Criminological Theory Practice Exam Quiz

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Criminological Theory Practice Exam Quiz


Which of the following is a key assumption of the classical school of criminology?

A) Crime is caused by biological factors.

B) Individuals have free will and make rational choices.

C) Social structures determine criminal behavior.

D) Crime is a result of economic inequality.


Who is considered the father of classical criminology?

A) Cesare Lombroso

B) Jeremy Bentham

C) Emile Durkheim

D) Cesare Beccaria


According to the positivist school, criminal behavior is determined by:

A) Free will and rational choice.

B) Social structures and inequalities.

C) Biological, psychological, and social factors.

D) Economic disparities.


Which theory suggests that crime occurs when there is a disjunction between societal goals and the means available to achieve them?

A) Social Learning Theory

B) Strain Theory

C) Routine Activities Theory

D) Differential Association Theory


Who developed the Differential Association Theory?

A) Edwin Sutherland

B) Robert Merton

C) Albert Cohen

D) Travis Hirschi


According to Routine Activities Theory, crime occurs when:

A) There is a lack of social bonds.

B) There is a convergence of motivated offenders, suitable targets, and lack of capable guardianship.

C) Individuals experience strain.

D) Social structures are disrupted.


Which of the following is NOT a component of Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory?

A) Attachment

B) Commitment

C) Involvement

D) Opportunity


Labeling Theory suggests that:

A) Individuals commit crimes due to biological factors.

B) Society’s reaction to individuals can lead to further deviance.

C) Crime is a result of economic inequality.

D) Social structures determine criminal behavior.


Critical criminology focuses on:

A) The biological causes of crime.

B) The role of social structures and power dynamics in crime.

C) The psychological traits of offenders.

D) The rational choices made by individuals.


Which theory emphasizes the role of social structures in influencing criminal behavior?

A) Social Learning Theory

B) Social Control Theory

C) Social Structure Theory

D) Routine Activities Theory


According to Social Learning Theory, criminal behavior is learned through:

A) Direct reinforcement and punishment.

B) Association with others who engage in crime.

C) Biological predispositions.

D) Economic necessity.


Who introduced the concept of anomie to explain deviance?

A) Emile Durkheim

B) Robert Merton

C) Albert Cohen

D) Travis Hirschi


Which of the following is a criticism of the classical school of criminology?

A) It ignores the role of social structures in crime.

B) It overemphasizes the role of free will.

C) It fails to consider psychological factors.

D) It does not account for economic disparities.


According to Social Control Theory, individuals are less likely to engage in crime when they:

A) Have strong social bonds.

B) Experience strain.

C) Associate with criminal peers.

D) Lack economic opportunities.


Which theory posits that crime is a result of the breakdown of social norms and values?

A) Social Disorganization Theory

B) Routine Activities Theory

C) Differential Association Theory

D) Strain Theory


Who is associated with the concept of the “broken windows” theory in criminology?

A) James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling

B) Edwin Sutherland

C) Robert Merton

D) Travis Hirschi


Which of the following is a key concept in Routine Activities Theory?

A) Social bonds

B) Suitable targets

C) Differential associations

D) Social structures


According to Differential Association Theory, criminal behavior is learned through:

A) Direct reinforcement and punishment.

B) Association with others who engage in crime.

C) Biological predispositions.

D) Social control mechanisms.


Which of the following theories is based on the concept of “anomie” or normlessness?

A) Strain Theory

B) Social Learning Theory

C) Social Control Theory

D) Differential Opportunity Theory


According to Marxist criminology, crime is a result of:

A) Ineffective social control.

B) Strain caused by societal expectations.

C) Economic inequalities and class conflict.

D) Poor family structures.


Which of the following is NOT a primary element of social bonds in Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory?

A) Attachment

B) Commitment

C) Involvement

D) Isolation


What is the primary focus of the General Strain Theory (GST) developed by Robert Agnew?

A) Economic inequality as a cause of crime.

B) Social structures and collective efficacy.

C) Negative emotional reactions to strain that lead to criminal behavior.

D) The role of social bonds in preventing deviance.


Which of the following is a key criticism of the Chicago School’s Social Disorganization Theory?

A) It overemphasizes the role of social class in crime.

B) It neglects individual factors and focuses too heavily on community-level variables.

C) It assumes that all societies are disorganized.

D) It ignores the role of the media in criminal behavior.


According to Cultural Deviance Theory, crime is seen as:

A) The result of social bonds weakening.

B) A learned behavior that is influenced by cultural norms and values.

C) A product of inherent psychological traits.

D) A manifestation of social inequality.


The term “secondary deviance” is associated with:

A) The first act of deviance that leads to a label.

B) The internalization of a deviant identity following societal labeling.

C) The role of media in shaping criminal behavior.

D) The involvement of family members in criminal activities.


Which of the following theories focuses on the role of power and inequality in the creation of laws and definitions of crime?

A) Marxist Criminology

B) Routine Activities Theory

C) Social Learning Theory

D) Strain Theory


Which of the following would be an example of a “suitable target” as defined in Routine Activities Theory?

A) A vulnerable elderly person

B) A person with strong social bonds

C) A capable guardian

D) A well-educated individual


Which of the following concepts is central to the Social Control Theory of crime?

A) The role of reinforcement and punishment in shaping behavior.

