Health Care Policy and Economic Analysis Practice Exam

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Health Care Policy and Economic Analysis Practice Exam


Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

To reduce the number of insured Americans
B. To provide universal health coverage
C. To reduce the cost of prescription drugs
D. To expand health insurance access and quality of care


How do economic forces influence healthcare policy development?

By creating demand for government-funded healthcare programs
B. By promoting universal access to health services
C. By adjusting policy based on economic conditions such as inflation and employment
D. By eliminating the need for insurance companies


Which of the following is a key factor in determining the quality of healthcare in a country?

The number of healthcare providers available
B. The level of government control over the healthcare system
C. The availability of healthcare technology
D. The availability of health insurance coverage for citizens


What is the main role of government legislation in healthcare delivery?

To manage private insurance companies
B. To regulate healthcare spending and ensure access to services
C. To provide private healthcare services to low-income individuals
D. To create demand for pharmaceuticals


A significant impact of social priorities on health policy is that it can lead to:

Increased health insurance premiums
B. Legislation that addresses the needs of marginalized populations
C. A focus solely on economic growth in the healthcare sector
D. Restrictions on new medical technologies


What does “healthcare cost containment” refer to?

Lowering the prices of medical equipment
B. Reducing government spending on healthcare programs
C. Increasing the salaries of healthcare providers
D. Limiting the growth of healthcare expenses over time


Which of the following is an example of a political trend affecting health policy?

The rise in chronic disease rates
B. Political support for Medicare and Medicaid expansion
C. Advances in medical technology
D. Increased global demand for healthcare services


The concept of “moral hazard” in health economics refers to:

Individuals taking more health risks because they do not bear the full cost of care
B. The risk of healthcare providers providing low-quality care
C. Government regulation of health insurance companies
D. Risk of government budget deficits caused by healthcare spending


What role does the private sector play in U.S. healthcare policy?

It dictates the overall policies of government-run programs like Medicare
B. It provides the majority of healthcare services and sets prices
C. It regulates healthcare technology and pharmaceuticals
D. It ensures that every citizen has access to universal healthcare


What is the economic impact of government subsidies for health insurance programs?

They decrease the overall demand for healthcare services
B. They increase healthcare costs by incentivizing overuse of services
C. They reduce the burden of healthcare costs on individuals and families
D. They eliminate the need for private health insurance


Which of the following would be considered a “macro” economic factor influencing health care policy?

The introduction of a new medical device
B. The national unemployment rate
C. The availability of health insurance plans in a region
D. The expansion of healthcare facilities in rural areas


Health care access is most impacted by which of the following factors?

The number of hospitals in a region
B. The cost of prescription drugs
C. The availability of insurance coverage and its affordability
D. The level of education among healthcare providers


How do demographic changes (e.g., aging populations) affect healthcare policy?

By increasing the demand for healthcare services, leading to policy adjustments
B. By reducing the need for government healthcare programs
C. By making healthcare technologies more affordable
D. By decreasing healthcare spending across the country


The role of health policy in improving health equity typically involves:

Encouraging competition among insurance companies
B. Providing targeted funding and resources to underserved communities
C. Limiting access to healthcare to reduce demand
D. Removing government regulations on healthcare providers


Which of the following best describes the “consumer-directed” approach in health policy?

A focus on providing government-funded care to all citizens
B. Policies that allow consumers to have greater control over their healthcare spending
C. The elimination of private insurance companies in favor of a government program
D. A focus on controlling healthcare supply and limiting demand


What is the primary goal of health reform efforts in the United States?

To create universal healthcare for all citizens
B. To increase healthcare providers’ profits
C. To reduce the number of private healthcare insurance plans
D. To improve access, affordability, and quality of care for all Americans


The term “single-payer system” refers to:

A healthcare system where only one insurance provider exists
B. A government-run health insurance program that covers all citizens
C. A healthcare system where individuals pay out of pocket for services
D. A private insurance model where consumers choose their own plan


Which of the following best describes the effect of Medicaid expansion under the ACA?

It significantly reduced the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans
B. It expanded health insurance coverage to low-income individuals in participating states
C. It eliminated the need for private insurance in many states
D. It reduced government spending on healthcare


The economic principle of “opportunity cost” in healthcare policy refers to:

The cost of medical treatments compared to their health benefits
B. The lost potential benefits of not investing in preventive healthcare
C. The cost of healthcare relative to other sectors of the economy
D. The potential savings from eliminating insurance premiums


The term “price elasticity” in healthcare refers to:

The degree to which healthcare demand changes with price changes
B. The cost of medical treatments in different regions
C. The government-set price of pharmaceuticals
D. The difference in insurance premiums between different healthcare plans


Which of the following is a key barrier to health care access for vulnerable populations?

Low healthcare provider salaries
B. Limited availability of medical technologies
C. High out-of-pocket costs for care
D. Excessive government regulation


A policy that encourages competition among insurance providers to lower premiums is an example of:

A market-driven approach
B. A government-regulated approach
C. A socialized healthcare system
D. A universal healthcare policy


A major criticism of the U.S. healthcare system is:

The lack of innovation in medical treatments
B. The low quality of healthcare services
C. The high cost of healthcare services relative to other countries
D. The availability of too many insurance plans


Which of the following is considered a political trend that can shape healthcare policy?

The adoption of universal healthcare in other countries
B. The increase in healthcare-related technology innovations
C. The political influence of healthcare provider organizations
D. The growth of alternative medicine


The concept of “cost-benefit analysis” in health policy involves:

Comparing the cost of healthcare services with their health outcomes
B. Determining the cost of healthcare delivery for insurance companies
C. Assessing the financial performance of healthcare providers
D. Analyzing the demand for health services in different economic sectors


How does political lobbying influence healthcare policy?

By increasing government spending on healthcare
B. By shaping legislative priorities and influencing lawmakers’ decisions
C. By ensuring all healthcare services are free of charge
D. By removing government involvement in healthcare


What is the primary goal of public health policy?

To ensure economic growth in the healthcare industry
B. To ensure that all individuals have access to medical care
C. To manage the costs of health insurance programs
D. To improve the overall health of the population through preventive measures


Which of the following policies would most likely increase the overall cost of healthcare?

Increasing government subsidies for insurance coverage
B. Introducing a single-payer system
C. Introducing regulations that limit the cost of medical treatments
D. Encouraging innovation in medical technologies without restrictions


How do social priorities impact health care policy?

By focusing on reducing insurance premiums across all sectors
B. By influencing the allocation of resources toward areas like preventive care
C. By increasing costs to incentivize private sector involvement
D. By ensuring that healthcare services are provided only to the wealthy


The term “universal health care” refers to:

A healthcare system where only the government provides services
B. A system where every citizen has access to healthcare, regardless of income
C. A system where private insurers cover the majority of healthcare costs
D. A system focused on making healthcare free for all



What is the main goal of Medicare in the United States?

To provide insurance for all U.S. citizens
B. To provide healthcare coverage for individuals aged 65 and older and certain disabled individuals
C. To fund private hospitals for underserved areas
D. To regulate private health insurance companies


What is the primary purpose of Medicaid?

To provide health insurance for all children under the age of 18
B. To provide insurance coverage to low-income individuals and families
C. To regulate the pharmaceutical industry
D. To promote innovation in healthcare technology


How does the federal government influence healthcare delivery?

By directly employing all healthcare providers
B. By setting reimbursement rates for programs like Medicare and Medicaid
C. By determining the qualifications for private health insurance
D. By creating medical school training programs


Which of the following is a key component of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Eliminating private insurance plans
B. Providing coverage for pre-existing conditions
C. Replacing Medicaid with a new insurance program
D. Introducing government-run healthcare facilities


What is a common criticism of the fee-for-service model in healthcare?

It limits patient access to specialty care
B. It encourages unnecessary medical procedures
C. It reduces innovation in medical technologies
D. It eliminates competition among providers


The term “capitation” in health care refers to:

A payment model where providers are paid a fixed amount per patient, regardless of the services provided
B. A payment system where providers are reimbursed for each individual service
C. A regulation requiring all insurers to cover preventive care
D. A system where costs are shared equally between patients and insurers


Which of the following would likely reduce healthcare disparities?

Increasing healthcare provider salaries
B. Expanding Medicaid eligibility in all states
C. Reducing taxes on pharmaceutical companies
D. Encouraging higher deductibles for insurance plans


What role does the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) play in healthcare policy?

Regulating all private insurance companies
B. Managing and overseeing government health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid
C. Providing direct healthcare services to uninsured individuals
D. Promoting medical research and development


Which of the following factors is a primary driver of rising healthcare costs in the U.S.?

Increased government subsidies for insurance
B. Administrative costs and inefficiencies in the healthcare system
C. Government control over prescription drug prices
D. A lack of access to preventive care


How does preventive care reduce healthcare costs over time?

By focusing on treating diseases after symptoms appear
B. By identifying and addressing health risks before they become severe
C. By eliminating the need for health insurance
D. By increasing hospital visits for regular checkups


What is the primary goal of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)?

To provide free healthcare to all families
B. To offer affordable health insurance for children in families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid
C. To regulate pediatric healthcare services in hospitals
D. To increase competition among insurance companies


What is the purpose of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)?

To provide tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with high-deductible health plans
B. To offer low-cost health insurance plans for unemployed individuals
C. To regulate the cost of prescription medications
D. To expand Medicaid coverage in underserved areas


What is a significant challenge in implementing health care policy?

