good deeds.
    Answer: False
  5. Unlike Christianity, atheism denies the existence of any higher power.
    Answer: True

Section 38: The Uniqueness of Christianity (True/False)

  1. Christianity is the only major religion that teaches salvation by grace rather than works.
    Answer: True
  2. The Trinity teaches that God is one being in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    Answer: True
  3. The Bible teaches that all humans are born sinless and only become sinners later in life.
    Answer: False
  4. Jesus’ death and resurrection are central to the Christian faith.
    Answer: True
  5. Christianity is identical to all other religions in its core beliefs.
    Answer: False

Section 39: Christian Apologetics (True/False)

  1. Apologetics is the practice of apologizing for being a Christian.
    Answer: False
  2. The “Moral Argument” suggests that if objective morality exists, then God must exist.
    Answer: True
  3. Pascal’s Wager argues that believing in God is the most rational choice, even if His existence cannot be proven.
    Answer: True
  4. The “Problem of Evil” is often used as an argument against the existence of God.
    Answer: True
  5. S. Lewis was an atheist before becoming a Christian apologist.
    Answer: True

Section 40: Final Christian Beliefs (True/False)

  1. The Bible teaches that Jesus will return at an unknown time.
    Answer: True
  2. The concept of original sin means that people are born morally perfect.
    Answer: False
  3. The Bible states that salvation is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
    Answer: True
  4. Baptism is necessary for salvation according to the Bible.
    Answer: False
  5. The Christian faith is based on both faith and evidence.
    Answer: True


Section 41: The Existence of God (True/False)

  1. The Ontological Argument was proposed by St. Anselm as a logical proof for God’s existence.
    Answer: True
  2. The Cosmological Argument states that everything that begins to exist has a cause.
    Answer: True
  3. The Moral Argument claims that morality is entirely based on personal opinions.
    Answer: False
  4. Atheists believe that the universe has always existed without a cause.
    Answer: True
  5. The First Cause argument suggests that something had to exist before God.
    Answer: False

Section 42: The Deity and Resurrection of Christ (True/False)

  1. Jesus’ resurrection is a foundational doctrine of Christianity.
    Answer: True
  2. All ancient sources deny that Jesus was crucified.
    Answer: False
  3. The New Testament records that Jesus was seen by over 500 people after His resurrection.
    Answer: True
  4. The Empty Tomb argument states that Jesus’ body was stolen by His disciples.
    Answer: False
  5. The Apostle Paul was originally a strong supporter of Christianity before converting.
    Answer: False

Section 43: The Authority and Truth of the Bible (True/False)

  1. The Bible was written by more than 40 different authors over a period of about 1,500 years.
    Answer: True
  2. The Bible contains no historical or geographical details.
    Answer: False
  3. Jesus affirmed the Old Testament as the inspired Word of God.
    Answer: True
  4. The earliest copies of the Bible were written in Latin.
    Answer: False
  5. The Bible teaches that God used human authors to write Scripture while guiding them by His Spirit.
    Answer: True

Section 44: Christianity and Science (True/False)

  1. The Big Bang theory aligns with the idea that the universe had a beginning.
    Answer: True
  2. Francis Collins, a geneticist, is known for his belief that science and faith are compatible.
    Answer: True
  3. Many early scientists, such as Kepler and Newton, were Christians.
    Answer: True
  4. Evolution completely disproves the existence of God.
    Answer: False
  5. DNA has been described as containing a complex language, suggesting intelligent design.
    Answer: True

Section 45: Historical Reliability of the Bible (True/False)

  1. The Bible is the most well-preserved ancient document in history.
    Answer: True
  2. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain portions of the Old Testament that are nearly identical to today’s texts.
    Answer: True
  3. The Gospel accounts were written centuries after the events they describe.
    Answer: False
  4. Secular historians such as Josephus and Tacitus mention Jesus in their writings.
    Answer: True
  5. Archaeological discoveries have disproven many historical claims in the Bible.
    Answer: False

Section 46: Ethical Teachings of Christianity (True/False)

  1. Jesus taught that loving one’s neighbor was the second greatest commandment.
    Answer: True
  2. The Bible teaches that it is acceptable to treat others unfairly if they belong to a different culture.
    Answer: False
  3. Jesus emphasized forgiveness over revenge.
    Answer: True
  4. The Ten Commandments prohibit lying, stealing, and murder.
    Answer: True
  5. Jesus taught that wealth is the most important sign of God’s blessing.
    Answer: False

Section 47: Comparative Worldviews (True/False)

  1. All religions teach that Jesus is the Son of God.
    Answer: False
  2. Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet but not divine.
    Answer: True
  3. Hinduism teaches that the world is an illusion (Maya).
    Answer: True
  4. Buddhism promotes the worship of a single, personal God.
    Answer: False
  5. Secular humanism teaches that morality exists without the need for God.
    Answer: True

Section 48: The Uniqueness of Christianity (True/False)

  1. Christianity teaches that humans are saved by grace, not by works.
    Answer: True
  2. The doctrine of the Trinity states that there are three separate gods.
    Answer: False
  3. Jesus’ resurrection is unique among major religious figures.
    Answer: True
  4. Christianity claims that Jesus was only a great moral teacher, not divine.
    Answer: False
  5. The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead.
    Answer: True

Section 49: Christian Apologetics (True/False)

  1. Apologetics is about defending the Christian faith with reason and evidence.
    Answer: True
  2. The “Problem of Evil” is an argument often used to challenge the existence of God.
    Answer: True
  3. The Fine-Tuning Argument suggests that life in the universe exists by chance.
    Answer: False
  4. S. Lewis wrote extensively on the rational defense of Christianity.
    Answer: True
  5. The “Moral Argument” states that objective morality can exist without God.
    Answer: False

Section 50: Final Christian Beliefs (True/False)

  1. The Bible teaches that Jesus was merely a good teacher, not the Son of God.
    Answer: False
  2. The Christian concept of heaven is being in the presence of God forever.
    Answer: True
  3. The Bible predicts that Jesus will return, but no one knows the exact time.
    Answer: True
  4. Christians believe that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone.
    Answer: True
  5. The Gospel message is centered on love, grace, and forgiveness through Christ.
    Answer: True