B) The role of strong social bonds in preventing deviance.

C) The idea that criminal behavior is learned in intimate groups.

D) The economic pressures that push people to crime.


Which theory asserts that deviance is a natural part of society and is necessary for social change?

A) Anomie Theory

B) Social Control Theory

C) Labeling Theory

D) Functionalist Theory


According to the theory of differential opportunity, individuals in lower-class areas may commit crimes because:

A) They have limited access to legitimate means of achieving societal goals.

B) They are biologically predisposed to criminal behavior.

C) They experience high levels of social strain.

D) They lack a supportive family structure.


In the context of the Conflict Theory, crime is seen as:

A) A result of psychological imbalances within individuals.

B) A way for marginalized groups to express discontent with social inequalities.

C) The consequence of weak social bonds and community disorganization.

D) A learned behavior transmitted through social interactions.


According to the Feminist Criminology perspective, crime is influenced by:

A) The biological sex differences between men and women.

B) The patriarchal structure and gender inequality in society.

C) The differential power of political systems.

D) The economic pressure placed on women in society.


According to Merton’s Strain Theory, individuals who reject societal goals but accept the prescribed means are considered:

A) Innovators

B) Ritualists

C) Retreatists

D) Rebels


Which of the following is NOT a primary feature of the Social Learning Theory?

A) Criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others.

B) Behavior is reinforced through rewards and punishments.

C) Criminality is inherited genetically.

D) People learn crime through differential associations.


According to Edwin Lemert, primary deviance refers to:

A) The initial act of deviance that is not labeled by society.

B) The long-term consequences of criminal behavior.

C) The social labels imposed on deviant individuals.

D) The rejection of societal norms and values.


In the concept of “differential reinforcement,” criminal behavior is reinforced when:

A) The behavior is rewarded in a particular social setting.

B) The individual is punished by society.

C) The individual experiences social rejection.

D) The behavior is ignored by peers.


According to the Broken Windows Theory, crime is more likely to occur when:

A) Society lacks adequate laws and regulations.

B) Minor signs of disorder or neglect are present in the environment.

C) Individuals experience high levels of stress and strain.

D) Police presence is inadequate in high-crime areas.


Which of the following concepts is central to the concept of anomie?

A) The breakdown of social norms and values.

B) The social control mechanisms that prevent deviance.

C) The influence of peer groups on criminal behavior.

D) The importance of biological traits in criminality.


According to the Life Course Theory, criminal behavior is best understood as:

A) A result of biological predisposition.

B) A static trait that remains constant over time.

C) A process that unfolds over the course of an individual’s life.

D) A result of childhood socialization.


Which of the following is an assumption of Routine Activities Theory?

A) Crime is the result of structural and economic inequalities.

B) Crime is a learned behavior that is reinforced through social interactions.

C) Crime occurs when there is a convergence of motivated offenders, suitable targets, and lack of guardianship.

D) Crime is largely caused by strain or frustration.


In the context of Social Control Theory, which of the following is NOT a type of social bond?

A) Attachment

B) Commitment

C) Involvement

D) Isolation


Which of the following best describes the concept of “social disorganization” in criminology?

A) The inability of a community to regulate itself and prevent crime.

B) The breakdown of family structures in urban areas.

C) The absence of laws and formal rules governing society.

D) The unequal distribution of resources among social groups.


According to Merton, individuals who reject both the societal goals and the prescribed means of achieving them are considered:

A) Innovators

B) Ritualists

C) Retreatists

D) Rebels


Which of the following is an example of “innovation” in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) A person who accepts societal goals and follows prescribed means.

B) A person who rejects societal goals but follows the prescribed means.

C) A person who creates new means to achieve societal goals (e.g., committing crime).

D) A person who rejects both societal goals and means.


According to Social Control Theory, which of the following would increase the likelihood of deviant behavior?

A) Strong social bonds and relationships.

B) Limited involvement in conventional activities.

C) High levels of commitment to conventional institutions.

D) Strong attachment to family and friends.


The concept of “status frustration” is associated with which theory?

A) Strain Theory

B) Social Control Theory

C) Cultural Deviance Theory

D) Differential Association Theory


Which of the following statements best represents the approach of Marxist criminology?

A) Crime is caused by a breakdown of societal norms.

B) Crime is the result of unequal distribution of resources and power.

C) Crime is primarily an individual choice.

D) Crime is best understood through psychological traits.


According to the Control Balance Theory, individuals are most likely to engage in deviant behavior when:

A) They have a high degree of control over others but low control over their own actions.

B) They are highly attached to conventional institutions.

C) They experience severe economic strain.

D) They associate with criminal peers.


Which of the following would be an example of “primary deviance” in Labeling Theory?

A) An individual who is caught and labeled as a criminal by society.

B) A person who continues to engage in deviant behavior after being labeled.

C) An individual committing a minor act of deviance that does not lead to a criminal label.

D) A person who internalizes a deviant identity after societal rejection.


According to the Social Disorganization Theory, crime is most likely to occur in areas that:

A) Have a high level of social control.

B) Have a high concentration of middle-class families.

C) Experience a breakdown in community relationships and social institutions.

D) Have low levels of poverty and unemployment.