The inability of insurance companies to negotiate premiums
B. Balancing cost containment with maintaining access to quality care
C. Ensuring that healthcare providers have sufficient training
D. Reducing the number of hospitals in rural areas


Which of the following is a major focus of global health policy?

Increasing medical tourism
B. Addressing health disparities in developing countries
C. Expanding pharmaceutical patents worldwide
D. Creating universal healthcare systems in all countries


Why are health care costs in the United States higher compared to other developed countries?

The government provides universal healthcare to all citizens
B. There is a greater reliance on private insurance and administrative complexity
C. The U.S. does not use advanced medical technologies
D. All healthcare is funded by tax revenue


What is the main role of employer-sponsored health insurance in the U.S.?

To replace government health insurance programs
B. To provide tax-advantaged health insurance coverage for employees
C. To regulate the quality of healthcare services
D. To reduce healthcare costs through government subsidies


What is the impact of high-deductible health plans on patients?

They reduce healthcare costs for low-income families
B. They increase out-of-pocket costs, potentially discouraging necessary care
C. They eliminate the need for employer-sponsored health insurance
D. They provide unlimited access to healthcare services


Which of the following describes the main purpose of health information technology (HIT)?

To increase the profitability of healthcare organizations
B. To improve healthcare delivery by managing patient data effectively
C. To reduce the need for healthcare providers in rural areas
D. To regulate electronic medical records for private insurance companies


How does political partisanship affect healthcare policy?

It leads to bipartisan agreement on health reforms
B. It creates challenges in passing comprehensive health legislation
C. It promotes the adoption of universal healthcare
D. It eliminates differences in healthcare priorities


Which of the following would most likely improve health outcomes in underserved communities?

Increasing the number of specialists in urban hospitals
B. Expanding community health programs and funding for primary care
C. Reducing the number of Medicaid recipients
D. Offering tax breaks to pharmaceutical companies



What is the primary purpose of value-based healthcare?

To reduce government spending on healthcare
B. To prioritize patient outcomes over the volume of services provided
C. To increase revenue for healthcare providers
D. To eliminate private health insurance


Which of the following is a key component of the Triple Aim in healthcare policy?

Reducing healthcare technology adoption
B. Improving population health outcomes
C. Limiting access to specialty care
D. Expanding fee-for-service payment models


How do Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) improve healthcare delivery?

By centralizing care within government-run hospitals
B. By coordinating care to reduce unnecessary costs and improve quality
C. By replacing private insurance companies with public programs
D. By eliminating out-of-pocket expenses for all patients


What role does the National Institutes of Health (NIH) play in the U.S. healthcare system?

Providing health insurance to underserved populations
B. Conducting and funding medical research
C. Overseeing the distribution of Medicaid funds
D. Regulating pharmaceutical pricing


Which legislation established the Health Insurance Marketplace in the U.S.?

Medicare Modernization Act
B. The Affordable Care Act
C. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
D. The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act


What is the purpose of Certificate of Need (CON) laws in healthcare?

To regulate the opening of new hospitals and facilities to control costs
B. To provide financial incentives for healthcare innovation
C. To expand healthcare coverage for underserved populations
D. To ensure all providers use electronic medical records


What is one major criticism of the U.S. healthcare system compared to other developed nations?

Lack of access to advanced medical technology
B. Poor health outcomes despite higher spending
C. Excessive use of government-funded healthcare programs
D. Limited availability of private insurance plans


How do social determinants of health affect healthcare policy?

By shifting the focus to medical treatments for chronic diseases
B. By addressing factors like housing, education, and income to improve health outcomes
C. By increasing the reliance on private insurance companies
D. By focusing solely on hospital-based care


What is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)?

A government-run insurance plan
B. A type of insurance plan that provides care through a network of providers with lower costs
C. A fee-for-service model of healthcare delivery
D. A public-private partnership to fund hospitals


What is one key goal of public health initiatives?

To reduce the cost of hospital construction
B. To prevent disease and promote wellness in communities
C. To expand private insurance coverage
D. To centralize all healthcare services


What is the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in healthcare?

To oversee hospital safety protocols
B. To regulate and approve drugs, medical devices, and food safety
C. To provide direct funding for medical research
D. To offer insurance coverage for prescription drugs


Which group is most likely to face barriers to healthcare access?

Individuals covered by employer-sponsored insurance
B. Low-income families without health insurance
C. High-income individuals with private insurance
D. Individuals living in urban areas with multiple providers


What is one major feature of single-payer healthcare systems?

Private insurance companies dominate the market
B. All citizens receive coverage through a government-funded program
C. Healthcare is delivered only by private hospitals
D. Patients pay for all services out-of-pocket


What is the purpose of health policy advocacy?

To enforce compliance with healthcare regulations
B. To influence lawmakers and stakeholders to address healthcare issues
C. To provide clinical care to underserved populations
D. To create private insurance plans for low-income individuals


What impact does political polarization have on healthcare policy?

It fosters rapid consensus on major reforms
B. It creates significant challenges in passing bipartisan healthcare legislation
C. It eliminates state-level control over health insurance markets
D. It increases access to preventive care


How does telemedicine improve healthcare access?

By replacing all in-person visits with virtual care
B. By connecting patients in remote areas to healthcare providers through technology
C. By reducing the number of healthcare providers needed
D. By eliminating the need for insurance coverage


Which of the following best defines health equity?

Ensuring all healthcare providers receive equal reimbursement
B. Providing fair opportunities for everyone to achieve their full health potential
C. Offering identical healthcare services to all patients
D. Expanding health insurance coverage to high-income populations


What is one significant challenge of implementing universal healthcare in the U.S.?

Lack of public interest in reform
B. High costs of transitioning from the current system
C. Insufficient healthcare providers in rural areas
D. Limited technology to manage patient records


Which of the following is an example of a public health intervention?

Implementing a nationwide tobacco tax
B. Increasing private hospital construction
C. Offering luxury health insurance plans
D. Expanding subsidies for elective procedures


What is the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in global health policy?

Providing direct healthcare to underserved populations
B. Coordinating international efforts to improve health and prevent disease
C. Funding hospitals in low-income countries
D. Regulating pharmaceutical prices globally



What is one of the primary goals of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act?

To reduce the number of uninsured individuals in low-income groups
B. To eliminate all out-of-pocket costs for healthcare services
C. To replace Medicare for individuals over 65
D. To privatize state health insurance programs


What is the primary function of the Joint Commission in healthcare?

To regulate pharmaceutical pricing
B. To accredit and certify healthcare organizations for quality and safety
C. To provide insurance coverage to underserved populations
D. To fund public health research


How does the concept of “moral hazard” relate to health insurance?

Patients are incentivized to overuse healthcare services when they do not bear the full cost
B. Insurance companies refuse to cover high-risk individuals
C. Healthcare providers are discouraged from offering preventive services
D. Health policies reduce the focus on chronic disease management


Which payment model emphasizes preventive care and cost control by paying providers a fixed amount per patient?

B. Pay-for-performance
C. Capitation
D. Bundled payments


What is the purpose of cost-benefit analysis in healthcare policy?

To evaluate the financial sustainability of private insurance plans
B. To determine whether the benefits of a health intervention outweigh its costs
C. To predict the profitability of healthcare providers
D. To analyze the economic impact of global health initiatives


What is one challenge associated with the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs)?

Reduced access to patient data
B. High initial costs and potential for cybersecurity risks
C. Increased reliance on manual paperwork
D. Limited applicability to primary care settings


What is the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in U.S. healthcare?

Regulating hospital accreditation standards
B. Leading public health efforts to prevent disease and promote health
C. Administering federal health insurance programs
D. Monitoring private healthcare organizations


What is a major driver of rising healthcare costs in the U.S.?

Decreased use of advanced medical technologies
B. Higher administrative expenses and chronic disease prevalence
C. Expanded access to free preventive care
D. Declining pharmaceutical research and development


What is the significance of health disparity reduction in healthcare policy?

To ensure equal healthcare spending across all regions
B. To address differences in health outcomes across socioeconomic groups
C. To limit access to specialty care
D. To focus solely on hospital-based treatments


Which international agreement is most closely tied to global health policy collaboration?

The Paris Climate Accord
B. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
C. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
D. The Maastricht Treaty


What is the focus of public-private partnerships in healthcare?

To eliminate government involvement in healthcare delivery
B. To combine resources from government and private entities to improve access and quality
C. To prioritize profit over patient outcomes
D. To reduce healthcare funding for underserved populations


What is the purpose of the Social Security Act of 1965 in healthcare?

To provide federal funding for private insurance programs
B. To establish Medicare and Medicaid for specific populations
C. To mandate universal health coverage
D. To regulate pharmaceutical research


What is an advantage of preventive care in healthcare policy?

It reduces the need for government-funded health programs
B. It lowers long-term costs by addressing health issues before they become severe
C. It eliminates the need for specialized medical professionals
D. It focuses on treatment over prevention


How does a single-payer healthcare system differ from the U.S. system?

It prioritizes private insurance plans
B. It centralizes funding through one public organization for universal coverage
C. It limits access to advanced medical technologies
D. It eliminates patient cost-sharing for all services


What is one purpose of the Hill-Burton Act in U.S. healthcare history?

To promote medical research funding
B. To expand hospital construction in underserved areas
C. To regulate health insurance companies
D. To mandate employer-provided health insurance


What is the key difference between Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B?

Part A covers inpatient hospital care, while Part B covers outpatient services and preventive care
B. Part A is voluntary, while Part B is mandatory
C. Part A is funded through premiums, while Part B is funded solely by taxes
D. Part A covers dental care, while Part B covers vision care


What is the purpose of the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act?