The idea that individuals engage in crime when they experience blocked opportunities for success is central to:

A) Strain Theory

B) Differential Association Theory

C) Social Learning Theory

D) Routine Activities Theory


In the context of Labeling Theory, the process by which individuals internalize their deviant identity is known as:

A) Primary deviance

B) Secondary deviance

C) Social strain

D) Deviant amplification


Which of the following is a major critique of the Social Bond Theory by Travis Hirschi?

A) It places too much emphasis on the role of social bonds in preventing crime.

B) It fails to account for how social bonds are formed.

C) It ignores the role of environmental factors in criminal behavior.

D) It does not explain why some people with weak bonds do not engage in criminal behavior.


Which of the following is a criticism of Routine Activities Theory?

A) It overemphasizes the role of environmental factors in criminal behavior.

B) It fails to consider the motivations behind criminal acts.

C) It neglects the influence of social and economic structures.

D) It focuses too much on individual traits and personal decisions.


Which criminological theory would be most concerned with the way laws are created and enforced to benefit the powerful and maintain social inequality?

A) Marxist Criminology

B) Routine Activities Theory

C) Social Disorganization Theory

D) Differential Opportunity Theory


According to Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory, individuals become criminal because they:

A) Are biologically predisposed to crime.

B) Experience strain or frustration.

C) Learn criminal behavior through interactions with others.

D) Are labeled by society as deviant.


Which of the following is a key concept in the General Strain Theory (GST) developed by Robert Agnew?

A) The role of societal expectations in creating crime.

B) The internalization of a deviant identity.

C) The strain caused by the inability to achieve positively valued goals.

D) The breakdown of family and community bonds.


Which of the following is NOT a type of adaptation identified by Robert Merton in his Strain Theory?

A) Conformity

B) Innovation

C) Rebellion

D) Retreatism


In the context of Social Learning Theory, what does the concept of “differential reinforcement” mean?

A) Criminal behavior is learned through association with criminal peers.

B) Behavior that is reinforced by rewards is more likely to be repeated.

C) Criminal behavior is motivated by social strain.

D) Individuals are punished for their deviant acts, which deters future criminal behavior.


Which of the following best describes the concept of “reintegrative shaming” in criminology?

A) Shaming that stigmatizes individuals, leading them to embrace criminal behavior.

B) Shaming that labels individuals as criminals and leads to their exclusion from society.

C) A process of shaming that encourages individuals to reintegrate into society after committing a crime.

D) A type of punishment that isolates offenders from society.


Which of the following is a central idea in the Control Balance Theory?

A) Deviant behavior results from a lack of social control.

B) Deviance is caused by imbalanced control in society.

C) Social control mechanisms are ineffective in preventing crime.

D) Social disorganization leads to increased criminal behavior.


Which of the following statements is most associated with Conflict Criminology?

A) Crime is a product of personal moral failings.

B) Crime is a reflection of the conflict between different social classes.

C) Crime is caused by the breakdown of community norms and values.

D) Crime is learned through social interaction with criminal peers.


According to the Broken Windows Theory, which of the following would be the best strategy for reducing crime in a neighborhood?

A) Focus on improving economic opportunities for residents.

B) Crack down on all criminal behavior, regardless of severity.

C) Address minor acts of disorder (e.g., broken windows) to prevent more serious crimes.

D) Increase police presence in high-crime areas.


Which of the following is a key element of Labeling Theory?

A) People who are labeled as deviant are more likely to engage in further deviant behavior.

B) Crime results from biological and psychological factors.

C) Social bonds are the primary factor preventing criminal behavior.

D) Deviant behavior is learned from peers in intimate groups.


According to the Routine Activities Theory, which of the following factors increases the likelihood of crime occurring?

A) Strong community bonds and surveillance.

B) The presence of suitable targets and lack of capable guardianship.

C) A high degree of social cohesion and conformity.

D) Increased opportunities for legitimate economic success.


Which of the following best describes the concept of “cultural deviance”?

A) Criminal behavior is learned in subcultures with different values than mainstream society.

B) Deviance results from individual psychological issues or disorders.

C) Crime is caused by a breakdown in social control and law enforcement.

D) Deviant behavior occurs when individuals are exposed to too much strain.


Which of the following is true according to Social Control Theory?

A) Crime is a result of the inability to achieve societal goals.

B) Crime is a learned behavior passed on through differential associations.

C) Crime is more likely when there is a lack of attachment to conventional institutions.

D) Crime is the result of inequalities in the distribution of resources.


Which criminological theory would most likely argue that crime results from an imbalance between societal goals and the means to achieve them?

A) Strain Theory

B) Differential Association Theory

C) Routine Activities Theory

D) Conflict Theory


Which of the following would be considered an example of a “suitable target” in Routine Activities Theory?

A) A child with strong parental supervision.

B) A wealthy person carrying a valuable item in public.

C) A person with a strong network of friends and family.

D) A well-protected government building.


Which of the following is central to the concept of “differential opportunity” in the context of crime?

A) Individuals are born predisposed to deviance.

B) People commit crimes because they have access to criminal opportunities.

C) Crime occurs when individuals experience frustration and anger.

D) Criminal behavior results from the inability to conform to social norms.


Which of the following would be an example of “primary deviance” according to Edwin Lemert’s Labeling Theory?

A) A person who has been arrested and becomes known as a criminal in society.

B) A teenager who experiments with marijuana for the first time.

C) An individual who develops a deviant identity and continues engaging in criminal behavior.

D) A person who refuses to conform to society’s rules and becomes labeled a deviant.


In Control Theory, the “attachment” component refers to:

A) The emotional connection to one’s parents or caregivers.

B) The degree to which individuals conform to social norms.

C) The social bond individuals have to conventional society.

D) The fear of punishment or the consequences of deviant acts.


According to Routine Activities Theory, which of the following is NOT considered a factor that facilitates crime?

A) A lack of capable guardianship.

B) A suitable target.

C) An increase in social cohesion.

D) A motivated offender.


According to the Marxist perspective in criminology, the state serves the interests of:

A) The working class.

B) The dominant economic class.

C) All citizens equally.

D) Those most affected by crime.


Which of the following is an example of a “social bond” in Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory?

A) The social and economic resources available to an individual.

B) The connections an individual has with other people who do not engage in criminal behavior.

C) The opportunity to commit crimes without being caught.

D) The sense of identity and purpose someone gains from being a member of a criminal group.


Which of the following criminological theories focuses on the idea that people learn criminal behavior from peers and social interactions?

A) Routine Activities Theory

B) Differential Association Theory

C) Strain Theory

D) Control Theory


According to Social Control Theory, individuals are more likely to commit crimes when:

A) They are exposed to too much strain.

B) They have weak or broken social bonds.

C) They associate with people who engage in criminal behavior.

D) They experience economic hardships and lack opportunities.


Which of the following best describes the concept of “anomie” in the context of Strain Theory?

A) The breakdown of traditional social bonds.

B) A state of normlessness where societal values are unclear or conflicting.

C) The process of becoming labeled as deviant by society.

D) A type of social control that prevents criminal behavior.


Which of the following statements about the Cultural Deviance Theory is true?

A) Crime is a result of individual psychological factors and is unrelated to social conditions.

B) Criminal behavior is learned within subcultures that have values in opposition to mainstream norms.

C) Crime arises when individuals experience social isolation and lack positive role models.

D) Criminals are born, not made, according to biological theories.


Which of the following theories suggests that crime is a result of the breakdown of social norms and community structure?

A) Social Learning Theory

B) Social Disorganization Theory

C) Strain Theory

D) Conflict Theory


In Marxist criminology, the concept of “false consciousness” refers to:

A) The inability of the working class to understand the true nature of their oppression.

B) The awareness of class struggles and inequality within society.

C) The influence of media on public perception of crime.

D) The natural desire for wealth and power that drives criminal behavior.


In the context of Differential Reinforcement Theory, reinforcement refers to:

A) The punishment that follows criminal behavior.

B) The acceptance of deviant behavior by society.

C) The positive or negative responses that increase or decrease the likelihood of criminal behavior.

D) The moral support given by family and friends to avoid crime.


Which of the following is a central principle of Critical Criminology?

A) Crime is an individual choice that is influenced by societal norms.

B) Crime is a reflection of inequalities in wealth, power, and social status.

C) Criminal behavior results from the breakdown of social institutions.

D) Crime is caused by biological and psychological factors.


Which of the following would be an example of “innovative” behavior in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) A person who accepts societal goals but uses illegal means to achieve them (e.g., selling drugs to make money).

B) A person who rejects societal goals and means, opting for deviance.

C) A person who adheres to societal goals and uses legitimate means to achieve them.

D) A person who retreats from society and avoids both goals and means.


Which criminological theory suggests that criminal behavior is learned in social interactions with others, especially within intimate groups?

A) Conflict Theory

B) Labeling Theory

C) Differential Association Theory

D) Social Bond Theory


The concept of “secondary deviance” refers to:

A) The initial act of deviance that leads to labeling.

B) Deviance that occurs in response to societal labeling.

C) The reintegration of individuals back into society after they engage in deviant acts.

D) Deviant behavior that is accepted by society as normal.


According to the General Strain Theory, strain can result from:

A) Failure to achieve positively valued goals.

B) Strong bonds to conventional society.

C) Close family connections.

D) Lack of financial success.


Which of the following is a criticism of the Social Learning Theory?

A) It focuses too much on the role of internal moral codes in preventing crime.

B) It overemphasizes the role of biological factors in criminal behavior.

C) It does not explain why some individuals learn criminal behavior and others do not.

D) It fails to account for environmental factors that may influence crime.


Which theory argues that crime results from the tension between societal goals and the limited means to achieve them, leading individuals to adapt in various ways?

A) Strain Theory

B) Social Learning Theory

C) Labeling Theory

D) Social Control Theory


Which of the following statements aligns with the key premise of labeling theory?

A) People commit crimes when they are exposed to social conflict.

B) Deviance is learned through interactions with others.

C) The criminal justice system defines and enforces deviant behavior.

D) People commit crimes due to a breakdown in social institutions.


According to Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory, individuals are most likely to experience strain when:

A) They achieve societal goals through conventional means.

B) They are exposed to negative stimuli.

C) They receive positive reinforcement for deviant acts.

D) They have strong social bonds to family and community.


According to the Feminist Criminology perspective, crime is often related to:

A) Biological factors influencing criminal behavior.

B) Gender inequality and the patriarchy.

C) The economic status of offenders.