To provide government-funded insurance to small businesses
B. To require employers with 50+ employees to offer health insurance to full-time staff
C. To expand Medicaid eligibility to all workers
D. To replace Medicare with employer-sponsored coverage


What is one criticism of the fee-for-service payment model?

It discourages the use of advanced medical technology
B. It incentivizes volume of care over quality and outcomes
C. It limits access to specialists
D. It eliminates patient choice in treatment


What is the focus of the World Bank’s health initiatives?

Funding private health insurance programs
B. Improving health systems in low- and middle-income countries
C. Regulating international pharmaceutical companies
D. Managing global disease outbreaks


How does Medicare Part D support patients?

By providing coverage for prescription drugs
B. By funding inpatient hospital stays
C. By offering vision and dental benefits
D. By replacing traditional Medicare coverage



What is one of the primary goals of health savings accounts (HSAs)?
A. To eliminate out-of-pocket expenses entirely
B. To help individuals save pre-tax income for qualified medical expenses
C. To replace private insurance plans for low-income families
D. To reduce employer contributions to health insurance


What is the term for the healthcare model that combines primary care, specialty care, and mental health services under one coordinated system?
A. Patient-centered medical home (PCMH)
B. Accountable care organization (ACO)
C. Health maintenance organization (HMO)
D. Fee-for-service model


What is a key challenge in implementing value-based healthcare systems?
A. Reducing costs for all stakeholders
B. Aligning provider incentives with patient outcomes
C. Transitioning away from preventive care
D. Decreasing government oversight


Which legislation was designed to provide continued health coverage to individuals who lose their jobs?
A. COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)
B. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
C. Affordable Care Act
D. Medicaid Expansion Act


What does the term “adverse selection” refer to in health insurance markets?
A. High-risk individuals being more likely to purchase insurance
B. Providers denying care to low-income patients
C. Insurers refusing to cover pre-existing conditions
D. Patients opting for preventive services over emergency care


What is a critical element of the Triple Aim framework in healthcare?
A. Reducing patient satisfaction to cut costs
B. Improving population health, enhancing care experience, and reducing costs
C. Focusing on profit generation for healthcare organizations
D. Replacing public insurance with private plans


How does the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protect patients?
A. By ensuring access to affordable care for all citizens
B. By safeguarding the privacy and security of health information
C. By mandating free preventive care services
D. By expanding Medicaid coverage


What is the purpose of risk pooling in health insurance?
A. To increase premiums for healthier individuals
B. To spread financial risk across a larger group of policyholders
C. To prioritize high-cost treatments over preventive care
D. To limit access to specialized medical services


Which of the following best describes health disparity?
A. Unequal access to healthcare services due to geographic location
B. Differences in health outcomes based on income, race, or other social factors
C. Lack of private insurance coverage in rural areas
D. The overuse of emergency care services


What is the primary purpose of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate?
A. To expand Medicaid eligibility
B. To require all individuals to have health insurance or pay a penalty
C. To eliminate premiums for all Americans
D. To replace employer-sponsored insurance with government coverage


What is an example of a social determinant of health?
A. Availability of specialist doctors
B. Access to education and stable employment
C. Patient compliance with prescribed medications
D. Insurance reimbursement rates


What is a key component of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)?
A. Providing healthcare coverage to uninsured children from low-income families
B. Replacing Medicaid for individuals under 18
C. Offering free preventive care for all children
D. Limiting access to specialist services for children


What is the primary goal of Medicare Advantage plans (Part C)?
A. To replace employer-sponsored health insurance for retirees
B. To provide an alternative to traditional Medicare with additional benefits
C. To offer coverage for only prescription drugs
D. To eliminate private insurance options for seniors


How do bundled payments differ from fee-for-service payments?
A. Bundled payments incentivize providers to deliver high-value, coordinated care for a single episode of treatment
B. Fee-for-service payments reward providers based on patient outcomes
C. Bundled payments focus exclusively on preventive care services
D. Fee-for-service payments eliminate administrative expenses


What is the main function of public health policy?
A. To regulate private health insurance plans
B. To promote the health of populations through disease prevention and health promotion
C. To reduce healthcare costs for government-funded programs
D. To focus solely on chronic disease management


What does the term “health literacy” refer to?
A. The ability to navigate healthcare websites effectively
B. An individual’s capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services
C. The level of education required to work in healthcare policy
D. Government regulations on medical terminology


What does Medicaid provide that Medicare does not?
A. Coverage for long-term care in nursing homes for low-income individuals
B. Coverage for individuals over 65 years of age
C. Comprehensive prescription drug benefits
D. Universal health insurance for all citizens


What is the primary role of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)?
A. To conduct research aimed at improving healthcare quality, safety, and efficiency
B. To regulate pharmaceutical drug pricing
C. To oversee insurance company compliance
D. To implement public health campaigns


Which of the following best defines healthcare rationing?
A. Limiting access to specialty care in rural areas
B. Distributing healthcare resources based on need, cost-effectiveness, and availability
C. Eliminating government involvement in health insurance programs
D. Providing unlimited services regardless of patient income


What is the main focus of population health management?
A. Treating individuals with chronic diseases exclusively
B. Improving health outcomes for specific groups through prevention and coordinated care
C. Providing incentives for healthcare providers to increase service volume
D. Reducing the availability of specialty care



What is the primary focus of cost-benefit analysis in health care policy?
A. Assessing the quality of medical outcomes
B. Determining whether the benefits of a program outweigh its costs
C. Comparing the performance of different health care systems
D. Evaluating patient satisfaction with health services


What is the main purpose of the National Health Insurance Model?
A. To replace private insurance with a single-payer system
B. To combine private insurance with public healthcare funding
C. To focus exclusively on preventive care
D. To prioritize government subsidies over patient payments


What is one effect of employer-sponsored insurance on the health care market?
A. It eliminates the need for public insurance programs
B. It links health insurance coverage to employment status
C. It reduces health care disparities among different populations
D. It discourages preventive care services


What is the primary purpose of the Hill-Burton Act of 1946?
A. To establish Medicare and Medicaid programs
B. To provide federal funding for the construction of hospitals and healthcare facilities
C. To regulate the cost of prescription drugs
D. To promote universal health care access


Which of the following is a common criticism of the fee-for-service payment model?
A. It discourages providers from offering necessary services
B. It incentivizes the delivery of a higher volume of services rather than higher quality care
C. It eliminates competition among providers
D. It limits patient access to specialty care


What role does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) play in the U.S. healthcare system?
A. Regulating hospital accreditation
B. Overseeing the approval and safety of drugs, medical devices, and food products
C. Setting reimbursement rates for Medicare
D. Managing public health insurance programs


What is the key feature of capitated payment models?
A. Providers are reimbursed for each individual service they provide
B. Providers receive a fixed amount per patient regardless of the amount of care provided
C. Payment is based on patient satisfaction scores
D. Providers are reimbursed exclusively for preventive services


What is the function of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act?
A. To offer universal coverage for all U.S. citizens
B. To increase Medicaid eligibility to low-income adults without children
C. To replace private insurance for individuals over 65
D. To focus on reducing employer-sponsored insurance


Which organization is primarily responsible for tracking and responding to public health emergencies in the U.S.?
A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
B. World Health Organization (WHO)
C. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
D. National Institutes of Health (NIH)


What is a health policy that focuses on social justice most likely to emphasize?
A. Cost-efficiency over equitable access
B. Equal access to healthcare services for all populations
C. Eliminating public health insurance programs
D. Supporting providers over patients


Which of the following is an example of a preventative healthcare measure?
A. Conducting heart surgery
B. Vaccinating children against infectious diseases
C. Providing emergency care after an accident
D. Treating a patient for a chronic illness


What is the primary focus of quality improvement initiatives in health care?
A. Reducing overall costs of care delivery
B. Enhancing patient outcomes and safety through systematic changes
C. Increasing the number of available healthcare providers
D. Prioritizing specialty care over primary care


What does the term “moral hazard” in health care economics refer to?
A. Providers denying care due to financial reasons
B. Patients overusing healthcare services because they are insured
C. Insurance companies refusing coverage for high-risk individuals
D. Governments prioritizing profit over patient care


What is the purpose of Certificate of Need (CON) laws?
A. To limit hospital construction to areas with demonstrated need
B. To reduce government involvement in healthcare
C. To increase competition among healthcare facilities
D. To replace public insurance with private funding


What is the primary concern of the Beveridge Model of health care delivery?
A. Government provides and finances healthcare through tax payments
B. Private insurance companies manage health care services
C. Health care costs are primarily covered by employers
D. Patients pay directly for all services out-of-pocket


Which healthcare delivery model focuses on coordinated care for chronic conditions?
A. Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)
B. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
C. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)
D. Single-payer system


What is a “safety net provider” in the context of health care?
A. A healthcare organization offering services to underserved populations regardless of ability to pay
B. A facility focused exclusively on preventive services
C. An insurance provider offering universal coverage
D. A private hospital network


What is a limitation of high-deductible health plans (HDHPs)?
A. They discourage patients from seeking necessary care due to high out-of-pocket costs
B. They require insurers to cover all costs upfront
C. They prevent employers from offering insurance benefits
D. They eliminate patient responsibility for healthcare costs


What is the primary goal of community health assessments?
A. To increase hospital admissions in a specific region
B. To identify and address the health needs of a specific population
C. To promote private insurance coverage
D. To reduce government funding for public health