D) The failure of the state to enforce laws equally.


Which of the following concepts in the social learning theory refers to the internalization of criminal behavior through reinforcement and modeling?

A) Differential reinforcement

B) Social bonding

C) Strain

D) Labeling


According to Merton’s Strain Theory, which adaptation to strain involves an individual rejecting societal goals but still adhering to prescribed means, such as retreating into alcohol or drug use?

A) Conformity

B) Innovation

C) Ritualism

D) Rebellion


Which of the following theories is primarily concerned with understanding the role of social structure in shaping criminal behavior?

A) Social Learning Theory

B) Strain Theory

C) Differential Association Theory

D) Routine Activities Theory


According to the Conflict Theory in criminology, who holds the power to define and criminalize behavior?

A) The working class

B) Law-abiding citizens

C) The ruling class or elites

D) Community leaders


In social disorganization theory, a key factor in explaining crime is:

A) Lack of access to education and employment.

B) The breakdown of community institutions and social networks.

C) Biological predispositions to criminal behavior.

D) The cultural transmission of values promoting crime.


Which theory emphasizes that criminal behavior is a learned behavior passed down from generation to generation within families or close-knit social groups?

A) Strain Theory

B) Differential Association Theory

C) Conflict Theory

D) Labeling Theory


The concept of “residual rule breaking” in labeling theory refers to:

A) The process of criminal behavior becoming normalized in certain social groups.

B) Behavior that cannot be easily categorized within legal or social norms.

C) The behavior that occurs once an individual is labeled a deviant.

D) Deviant behavior that occurs without prior criminal intent.


Which theory suggests that crime is a result of individuals learning the motivations, techniques, and rationalizations for engaging in criminal behavior?

A) Labeling Theory

B) Differential Association Theory

C) Strain Theory

D) Control Theory


Which of the following is true about Control Theory’s “attachment” element?

A) It refers to the individual’s emotional bond with others.

B) It suggests that social bonds are irrelevant to criminal behavior.

C) It emphasizes that people with strong attachments are more likely to commit crimes.

D) It suggests that social bonds influence behavior only in childhood.


The “differential reinforcement” aspect of Social Learning Theory implies that:

A) Criminal behavior is learned through exposure to criminal behavior and is reinforced by rewards.

B) Criminals are born with inherent traits that cause them to commit crimes.

C) Deviance occurs when social norms become too rigid.

D) People commit crimes due to strain and frustration from societal pressures.


Which of the following is an example of “conformity” in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) A person who resorts to criminal behavior to achieve societal goals.

B) A person who accepts societal goals and adheres to the prescribed means to achieve them.

C) A person who rejects both societal goals and means and advocates for rebellion.

D) A person who accepts societal goals but rejects conventional means, opting for innovative solutions.


According to Routine Activities Theory, a “motivated offender” is someone who:

A) Is unable to commit crimes due to weak social bonds.

B) Is likely to commit crimes when there is a lack of guardianship and a suitable target.

C) Has been labeled deviant by society and is thus more inclined to offend.

D) Is influenced by social or economic strains leading to criminal behavior.


Which of the following is a major critique of Strain Theory?

A) It ignores the social structures that promote crime.

B) It fails to consider the psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior.

C) It assumes all individuals experience strain in the same way.

D) It suggests that individuals commit crimes based solely on economic motives.


Which criminological theory focuses on the relationship between inequality, power, and the law?

A) Marxist Criminology

B) Social Control Theory

C) Labeling Theory

D) Social Learning Theory


Which of the following is an assumption of Social Learning Theory?

A) Criminal behavior is biologically inherited.

B) Criminal behavior is a result of social bonds and attachments.

C) Crime occurs when individuals are exposed to pro-criminal attitudes and behaviors.

D) Crime is an individual choice, free of external influences.


Which of the following is a key concept in Social Bond Theory?

A) The presence of a supportive family network will reduce the likelihood of criminal behavior.

B) Criminal behavior is often the result of an individual’s inability to conform to societal expectations.

C) An individual’s willingness to engage in deviant acts increases when social controls are weakened.

D) Crime is a result of economic factors alone.


What does “retreatism” refer to in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) Rejecting both societal goals and the means of achieving them and withdrawing from society.

B) Accepting societal goals but rejecting the means to achieve them.

C) Accepting societal goals and using unconventional means to achieve them.

D) Resisting societal goals while seeking new means of achieving success.


Which of the following does Conflict Theory emphasize about the criminal justice system?

A) It is designed to serve and protect the interests of all social classes equally.

B) It criminalizes behaviors that threaten the economic interests of the ruling class.

C) It ensures that offenders are rehabilitated into society through education and therapy.

D) It reduces crime by increasing the social integration of marginalized groups.


According to Albert Cohen’s status frustration theory, lower-class youth are likely to engage in delinquent behavior because:

A) They are biologically predisposed to criminality.

B) They are frustrated by their inability to achieve success in middle-class society.

C) They are simply influenced by peers to commit crimes.

D) They lack the proper socialization at home.


According to Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory, which of the following is NOT a key element of social bonds?

A) Attachment to others

B) Commitment to conventional goals

C) Belief in the moral validity of laws

D) Pressure from deviant peers


In Routine Activities Theory, a “suitable target” refers to:

A) A person who is able to defend themselves from victimization.

B) A person who is in a location where crime is likely to occur.

C) A person who is involved in high-risk behaviors.

D) A person who is engaged in routine daily activities.


The concept of “secondary deviance” in labeling theory refers to:

A) A person who commits a single act of deviance but is not labeled as deviant.

B) Deviant behavior that results from the labeling process itself.

C) Deviance that is explained by personal choice rather than social labels.

D) A person who becomes a deviant after committing an initial crime.


According to Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory, criminal behavior is learned through:

A) Exposure to strong social bonds and values.

B) The individual’s economic hardship and desire for wealth.

C) Social interaction with people who promote deviant behavior.

D) A reaction to biological predispositions toward violence.


The Broken Windows Theory suggests that:

A) Minor crimes lead to more serious crimes if left unchecked.

B) Crime is a natural consequence of social inequality.

C) Social bonds prevent individuals from committing crimes.

D) Economic disparities cause crime rates to rise.


Which of the following is an assumption of the Social Control Theory?

A) People are inherently motivated to engage in deviant behavior.

B) Deviance occurs when social bonds to family, friends, and institutions are weakened.

C) Social disorganization leads to an increase in criminal behavior.

D) Crime is primarily a result of an individual’s mental health issues.


Which of the following criminological theories is most concerned with the role of labels in defining criminal behavior?

A) Differential Association Theory

B) Labeling Theory

C) Strain Theory

D) Routine Activities Theory


According to Charles Tittle’s Control Balance Theory, which of the following would most likely lead to criminal behavior?

A) A person having a high degree of control over others but little control over themselves.

B) A person with no control over their life who remains passive and avoids deviance.

C) A person who has strong social bonds to family and community.

D) A person who is constantly exposed to deviant behavior in their community.


According to the General Theory of Crime (Gottfredson and Hirschi), individuals with low self-control are more likely to engage in:

A) Delayed gratification and goal-directed behavior.

B) Criminal behavior, as they are less able to resist immediate temptations.

C) Moral behavior and prosocial acts.

D) Rehabilitative efforts to improve their lives.


According to Durkheim’s concept of “anomie,” which of the following is true?

A) Anomie is caused by an excessive adherence to societal norms.

B) Anomie results from the breakdown of social norms and values, leading to normlessness.

C) Anomie refers to a complete absence of crime in society.

D) Anomie is only applicable in modern, industrial societies.


Which of the following would be considered a “cultural goal” in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) Wealth and success in American society

B) The acceptance of law and order

C) Conformity to social norms

D) Disrespect for authority


Which of the following is the key argument of Critical Criminology?

A) Criminal behavior is a result of a biological defect in individuals.

B) Laws and the criminal justice system serve the interests of the powerful, not society as a whole.

C) Crime can be eliminated through more severe punishment.

D) People commit crimes because of a lack of moral development.


Which of the following best describes “collective efficacy” as it relates to crime prevention?

A) The collective willingness of a community to support legal institutions.

B) The ability of a community to achieve common goals, particularly crime prevention, through social cohesion and trust.

C) The social effort to ensure that individuals in a neighborhood act in their own self-interest.

D) The enforcement of laws by the community itself without law enforcement agencies.


Which of the following theories emphasizes the economic roots of crime and the role of capitalist exploitation?

A) Conflict Theory

B) Social Learning Theory

C) Feminist Criminology

D) Social Control Theory


According to the Rational Choice Theory, criminals are:

A) Motivated solely by emotional impulses.

B) Acting without regard to the consequences of their actions.

C) Making decisions based on a rational calculation of risks and rewards.

D) Influenced primarily by biological or psychological factors.


Which of the following would NOT be an example of “innovative” behavior in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) An individual turns to selling drugs to achieve financial success.

B) A person begins to steal in order to survive in a competitive society.

C) A person continues to strive for success through legitimate means despite obstacles.

D) A person creates a new business to achieve success outside of traditional norms.


Which of the following best describes the concept of “neutralization” in the context of Social Learning Theory?

A) The process of justifying criminal behavior through rationalizations that minimize guilt.

B) The practice of avoiding criminal behavior by maintaining strong social bonds.

C) The process of learning criminal techniques from peers.

D) The attempt to label others as deviant to reduce one’s own sense of guilt.


In Social Bond Theory, which of the following represents the element of “commitment”?

A) The emotional attachment to family and friends.

B) The belief in societal rules and regulations.

C) The amount of energy invested in conventional activities, such as education and career.

D) The level of moral standards held by an individual.


According to Edwin Lemert’s theory of primary deviance, which of the following is true?

A) Primary deviance refers to the initial act of deviance that leads to social labeling.

B) Primary deviance refers to deviant behavior that results from societal reactions.

C) Primary deviance only occurs in middle-class communities.

D) Primary deviance is always punished by law enforcement.


Which of the following is a critique of the Rational Choice Theory?

A) It underestimates the importance of social and environmental influences on criminal behavior.

B) It only applies to white-collar crime, not street-level crime.

C) It places too much emphasis on emotions in criminal decision-making.

D) It emphasizes biological influences over individual choices.


According to labeling theory, which of the following is most likely to lead to secondary deviance?

A) A person’s criminal behavior goes unnoticed and unpunished.

B) A person is arrested and labeled as a criminal, leading them to internalize the label.