How does the Social Security Act of 1965 impact U.S. healthcare?
A. By establishing Medicare and Medicaid programs
B. By creating the Affordable Care Act
C. By implementing employer-sponsored insurance mandates
D. By regulating hospital construction



What is the primary function of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)?
A. To provide health insurance coverage without requiring a primary care provider
B. To deliver coordinated care through a network of providers at a fixed fee
C. To reimburse patients for out-of-network services
D. To prioritize emergency care over preventive services


What is a key characteristic of value-based care models?
A. Providers are reimbursed based on the volume of services delivered
B. Payments are tied to patient outcomes and quality of care
C. Patients are responsible for all costs upfront
D. Providers are reimbursed exclusively for specialty services


Which legislation prohibits discrimination based on pre-existing conditions in health insurance?
A. The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
B. The Medicare Modernization Act
C. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
D. The Hill-Burton Act


What is one advantage of the single-payer health care system?
A. It reduces administrative costs associated with multiple insurers
B. It eliminates the need for government involvement in healthcare
C. It prioritizes employer-sponsored insurance
D. It focuses exclusively on preventive care


What is a “public option” in the context of healthcare reform?
A. A government-run insurance plan that competes with private insurance plans
B. A mandate requiring all employers to provide health insurance
C. A system where all citizens are automatically enrolled in private insurance
D. A policy eliminating out-of-pocket costs for all healthcare services


What is the purpose of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)?
A. To provide health coverage for low-income children who do not qualify for Medicaid
B. To cover all medical expenses for individuals over 65
C. To replace Medicaid with a state-based insurance program
D. To reduce the need for employer-sponsored insurance


What is a common feature of the Prospective Payment System (PPS)?
A. Hospitals are reimbursed a fixed amount based on the patient’s diagnosis
B. Providers receive payments based on the number of services provided
C. Payments are adjusted based on patient satisfaction surveys
D. Insurance companies negotiate rates directly with patients


What is one of the goals of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)?
A. To improve health outcomes through coordinated care across providers
B. To eliminate the need for public health insurance programs
C. To prioritize fee-for-service reimbursement
D. To focus exclusively on acute care services


Which of the following is an example of a social determinant of health?
A. Access to health insurance
B. Availability of fresh food in local grocery stores
C. Advanced medical technology in hospitals
D. Increased prescription drug prices


What is the primary role of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)?
A. To provide health insurance for uninsured individuals
B. To manage federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid
C. To regulate hospital construction and staffing
D. To oversee the approval of new medical devices


What is a disadvantage of the fee-for-service payment model?
A. It discourages innovation in healthcare delivery
B. It incentivizes unnecessary services, driving up costs
C. It limits patient choice of providers
D. It reduces access to preventive care


What is the primary focus of the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model?
A. To provide specialty care services at a lower cost
B. To deliver comprehensive, coordinated primary care centered around the patient
C. To replace all existing healthcare delivery models
D. To promote employer-sponsored insurance programs


Which policy tool is most effective in reducing smoking rates in a population?
A. Increasing public health education campaigns
B. Implementing high taxes on tobacco products
C. Expanding access to healthcare services
D. Limiting the availability of over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies


What is the impact of adverse selection in health insurance markets?
A. Insurers enroll a disproportionate number of high-risk individuals, increasing costs
B. Patients are denied coverage for pre-existing conditions
C. Providers prioritize preventive care over specialty services
D. Insurers reduce premiums for all policyholders


What is the purpose of bundled payment models in health care?
A. To reimburse providers for all services related to a specific episode of care
B. To prioritize patient satisfaction over health outcomes
C. To eliminate government involvement in healthcare financing
D. To pay providers based on the volume of services delivered


Which population is most likely to benefit from Medicaid expansion?
A. High-income individuals
B. Low-income adults without dependent children
C. Individuals over the age of 65
D. Employers offering health insurance


What is a key characteristic of the Beveridge Model of health care?
A. Health care is funded through private insurance premiums
B. The government owns and operates healthcare facilities
C. Providers are reimbursed based on patient outcomes
D. Patients pay for services directly out-of-pocket


What is the primary goal of health care cost containment strategies?
A. To improve patient satisfaction scores
B. To reduce the overall growth of healthcare spending
C. To expand the availability of specialty care services
D. To increase competition among healthcare providers


What is the role of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)?
A. To develop evidence-based guidelines for improving healthcare quality
B. To manage federal health programs like Medicare and Medicaid
C. To approve new medical devices and pharmaceuticals
D. To regulate hospital staffing and accreditation


What is a key component of the Triple Aim in health care?
A. Reducing health care costs, improving population health, and enhancing patient experience
B. Expanding access to employer-sponsored insurance, lowering premiums, and eliminating copayments
C. Promoting preventive care, replacing public insurance programs, and increasing patient satisfaction
D. Focusing on specialty care, reducing administrative costs, and prioritizing acute care



What is the primary focus of the Health Belief Model in healthcare policy?
A. To predict patient behavior based on perceived risks and benefits of health actions
B. To regulate the affordability of health insurance premiums
C. To develop policies that prioritize preventive care over acute care
D. To ensure equitable distribution of healthcare resources


Which economic concept explains why patients may overuse healthcare services when they have comprehensive insurance?
A. Supply-induced demand
B. Moral hazard
C. Adverse selection
D. Elasticity of demand


What was one of the main goals of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?
A. To create a single-payer healthcare system
B. To ensure the confidentiality and security of patient health information
C. To expand Medicaid coverage to all adults
D. To reduce the costs of prescription drugs


What is the primary purpose of a Certificate of Need (CON) program?
A. To regulate the establishment of new healthcare facilities and services
B. To reduce costs by limiting access to high-cost treatments
C. To provide universal access to healthcare
D. To increase competition among healthcare providers


Which of the following is an example of preventive care?
A. Emergency room treatment for a heart attack
B. A routine mammogram screening
C. Surgery to repair a broken bone
D. Physical therapy for chronic back pain


What is a key feature of the Medicare Advantage program?
A. It allows beneficiaries to choose private insurance plans that offer additional benefits
B. It is exclusively for individuals under the age of 65
C. It replaces traditional Medicare coverage for all participants
D. It eliminates out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs


What does the term “risk pooling” mean in the context of health insurance?
A. Combining high-risk individuals into separate insurance plans
B. Spreading financial risk across a large number of enrollees
C. Excluding high-risk patients to reduce costs
D. Increasing premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions


Which federal agency is primarily responsible for regulating pharmaceuticals in the United States?
A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
B. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
C. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
D. National Institutes of Health (NIH)


What is a major criticism of the fee-for-service payment model in healthcare?
A. It incentivizes quantity over quality of care
B. It reduces access to specialty care services
C. It eliminates the need for preventive care
D. It discourages innovation in treatment options


Which legislation established the Medicare Part D prescription drug program?
A. The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
B. The Social Security Amendments of 1965
C. The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003
D. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973


What is the primary goal of health care price transparency initiatives?
A. To ensure equitable access to healthcare services
B. To provide consumers with information about the cost of services
C. To reduce the administrative burden on providers
D. To standardize healthcare pricing across all states


What is the role of the Joint Commission in healthcare?
A. To accredit healthcare organizations and promote quality improvement
B. To oversee federal health insurance programs
C. To set guidelines for public health emergencies
D. To regulate pharmaceutical pricing


Which of the following is an example of cost-shifting in healthcare?
A. Hospitals charging higher prices to privately insured patients to offset losses from Medicare and Medicaid
B. Patients delaying elective procedures due to high deductibles
C. Employers passing health insurance costs onto employees through higher premiums
D. Insurance companies reducing coverage for specialty medications


What does the term “socialized medicine” refer to?
A. A system in which healthcare is funded and delivered by the government
B. A model where private insurers are the primary payers for healthcare
C. A system focused exclusively on preventive care
D. A hybrid system combining public and private insurance options


What is one of the main objectives of Medicaid managed care?
A. To expand Medicaid coverage to all adults
B. To improve access and quality while controlling costs
C. To eliminate the need for state-funded healthcare programs
D. To shift Medicaid beneficiaries to private insurance plans


What is the primary purpose of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP)?
A. To provide health insurance coverage for military personnel
B. To offer health insurance to federal government employees and retirees
C. To fund public health programs at the state level
D. To provide universal health coverage for all U.S. residents


Which of the following best describes a “patient-centered” approach to healthcare delivery?
A. Care that is focused on maximizing revenue for providers
B. Care that is coordinated, respectful of, and responsive to individual patient preferences and needs
C. Care that prioritizes acute services over preventive measures
D. Care that focuses exclusively on specialty services


What is the main objective of the Prevention and Public Health Fund?
A. To provide funding for research on advanced medical technologies
B. To support programs aimed at reducing preventable health conditions
C. To reimburse providers for specialty care services
D. To eliminate co-pays for prescription medications


Which factor is most likely to influence the adoption of telemedicine in rural areas?
A. The availability of broadband internet
B. The cost of prescription medications
C. The density of healthcare facilities
D. The prevalence of employer-sponsored insurance


Which concept underpins the idea of “universal health coverage”?
A. Ensuring all citizens have access to healthcare regardless of their ability to pay
B. Requiring all employers to offer health insurance to employees
C. Mandating that all healthcare providers accept government insurance plans
D. Establishing a single-payer system for all health services



What is the primary role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in global health policy?
A. To regulate healthcare policies in member countries
B. To coordinate international efforts to monitor and address public health threats
C. To provide funding for pharmaceutical research
D. To enforce trade agreements related to healthcare


What is the main purpose of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)?
A. To provide universal healthcare coverage
B. To improve quality and reduce costs by coordinating care among providers
C. To replace private insurance plans with government-funded options
D. To eliminate disparities in healthcare access


Which healthcare payment model incentivizes providers based on patient health outcomes?
A. Fee-for-service
B. Capitation
C. Value-based care
D. Global budgeting


Which demographic group is most likely to face barriers in accessing healthcare in the U.S.?
A. Individuals with employer-sponsored insurance
B. Uninsured individuals and those in rural areas
C. Military personnel and veterans
D. Children under the age of 5


What is the primary goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
A. To replace Medicare and Medicaid
B. To provide universal healthcare through a single-payer system
C. To expand access to affordable health insurance and improve healthcare outcomes
D. To reduce healthcare costs through privatization


Which of the following best describes “health disparities”?
A. Differences in healthcare access and outcomes between population groups
B. Variations in the cost of healthcare services across regions
C. Inequalities in healthcare provider salaries
D. Differences in insurance premiums among employers


What does the term “social determinants of health” refer to?
A. Factors like education, income, and environment that influence health outcomes
B. Government programs aimed at providing universal healthcare
C. Economic policies designed to reduce healthcare costs
D. Individual health behaviors such as smoking and exercise


Which entity oversees the Medicaid program?
A. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
B. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
C. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


What is the purpose of community health assessments?
A. To monitor global health trends
B. To identify and address health needs at the local level
C. To reduce costs associated with hospital readmissions
D. To evaluate the effectiveness of Medicare programs


What is an “individual mandate” in healthcare policy?
A. A requirement for individuals to purchase health insurance
B. A law restricting access to specialty care
C. A policy providing free healthcare for the unemployed
D. A program mandating employers to offer insurance to all workers


What type of health insurance plan requires patients to use a network of preferred providers?
A. Fee-for-service plan
B. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
C. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
D. High-deductible health plan


What does “adverse selection” in health insurance refer to?
A. Insurers offering lower premiums to high-risk groups
B. High-risk individuals disproportionately enrolling in health plans
C. Providers prioritizing profitable services over necessary care
D. Employers selecting only healthy employees for coverage


What is one of the main features of the CHIP program?
A. It provides low-cost health coverage to children in families with incomes too high for Medicaid
B. It ensures universal healthcare for all children under age 18
C. It funds vaccinations for low-income communities
D. It eliminates all out-of-pocket costs for pediatric care


Which healthcare system uses a single-payer model?
A. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS)
B. The United States Medicare system
C. Germany’s social health insurance system
D. Canada’s publicly funded healthcare system


What does “population health management” focus on?
A. Treating individual patients with chronic diseases
B. Improving health outcomes for specific groups of people
C. Reducing administrative costs in healthcare
D. Privatizing public health initiatives


What is one major challenge of implementing telehealth services?
A. Lack of public interest in virtual healthcare
B. Variability in insurance reimbursement policies
C. Lack of qualified healthcare professionals
D. Low demand for preventive healthcare


What does “value-based insurance design” aim to achieve?
A. To lower costs for high-value, evidence-based services
B. To eliminate the use of deductibles and copayments
C. To reduce government regulation of private insurance plans
D. To prioritize administrative efficiency in healthcare


Which legislation ensures that emergency medical care is provided regardless of the patient’s ability to pay?
A. Medicare Modernization Act
B. Affordable Care Act
C. Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)
D. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


Which of the following is an example of “preventable hospital readmissions”?
A. A patient returning for follow-up treatment after surgery
B. A patient hospitalized again due to a missed diagnosis
C. A patient requiring specialized care for a chronic condition
D. A patient being admitted for a new, unrelated illness


What is the function of public health surveillance?
A. To monitor the cost of health insurance premiums
B. To track and prevent the spread of diseases
C. To regulate pharmaceutical companies
D. To evaluate the effectiveness of telemedicine programs


What does the term “health equity” emphasize?
A. Reducing the cost of health insurance for middle-income families
B. Eliminating barriers to healthcare for underserved populations
C. Promoting competition among healthcare providers
D. Standardizing healthcare services across states


What is the primary purpose of bundled payments in healthcare?
A. To charge a single payment for all services related to a treatment episode
B. To encourage patients to use preventive care services
C. To allow providers to bill separately for each service provided
D. To replace private insurance coverage with public insurance


What is an essential feature of the public health approach to addressing obesity?
A. Promoting individual accountability for diet and exercise
B. Implementing policies to increase access to healthy foods
C. Reducing healthcare provider reimbursements for obesity-related conditions
D. Encouraging pharmaceutical companies to develop weight-loss drugs


What is the main focus of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)?
A. Advancing quality improvement in healthcare systems
B. Regulating healthcare pricing across states
C. Lobbying for government-funded healthcare programs
D. Providing funding for private insurance plans


Which of the following is a significant driver of rising healthcare costs in the U.S.?
A. Declining birth rates
B. Increased use of technology in medical care
C. Universal access to preventive services
D. Reductions in health insurance premiums


What is the primary purpose of the National Quality Forum (NQF)?
A. To establish evidence-based standards for healthcare quality measurement
B. To develop pricing regulations for medical equipment
C. To oversee the operations of Medicare and Medicaid
D. To provide healthcare access to underserved communities


What is the focus of comparative effectiveness research (CER)?
A. Evaluating the costs of different healthcare interventions
B. Comparing the clinical outcomes of different treatment options
C. Promoting universal health coverage across countries
D. Regulating pharmaceutical research and development


What is one of the benefits of public-private partnerships in healthcare?
A. Reducing government involvement in healthcare delivery
B. Combining resources to improve healthcare access and innovation
C. Eliminating disparities in rural healthcare delivery
D. Privatizing healthcare insurance programs



What is the main focus of health economics?
A. Studying the financial performance of hospitals
B. Analyzing the allocation of resources to maximize health outcomes
C. Regulating the pricing of pharmaceutical products
D. Monitoring healthcare providers’ salaries


Which factor is most likely to influence healthcare costs in the United States?
A. The aging population
B. Declining prevalence of chronic diseases
C. Reduced use of advanced technology
D. Increased global health collaboration


What is a “capitated payment system”?
A. Providers are paid a fixed amount per patient regardless of services delivered
B. Providers bill patients for every individual service provided
C. Patients pay only for emergency services
D. Insurance companies determine the cost of each procedure


What is the purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?
A. To provide insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions
B. To protect the privacy and security of patient health information
C. To reduce healthcare costs for elderly patients
D. To standardize insurance premiums across states


What is the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in healthcare?
A. Monitoring hospital performance and safety
B. Ensuring the safety and efficacy of drugs, medical devices, and food products
C. Setting payment rates for Medicare and Medicaid
D. Providing grants for public health initiatives


Which payment model penalizes hospitals for high readmission rates?
A. Global budgeting
B. Pay-for-performance
C. Value-based purchasing
D. Fee-for-service


What is the primary goal of “cost-effectiveness analysis” in healthcare?
A. To identify the cheapest treatment option available
B. To compare costs and outcomes of different interventions to improve resource allocation
C. To limit access to expensive healthcare technologies
D. To evaluate hospital profitability


What is one of the main advantages of electronic health records (EHRs)?
A. Decreasing healthcare costs
B. Improving coordination of care across providers
C. Eliminating the need for patient privacy regulations
D. Providing universal access to health insurance


Which of the following best describes a “single-payer healthcare system”?
A. A system where all healthcare services are free
B. A system where the government finances healthcare but delivery remains private
C. A system where only private insurance plans are available
D. A system with multiple competing payers


What is the primary objective of Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans?
A. To provide supplemental insurance for prescription drugs
B. To offer alternative private insurance plans that include Medicare benefits
C. To replace Medicaid for low-income individuals
D. To eliminate out-of-pocket costs for seniors


Which of the following is an example of preventive care?
A. Surgery for a fractured bone
B. Annual wellness checkups and vaccinations
C. Emergency room visits for acute conditions
D. Chemotherapy for cancer treatment


What is the purpose of the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model?
A. To increase competition among healthcare providers
B. To improve access, coordination, and quality of care through team-based approaches
C. To shift all healthcare delivery to hospitals
D. To reduce healthcare funding for rural areas


What does “moral hazard” in healthcare economics refer to?
A. High-risk individuals avoiding health insurance
B. Insured individuals using more healthcare services because they do not bear the full cost
C. Providers refusing to accept uninsured patients
D. Insurance companies increasing premiums arbitrarily


What is the goal of “population-based payment models”?
A. To reimburse providers for every individual service delivered
B. To shift financial risk to insurers
C. To reward providers for managing the health of a population efficiently
D. To fund public health programs directly


What is a major concern associated with prescription drug pricing?
A. Declining innovation in pharmaceuticals
B. Variability in drug efficacy among patients
C. The high cost of specialty drugs and limited affordability for patients
D. The inability to import medications from other countries


What is the role of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) in healthcare policy?
A. To oversee Medicare and Medicaid funding
B. To provide independent, evidence-based advice on health and science policy
C. To enforce patient safety regulations in hospitals
D. To regulate private health insurance plans


What does the term “gatekeeping” refer to in managed care organizations?
A. Limiting the use of emergency departments
B. Requiring primary care physicians to approve specialist referrals
C. Restricting access to preventive care services
D. Prioritizing cost-effective treatments


Which legislation was designed to address the opioid epidemic in the United States?
A. Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)
B. Affordable Care Act (ACA)
C. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
D. Medicare Modernization Act