C) A person is given rehabilitation in response to their deviant behavior.

D) A person engages in deviance only temporarily due to peer pressure.


Which of the following is the central idea of the Life Course Theory?

A) Criminal behavior is learned through social interactions and peer influence.

B) Crime occurs when an individual experiences a breakdown in social bonds.

C) Individuals follow a pattern of criminal behavior that persists throughout their lives.

D) Criminal behavior is influenced by events throughout a person’s life course and may change based on age and life stage.


According to Rational Choice Theory, what is the primary factor that influences criminal behavior?

A) The severity of punishment associated with a crime.

B) The emotional state of the offender.

C) The perceived benefits and costs of committing a crime.

D) The biological predisposition of an individual to commit crime.


According to Strain Theory, individuals who innovate are those who:

A) Reject societal goals but conform to accepted means.

B) Accept societal goals but reject the traditional means of achieving them.

C) Seek to create new goals and new means to achieve them.

D) Follow the norms of their society without question.


In Social Control Theory, which of the following is the key element that prevents deviance?

A) A strong desire for material success.

B) The availability of opportunities for criminal behavior.

C) Strong social bonds and attachments to family, school, and other institutions.

D) The pursuit of power and wealth.


Which of the following best defines “differential opportunity theory” in the context of criminal behavior?

A) The idea that everyone has the same opportunity to commit crime if they choose to.

B) The belief that individuals with lower social status have greater access to criminal opportunities.

C) The idea that individuals turn to deviant behavior due to lack of legitimate opportunities and the availability of illegitimate means.

D) The idea that deviant behavior is learned from peer groups.


According to the concept of “anomie” in Durkheim’s theory, what happens in society when there is an absence of social norms?

A) Individuals are more likely to conform to societal rules.

B) People are less likely to commit crimes because they understand societal expectations.

C) Social instability increases, leading to a rise in deviant behavior.

D) People develop stronger social bonds and engage in prosocial behavior.


Which theory argues that crime and deviance are learned behaviors acquired through interaction with others?

A) Control Theory

B) Conflict Theory

C) Differential Association Theory

D) Labeling Theory


Which of the following is true according to the General Strain Theory?

A) Individuals engage in crime only when they experience a breakdown in societal norms.

B) Crime is a result of people being unable to achieve societal goals through legitimate means.

C) Strain leads only to minor crimes and not to more serious criminal activity.

D) Strain is only experienced by individuals in the lower social classes.


Which of the following best describes “social learning theory” in criminology?

A) Criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others and the reinforcement of deviant actions.

B) Criminal behavior is inherited and a result of biological factors.

C) Criminal behavior is the result of societal failure to enforce laws.

D) Criminal behavior arises from an individual’s failure to bond with society.


Which of the following is a key criticism of the Social Bond Theory?

A) It overly focuses on external factors like peer influence.

B) It ignores the role of economic and social structures in shaping deviant behavior.

C) It doesn’t consider the role of individual choice in criminal behavior.

D) It only applies to street-level crime and neglects white-collar crime.


Which of the following is an example of “ritualism” in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) An individual rejects societal goals but continues to follow the conventional means, such as going to school or working, without any hope of success.

B) An individual seeks wealth but through criminal means, such as fraud.

C) An individual retreats into drug addiction, giving up on societal goals altogether.

D) An individual becomes a criminal innovator and creates new goals and means.


According to Conflict Theory, the criminal justice system primarily serves the interests of:

A) The working class.

B) The wealthy and powerful elites.

C) Minority groups and their civil rights.

D) The public interest and general safety.


The concept of “strain” in criminology refers to:

A) A situation where society’s expectations and individual capacities are in conflict, leading to deviant behavior.

B) The emotional distress caused by individuals’ inability to achieve societal success.

C) The process of learning criminal behavior from others.

D) The punishment inflicted by the legal system in response to crime.


Which of the following is an example of “conformity” in Merton’s Strain Theory?

A) An individual commits fraud to achieve wealth.

B) An individual follows societal norms and achieves success through legitimate means, like hard work.

C) An individual rejects societal goals and withdraws from social life.

D) An individual chooses to engage in deviant behavior due to peer influence.


According to the concept of “social disorganization,” what leads to higher crime rates in certain neighborhoods?

A) The presence of strong social bonds and active community organizations.

B) Economic prosperity and wealth distribution.

C) A lack of social cohesion and the breakdown of traditional community structures.

D) Strong police presence and high rates of incarceration.


Which of the following theories focuses on the role of social bonds and relationships in explaining why individuals conform to societal norms?

A) Strain Theory

B) Social Control Theory

C) Differential Association Theory

D) Rational Choice Theory


Which of the following is the main criticism of Feminist Criminology?

A) It fails to address the root causes of male crime.

B) It does not consider the impact of race and class on crime.

C) It overemphasizes the importance of gender in crime causation.

D) It neglects the role of biology in criminal behavior.


According to the concept of “social capital,” which of the following factors helps explain why some individuals are less likely to engage in criminal behavior?

A) Having high social status and wealth.

B) Strong connections and relationships within social networks and communities.

C) A high level of education and academic success.

D) A strong desire for personal success at any cost.


Which criminological theory suggests that individuals who are exposed to deviant behavior in their families or peer groups are more likely to engage in crime?

A) Rational Choice Theory

B) Social Control Theory

C) Differential Association Theory

D) Labeling Theory


Which of the following is the primary focus of the General Theory of Crime (Self-Control Theory)?

A) The role of socialization in criminal behavior.

B) The concept that crime occurs when people lack self-control.

C) The impact of social structures on criminal behavior.

D) The importance of societal reaction to criminal acts.


According to Conflict Theory, the criminal justice system is most likely to:

A) Treat all individuals equally regardless of their socioeconomic status.

B) Reflect the interests and values of the ruling class.

C) Focus on rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders.

D) Serve the best interests of marginalized groups in society.


Which of the following is true about the relationship between poverty and crime, according to Structural Strain Theory?

A) Poverty directly causes criminal behavior due to the stress of survival.

B) Poverty results from criminal behavior in society.

C) Poverty has little impact on the likelihood of criminal behavior.

D) Poverty is unrelated to crime and deviance in society.


According to the Routine Activities Theory, crime occurs when:

A) There is a conflict between societal norms and individual desires.

B) There is an opportunity for crime, motivated offenders, and a lack of capable guardians.

C) Individuals feel strain due to societal expectations.

D) The government fails to implement effective laws.


In Social Learning Theory, which of the following is a key factor in determining whether a person will engage in deviant behavior?

A) The person’s desire to achieve success.

B) The person’s exposure to and reinforcement of deviant behavior.

C) The strength of the person’s biological instincts.

D) The person’s individual choice to break societal rules.


According to the Broken Windows Theory, which of the following would likely reduce crime in a community?

A) Ignoring minor offenses and focusing only on serious crimes.

B) Cracking down on minor offenses such as vandalism and public disorder.

C) Encouraging individual responsibility without police intervention.

D) Fostering greater economic opportunities in the community.


In labeling theory, which of the following is true about how societal reaction contributes to deviance?

A) Societal reaction to a behavior creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where the labeled individual continues to engage in deviance.

B) Societal reaction has little to no impact on an individual’s behavior.

C) The criminal justice system helps individuals reintegrate into society after being labeled.

D) Individuals always reject labels and cease their deviant behavior.


Which of the following is a key principle of social disorganization theory?

A) Crime occurs because individuals have weak social bonds to society.

B) Crime is an outcome of unbalanced social structures and economic inequalities.

C) Crime is more likely to occur in communities with weakened social institutions, such as family and school.

D) Crime is caused by biological or psychological factors unique to offenders.


The concept of “routine activities” suggests that criminal behavior is influenced by:

A) The individual’s personality traits and moral values.

B) The interaction of opportunities, motivations, and guardianship.

C) The availability of social networks and support systems.

D) The systemic discrimination within social institutions.


According to critical criminology, crime is a result of:

A) Personal psychological issues and mental illness.

B) The failure of the criminal justice system to punish offenders adequately.

C) Socioeconomic inequality and the oppression of marginalized groups.

D) An individual’s choice to disregard societal norms.


Which of the following best describes the focus of the feminist criminology perspective?

A) The differences in criminal behavior between men and women.

B) The impact of patriarchy and gender inequality on crime and deviance.

C) The need for harsher punishment for female offenders.

D) The biological causes of criminal behavior in women.


According to the Social Bond Theory, the four key elements of social bonds that prevent deviance are: attachment, commitment, involvement, and:

A) Belief.

B) Opportunity.

C) Control.

D) Motivation.


Which of the following is the primary assumption of conflict theory in criminology?

A) People commit crimes because they experience a breakdown in social bonds.

B) People commit crimes because of the lack of opportunities to achieve societal goals.

C) The criminal justice system serves to protect the interests of the ruling class.

D) People commit crimes when they are exposed to deviant role models.


In Merton’s Strain Theory, “retreatism” refers to:

A) Rejection of societal goals and means, leading to withdrawal from society.

B) Pursuing success through unconventional means such as criminal activity.

C) Rejecting societal goals while continuing to conform to the means of achieving them.

D) Accepting societal goals and means but being unsuccessful in achieving them.


According to Travis Hirschi’s Social Control Theory, which of the following is a key factor in preventing deviant behavior?

A) Strong attachment to family, school, and peers.

B) The ability to make rational decisions based on cost and benefit analysis.

C) Exposure to criminal role models.

D) A desire to achieve societal goals, regardless of the means.


Which of the following does not align with the assumptions of the Rational Choice Theory?

A) Individuals commit crimes when they perceive the benefits outweigh the risks.

B) Crime is a result of societal pressures and conditions.

C) Offenders make decisions based on rational thought and calculated risk.

D) Crime can be deterred through appropriate punishment and consequences.


Which of the following is a criticism of Strain Theory?

A) It fails to account for the role of individual choice in criminal behavior.

B) It overemphasizes the role of social bonding and control.

C) It does not explain why some individuals commit crime despite having few strain experiences.

D) It underestimates the impact of social inequalities in shaping criminal behavior.


Which of the following best describes “primary deviance,” according to Edwin Lemert’s labeling theory?

A) The deviant behavior that occurs after an individual has been labeled as a deviant.

B) The initial act of deviance that has little lasting effect on the individual.

C) The process of internalizing a deviant label.

D) The second stage of deviant behavior, leading to full engagement in crime.