What is the primary goal of health literacy initiatives?
A. To reduce healthcare costs by simplifying medical language
B. To improve patients’ ability to access, understand, and use health information
C. To eliminate disparities in health insurance coverage
D. To train providers on cultural competency


Which of the following is a key feature of Medicaid expansion under the ACA?
A. Providing health insurance to individuals over age 65
B. Expanding coverage to low-income individuals up to 138% of the federal poverty level
C. Eliminating state control over Medicaid eligibility
D. Offering free private insurance to unemployed individuals


What is the primary function of public health campaigns?
A. To reduce healthcare provider workloads
B. To promote healthier behaviors and prevent disease
C. To increase enrollment in private insurance plans
D. To standardize global health policies


What is the main purpose of risk adjustment in health insurance markets?
A. To equalize payments to providers based on the severity of patient conditions
B. To limit the use of healthcare services
C. To reduce administrative costs for insurers
D. To regulate the pricing of health insurance premiums


What is one major reason for high administrative costs in U.S. healthcare?
A. High salaries for physicians
B. Complex billing systems and insurance regulations
C. Lack of hospital competition
D. Limited access to preventive care


Which type of policy focuses on reducing social inequalities to improve health outcomes?
A. Healthcare privatization
B. Public health equity policies
C. Value-based care initiatives
D. Cost-containment strategies


What is the purpose of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP)?
A. To eliminate readmissions for chronic diseases
B. To penalize hospitals with excessive readmissions for specific conditions
C. To reimburse hospitals for each readmission episode
D. To reduce hospital staff workloads


What does “pay-for-performance” in healthcare aim to achieve?
A. To increase reimbursement rates for all services
B. To reward providers for delivering high-quality care and meeting specific benchmarks
C. To prioritize preventive care over specialty care
D. To reduce healthcare access in urban areas


Which healthcare policy focuses on providing incentives for preventive services like vaccinations?
A. Medicare Part D
B. Preventive Health Services Initiative
C. Pay-for-performance models
D. Public Health and Prevention Fund



Which economic principle is most relevant in addressing resource scarcity in healthcare?
A. Supply and demand
B. Profit maximization
C. Price elasticity
D. Market competition


What is the primary goal of accountable care organizations (ACOs)?
A. To provide universal health insurance
B. To reduce costs while improving care quality and patient outcomes
C. To limit access to specialist care
D. To increase competition between private insurers


Which type of healthcare system is characterized by government ownership of facilities and employment of providers?
A. Single-payer system
B. Beveridge model
C. Bismarck model
D. Fee-for-service system


What is the primary goal of value-based healthcare delivery?
A. Increasing profits for hospitals
B. Enhancing patient outcomes while controlling costs
C. Reducing the use of advanced medical technology
D. Expanding access to emergency care


What does the term “health disparities” refer to?
A. Differences in healthcare delivery between rural and urban areas
B. Inequities in access, quality, or outcomes of healthcare among different populations
C. Variations in healthcare costs across providers
D. Differences in life expectancy between developed and developing countries


Which organization is primarily responsible for public health surveillance in the United States?
A. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
B. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
C. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
D. World Health Organization (WHO)


What is the primary purpose of “block grants” in healthcare funding?
A. To provide states with federal funding for specific healthcare programs
B. To standardize healthcare costs across states
C. To finance global health initiatives
D. To eliminate federal oversight of healthcare policies


What is the primary criticism of the fee-for-service payment model?
A. It incentivizes high-quality care delivery
B. It may encourage unnecessary tests and procedures
C. It limits access to primary care services
D. It increases provider accountability


Which type of insurance plan is most likely to require referrals to see specialists?
A. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
B. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
C. High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)
D. Medicare Part D


What is the primary focus of the Triple Aim in healthcare?
A. Cost, access, and equity
B. Cost, equity, and patient safety
C. Access, quality, and patient satisfaction
D. Improving population health, enhancing patient experience, and reducing costs


Which healthcare policy tool is designed to encourage patients to select cost-effective treatments?
A. Co-payments and deductibles
B. Universal healthcare coverage
C. Single-payer models
D. Employer-sponsored insurance plans


Which legislation established the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)?
A. Social Security Act
B. Balanced Budget Act of 1997
C. Affordable Care Act
D. Medicare Modernization Act


What is the role of Certificate of Need (CON) laws in healthcare?
A. To regulate healthcare facility expansion and prevent unnecessary duplication of services
B. To determine eligibility for Medicaid
C. To set payment rates for Medicare
D. To mandate the use of electronic health records


What is a “safety-net hospital”?
A. A hospital with state-of-the-art technology
B. A hospital that provides care to underserved or low-income populations
C. A hospital specializing in emergency care
D. A hospital exclusively for veterans


What is the purpose of the Stark Law in healthcare?
A. To reduce healthcare fraud and abuse
B. To prohibit physician self-referrals for designated health services
C. To regulate hospital billing practices
D. To ensure access to preventive care


What is the primary goal of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual mandate?
A. To increase competition among insurers
B. To expand Medicaid eligibility
C. To ensure that all individuals obtain health insurance coverage
D. To reduce employer-sponsored insurance premiums


Which concept emphasizes the social determinants of health?
A. Individual responsibility for wellness
B. Addressing non-medical factors such as education, housing, and income
C. Increasing funding for emergency care
D. Expanding access to high-tech medical interventions


What is the purpose of Medicare Part D?
A. To provide hospital insurance
B. To cover prescription drug costs
C. To finance skilled nursing care
D. To subsidize preventive services


What is the primary purpose of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)?
A. To regulate health insurance premiums
B. To require hospitals to provide emergency care regardless of patients’ ability to pay
C. To establish guidelines for Medicare and Medicaid payments
D. To mandate the use of telemedicine


Which healthcare initiative focuses on reducing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs)?
A. Value-based purchasing
B. National Patient Safety Goals
C. The ACA’s Medicaid Expansion Program
D. HIPAA compliance training


What is a major advantage of telemedicine?
A. Eliminating the need for healthcare providers
B. Expanding access to care in rural and underserved areas
C. Reducing the cost of hospital construction
D. Improving in-person doctor-patient relationships


Which federal agency is responsible for monitoring workplace health and safety?
A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
B. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
C. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
D. National Institutes of Health (NIH)


What is the primary goal of the Healthy People initiative?
A. To develop new medical technologies
B. To establish nationwide health objectives for improving population health
C. To expand health insurance coverage
D. To regulate healthcare costs


What is the purpose of the Medicaid waiver program?
A. To allow states to experiment with innovative healthcare delivery models
B. To eliminate Medicaid funding restrictions
C. To standardize Medicaid benefits across states
D. To increase federal control of state healthcare systems


What is a “bundled payment” model in healthcare?
A. Providers are paid for each individual service delivered
B. A single payment covers all services related to a specific episode of care
C. Insurance companies directly reimburse patients
D. Patients pay for services out-of-pocket


What is one of the primary challenges of the U.S. healthcare system?
A. Overuse of emergency rooms for preventive care
B. High administrative costs and fragmented care delivery
C. Lack of access to advanced medical technology
D. Absence of employer-sponsored insurance plans


Which term refers to unnecessary variation in healthcare practices and outcomes?
A. Standardization
B. Care disparities
C. Practice variation
D. Benchmarking


What is the primary role of community health centers?
A. To provide specialized care for chronic diseases
B. To offer primary care services to underserved populations
C. To train healthcare professionals in rural settings
D. To regulate state healthcare programs



Which of the following is a key principle of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
A. Providing universal healthcare coverage through a single-payer system
B. Mandating that employers provide healthcare benefits to all employees
C. Expanding Medicaid eligibility and creating health insurance exchanges
D. Eliminating private insurance companies from the market


Which policy initiative aims to improve the efficiency and quality of care while controlling costs in the U.S. healthcare system?
A. Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)
B. Veterans Health Administration
C. Medicaid Managed Care
D. Value-Based Purchasing


Which of the following is an example of a public health intervention aimed at preventing chronic diseases?
A. Providing free vaccinations for children
B. Mandating health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions
C. Encouraging lifestyle changes like smoking cessation and exercise
D. Requiring patients to undergo routine screening for chronic diseases


What is the primary function of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)?
A. To establish healthcare regulations for private insurance companies
B. To monitor the quality of care in hospitals and outpatient settings
C. To administer the nation’s major healthcare programs, including Medicare and Medicaid
D. To fund medical research initiatives for chronic diseases


What is the goal of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act?
A. To provide private insurance to individuals under 65
B. To offer comprehensive healthcare benefits to all seniors
C. To increase healthcare access for low-income individuals
D. To eliminate out-of-pocket expenses for insured individuals


What is the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in healthcare?
A. To regulate medical device manufacturing
B. To oversee the establishment of healthcare policies
C. To manage public health campaigns for disease prevention
D. To ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs, biologics, and medical devices


Which of the following is a common criticism of private insurance-based healthcare systems?
A. They provide universal healthcare coverage to all citizens
B. They often lead to higher administrative costs and complexity
C. They focus too much on preventative care
D. They reduce government regulation in healthcare


Which healthcare policy is most likely to lead to increased healthcare costs?
A. Introduction of value-based care models
B. Expanding the number of people covered under insurance
C. Limiting access to emergency care services
D. Reducing payments to healthcare providers for services rendered


What is the main purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?
A. To mandate the expansion of Medicaid programs
B. To regulate insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions
C. To protect the privacy and security of patient health information
D. To establish national standards for healthcare quality


Which of the following best describes a “single-payer healthcare system”?
A. Healthcare is provided by multiple private insurers competing in the market
B. The government is the sole payer for all healthcare services
C. Employers are responsible for paying for employee healthcare costs
D. Healthcare costs are fully paid out-of-pocket by patients


What is the main goal of the U.S. healthcare system’s transition to electronic health records (EHRs)?
A. To reduce administrative costs and improve healthcare quality
B. To increase patient co-pays and deductibles
C. To limit access to healthcare services
D. To mandate insurance coverage for all medical procedures


What is the major purpose of the National Health Insurance (NHI) model?
A. To offer government-sponsored insurance for all citizens
B. To restrict healthcare access to high-income individuals
C. To encourage employer-based private insurance
D. To reduce the number of healthcare providers


What is the primary function of a health policy analyst?
A. To administer healthcare services to patients
B. To design and implement health insurance plans
C. To analyze and evaluate the impact of healthcare policies
D. To regulate healthcare providers


What is the primary goal of “preventive care” in healthcare policy?
A. To reduce patient wait times in hospitals
B. To provide comprehensive medical treatments for all patients
C. To identify and address health issues before they become serious
D. To focus on the management of chronic illnesses


What is an example of a “payer” in the healthcare system?
A. A private insurance company or government program that pays for healthcare services
B. A healthcare provider such as a doctor or hospital
C. An individual seeking medical care
D. A public health official working to improve health policy


What is the effect of “moral hazard” in healthcare economics?
A. It encourages consumers to use more healthcare services because they are not directly paying for the full cost
B. It results in a reduction in the overall demand for healthcare services
C. It encourages providers to increase the cost of healthcare services
D. It decreases access to healthcare services for uninsured individuals


What is the primary purpose of public health campaigns in a healthcare system?
A. To increase the number of healthcare professionals in the workforce
B. To promote health education and encourage healthier behaviors
C. To reduce the funding for medical research
D. To standardize the costs of healthcare procedures


Which of the following best describes the “Bismarck Model” of healthcare?
A. A system where the government provides healthcare services directly to all citizens
B. A system where private insurers provide coverage under government regulation and funding
C. A single-payer system funded through taxes
D. A model based on employer-sponsored insurance


What is the purpose of a “health savings account” (HSA)?
A. To help individuals save for retirement while investing in healthcare services
B. To provide individuals with a way to save for medical expenses and pay for them tax-free
C. To provide government funding for emergency care services
D. To cover the cost of preventive care for all citizens


What is the economic concept of “adverse selection” in health insurance?
A. When people with less healthcare needs select more expensive insurance plans
B. When people with higher health risks are more likely to purchase insurance
C. When insurance premiums are equally distributed among all insured individuals
D. When insurers select only the healthiest individuals for coverage


What is the focus of the “patient-centered care” model in healthcare?
A. To prioritize the financial aspects of healthcare
B. To ensure that patients are the primary decision-makers in their care
C. To encourage cost-cutting measures in hospitals
D. To expand access to emergency care for underserved populations


What is the main goal of the “medical home” model in healthcare?
A. To consolidate medical records into a single, digital format
B. To offer coordinated, comprehensive, and patient-centered care in one location
C. To reduce the number of healthcare providers involved in patient care
D. To eliminate the need for emergency medical services


What is the role of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)?
A. To regulate healthcare providers’ pricing policies
B. To ensure the availability of medical devices for emergency care
C. To conduct medical research and support clinical trials for health improvements
D. To manage public health initiatives for preventive care


What is the primary aim of healthcare reimbursement reform?
A. To increase the administrative costs for healthcare providers
B. To change the way healthcare providers are paid to improve quality and control costs
C. To remove competition among insurance providers
D. To make healthcare more expensive for patients


Which of the following is a common criticism of high-deductible health plans (HDHPs)?
A. They discourage people from seeking necessary care due to the high out-of-pocket costs
B. They encourage people to use healthcare services more frequently
C. They reduce out-of-pocket costs for all insured individuals
D. They simplify billing processes for both patients and providers


Which of the following is an example of “horizontal integration” in healthcare?
A. A large hospital system acquiring a network of primary care clinics
B. A hospital partnering with a medical device manufacturer
C. A pharmaceutical company merging with a health insurance company
D. A provider system expanding its reach to other countries


What is the primary concern of “managed care” in healthcare systems?
A. To provide a wide range of services without any restrictions
B. To control healthcare costs through efficient service delivery and reduced provider choice
C. To expand access to emergency healthcare services
D. To eliminate out-of-pocket expenses for patients



Which of the following is a characteristic of a “fee-for-service” healthcare payment model?
A. Providers are paid a fixed amount per patient
B. Providers are paid based on the number of services they provide
C. Payments are made in a lump sum for all services provided during a year
D. Payments are made solely by government insurance programs


Which of the following is an example of a health policy aimed at reducing healthcare disparities?
A. Expanding insurance coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions
B. Limiting access to specialty care for low-income individuals
C. Providing targeted outreach and services to underserved communities
D. Offering tax breaks to high-income earners who purchase health insurance


What is the primary function of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
A. To regulate the pricing of healthcare services
B. To provide universal healthcare coverage through a single-payer system
C. To expand insurance coverage and improve healthcare access for low-income individuals
D. To reduce the number of private healthcare providers in the market


What is one key challenge in evaluating the economic impact of health policies?
A. The complexity of measuring healthcare outcomes and costs
B. The low availability of health insurance plans
C. The difficulty in implementing universal healthcare models
D. The political biases of healthcare professionals


Which of the following is a potential benefit of expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act?
A. Decreased government spending on healthcare
B. Increased access to health insurance for low-income individuals
C. A reduction in the overall healthcare quality
D. A larger role for private insurance companies


What is the impact of “cost-sharing” in health insurance plans?
A. It increases the cost of healthcare for patients
B. It decreases the overall price of healthcare services
C. It reduces insurance premiums for consumers
D. It eliminates co-payments and deductibles for patients


Which of the following is most likely to improve health outcomes for a population?
A. Reducing healthcare funding for preventative care services
B. Implementing a system of universal healthcare coverage
C. Eliminating access to emergency medical services for uninsured individuals
D. Decreasing the number of healthcare professionals in underserved areas


What is the main aim of the “value-based care” model in healthcare?
A. To prioritize the quantity of care over the quality of care
B. To provide more services to patients with higher needs
C. To reward healthcare providers for improving patient outcomes and reducing costs
D. To reduce patient involvement in healthcare decision-making


What is one challenge posed by an aging population for healthcare systems?
A. Decreased demand for healthcare services
B. Increased healthcare costs due to chronic conditions and long-term care needs
C. Lower demand for medical professionals
D. Decreased healthcare consumption as a result of economic factors


Which of the following is an example of an indirect cost in healthcare?
A. Physician salaries for providing care
B. Hospital costs for surgical procedures
C. Lost productivity due to illness
D. Medication costs for treating chronic diseases


What is one advantage of the “direct primary care” model?
A. It reduces the number of healthcare providers available to patients
B. It eliminates the need for health insurance coverage
C. It focuses on providing more personalized, ongoing care for patients
D. It decreases access to specialty care services


Which of the following healthcare policies is aimed at promoting healthier behaviors?
A. Health insurance subsidies for low-income individuals
B. Tobacco taxes and smoking cessation programs
C. Increasing co-pays for emergency services
D. Expanding the number of healthcare providers in rural areas


What is the primary function of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the United States?
A. To regulate private insurance providers
B. To administer federal healthcare programs and policies
C. To fund pharmaceutical research
D. To implement state-specific health programs


What is the main goal of “healthcare rationing”?
A. To ensure equal access to healthcare for all individuals
B. To reduce the overall cost of healthcare services by limiting unnecessary treatments
C. To promote universal healthcare coverage across all demographics
D. To prioritize medical services based on patient income


How does “bundled payment” impact healthcare providers?
A. It encourages providers to increase the number of services they offer
B. It limits the range of services providers can offer to patients
C. It incentivizes providers to deliver high-quality care while managing costs within a set payment amount
D. It guarantees higher reimbursements for all types of services


What is one potential benefit of implementing electronic health records (EHR)?
A. Reduced administrative costs and improved communication between healthcare providers
B. Increased healthcare costs due to the complexity of maintaining electronic systems
C. A higher likelihood of medical errors due to technology malfunctions
D. Limited access to patient information for healthcare providers


Which of the following best describes the “Social Security Act” of 1935 in relation to healthcare?
A. It established the first national health insurance program for all U.S. citizens
B. It introduced Medicare and Medicaid programs to support elderly and low-income individuals
C. It provided funding for medical research and pharmaceutical development
D. It set up regulations for healthcare quality assurance


What is the primary function of “health policy advocacy”?
A. To enforce healthcare regulations
B. To educate and influence policymakers on health issues
C. To provide direct healthcare services to the population
D. To manage health insurance premiums and deductibles


What does the term “healthcare access” refer to?
A. The availability of healthcare insurance coverage for all individuals
B. The ability of individuals to obtain necessary medical services when needed
C. The quality of medical care available in hospitals and clinics
D. The regulation of healthcare services by the government


Which of the following is an example of “public health policy”?
A. Insurance plans that exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions
B. Legislation requiring healthcare providers to report infectious diseases
C. Reimbursement structures that incentivize hospital over-treatment
D. Private sector initiatives to build more healthcare infrastructure


How do “economic incentives” influence healthcare provider behavior?
A. By discouraging preventive care in favor of high-cost treatments
B. By encouraging providers to deliver more cost-effective and efficient care
C. By increasing the number of uninsured patients seeking care
D. By limiting access to healthcare services for low-income populations


What is the main goal of health policy research?
A. To provide healthcare directly to the underserved
B. To understand the effects of policies and guide improvements in healthcare systems
C. To increase the cost of healthcare services
D. To promote private insurance as the primary healthcare model


What is an example of “cost-shifting” in healthcare economics?
A. Moving healthcare costs from private insurance plans to government programs
B. Shifting the financial responsibility for care from patients to employers
C. Increasing insurance premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions
D. Reallocating healthcare funds to prioritize administrative expenses



What does the term “healthcare cost containment” refer to?
A. Limiting the overall spending on healthcare services while maintaining quality
B. Expanding the availability of healthcare services in underserved areas
C. Increasing patient premiums to fund healthcare improvements
D. Decreasing government regulation in the healthcare sector


What is the purpose of “Medicare Advantage” plans?
A. To provide healthcare services to individuals with disabilities only
B. To offer an alternative to traditional Medicare that includes additional benefits through private insurance companies
C. To reduce healthcare costs for high-income individuals
D. To provide care only for individuals over the age of 65 with chronic conditions


Which of the following is a key feature of a single-payer healthcare system?
A. Health insurance coverage is provided by multiple private insurance companies
B. The government acts as the sole insurer and payer for healthcare services
C. Healthcare providers are paid on a fee-for-service basis
D. The healthcare system relies on employer-provided insurance plans


What is the “medical home” model in healthcare delivery?
A. A hospital-based care system where patients are treated in an inpatient setting
B. A care model where a primary care physician coordinates all aspects of a patient’s healthcare
C. A government-run healthcare facility that offers services to low-income individuals
D. A type of insurance plan focused on outpatient care only


Which of the following is a feature of the “individual mandate” under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
A. Individuals must purchase health insurance or pay a penalty
B. Employers are required to provide healthcare benefits to all employees
C. Healthcare providers must accept all insurance plans without restrictions
D. The government directly provides health insurance to all citizens


Which of the following would likely increase the total cost of healthcare in a population?
A. Reducing the number of uninsured individuals
B. Increasing the availability of preventive services
C. Expanding access to high-cost, specialty care without cost controls
D. Implementing a cap on out-of-pocket costs for patients


How does “managed care” attempt to control healthcare costs?
A. By reducing the availability of healthcare providers
B. By limiting access to high-cost healthcare services and ensuring appropriate care through network restrictions
C. By increasing premiums for patients who use more healthcare services
D. By encouraging more diagnostic tests to ensure accurate diagnosis


What is “price transparency” in healthcare?
A. Requiring patients to pay for services before receiving care
B. Making the prices of medical services available to patients before they receive care
C. Allowing insurance companies to set prices for medical services
D. Giving patients access to private healthcare pricing models


What is the purpose of “healthcare quality improvement programs”?
A. To reduce the amount of paperwork required for medical treatments
B. To ensure that healthcare services are effective, efficient, and accessible to all patients
C. To promote insurance companies by lowering their administrative costs
D. To regulate the pricing of prescription medications


What is the role of “health policy analysts” in the healthcare system?
A. To develop and enforce healthcare regulations
B. To examine and assess the impact of healthcare policies and propose improvements
C. To administer health insurance benefits to patients
D. To provide direct medical care to underserved populations


What is the effect of “healthcare market competition” on prices?
A. It tends to decrease prices by encouraging providers to improve efficiency and reduce costs
B. It has no effect on healthcare prices
C. It generally leads to higher prices due to increased demand for services
D. It decreases the quality of care as providers focus on profits


What is the “dual-eligible” population in healthcare?
A. Individuals who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid
B. Individuals who receive healthcare benefits from two different private insurance providers
C. Individuals who are eligible for a government-sponsored healthcare program and private insurance
D. Individuals who have access to both emergency care and long-term care services


Which of the following is an economic incentive that encourages preventive care in healthcare?
A. Increasing the cost of insurance premiums for preventive care users
B. Reducing out-of-pocket costs for preventive services such as vaccinations and screenings
C. Decreasing access to preventive care in underserved areas
D. Limiting access to specialty care for individuals seeking preventive care


What is “moral hazard” in the context of healthcare economics?
A. The risk that individuals will avoid seeking care due to high out-of-pocket costs
B. The tendency for individuals to use more healthcare services when they are covered by insurance, leading to higher overall costs
C. The increased risk of fraud due to unclear healthcare policies
D. The moral implications of deciding which individuals should receive healthcare based on financial resources


How does “healthcare fraud” impact the economy?
A. It decreases healthcare costs by identifying wasteful practices
B. It increases costs by diverting funds away from legitimate healthcare services
C. It reduces the need for government regulations on healthcare
D. It has no significant effect on the overall healthcare system


What is the “donut hole” in the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan?
A. A gap in coverage where beneficiaries are responsible for 100% of their prescription drug costs
B. A portion of coverage where the government covers all prescription drug costs
C. A temporary discount on medications for low-income Medicare recipients
D. A provision that automatically increases the number of medications covered by Medicare


Which of the following best defines “healthcare access”?
A. The cost of obtaining healthcare services
B. The physical availability of healthcare providers in a given area
C. The ability to obtain needed healthcare services regardless of financial or logistical barriers
D. The level of insurance coverage an individual has


What is one of the primary goals of the “Medicaid expansion” under the ACA?
A. To decrease the number of people who are eligible for Medicaid benefits
B. To provide health insurance to low-income individuals who were previously ineligible
C. To limit the healthcare services covered under Medicaid
D. To create a universal, government-run healthcare system


Which healthcare policy is aimed at reducing hospital readmissions?
A. Implementing more stringent insurance requirements for post-discharge care
B. Offering financial incentives for hospitals to reduce preventable readmissions
C. Limiting hospital access to only emergency care services
D. Increasing the availability of long-term care facilities for discharged patients


How does “price discrimination” work in the healthcare market?
A. Healthcare providers charge different prices for services based on the patient’s income or insurance coverage
B. Healthcare providers charge the same prices for all patients regardless of income
C. Insurance companies set fixed prices for all medical services
D. The government sets prices for healthcare services


What is the role of “economic evaluation” in healthcare policy?
A. To determine the level of government intervention in healthcare markets
B. To analyze the cost-effectiveness and impact of different healthcare interventions
C. To set the prices for healthcare services
D. To eliminate healthcare waste by reducing the number of services provided


What is a potential downside of “universal health insurance coverage”?
A. Increased costs for the government and taxpayers
B. Decreased access to high-quality healthcare services
C. A reduction in the number of healthcare professionals
D. Less focus on preventive care


What is “value-based purchasing” in healthcare?
A. A system where the government sets prices for healthcare services
B. A model where healthcare providers are paid based on the quality of care provided rather than the volume of services
C. A way for insurance companies to limit patient access to certain types of care
D. A reimbursement model that only covers inpatient care


Which of the following is an example of “healthcare system fragmentation”?
A. A single government-run health insurance plan that covers all individuals
B. The existence of multiple insurance programs, each covering different populations and services
C. A national health plan that covers all essential health benefits
D. A coordinated care model where all services are provided under one roof


How does “public health policy” differ from “healthcare policy”?
A. Public health policy focuses on providing individual healthcare services, while healthcare policy addresses broader systemic issues
B. Public health policy addresses broader population-based health issues, while healthcare policy focuses on individual healthcare access and delivery
C. Public health policy only involves government regulation, while healthcare policy involves private sector management
D. Public health policy only affects individuals with chronic conditions, while healthcare policy affects all citizens


What does the term “health literacy” refer to?
A. The ability to read medical texts in a foreign language
B. The ability to understand and make informed decisions about health information
C. The level of education required to become a healthcare professional
D. The knowledge of medical terms required to navigate the healthcare system


Which of the following is a potential consequence of “rising healthcare costs”?
A. Improved access to medical services for all populations
B. Decreased access to care for low-income individuals and families
C. Increased quality of care across all healthcare sectors
D. Lower premiums for individuals with private insurance



What is a major goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
A. To decrease the number of individuals with employer-based insurance
B. To ensure all Americans have access to affordable health insurance
C. To eliminate private health insurance companies
D. To increase the number of people who pay for health insurance through employer-provided plans


Which of the following is an example of “public health insurance”?
A. Employer-based health insurance
B. Medicaid
C. Private insurance purchased directly by individuals
D. Health savings accounts (HSAs)


What is a “health maintenance organization” (HMO)?
A. A health insurance plan that offers a wide choice of healthcare providers without restrictions
B. A type of health insurance plan that requires members to use a network of doctors and requires a referral for specialist care
C. A system where patients receive care exclusively from out-of-network providers
D. A public health program offering free medical services to the unemployed


What is “medical underwriting” in health insurance?
A. A process where insurance companies assess the medical history of an individual to determine their eligibility and premiums
B. A method of setting prices based on age and income only
C. A way of reducing healthcare costs by limiting the number of covered treatments
D. The policy of offering coverage to all individuals, regardless of their medical history


Which of the following is a characteristic of “consumer-directed healthcare”?
A. The government directly manages all healthcare decisions for individuals
B. The patient plays a central role in managing their own healthcare costs and decisions, often using high-deductible plans and HSAs
C. All healthcare decisions are made by employers or insurance companies
D. There are no out-of-pocket costs for consumers for any healthcare services


What does “cost-sharing” in health insurance refer to?
A. The amount of money the government contributes to a person’s healthcare costs
B. The total amount the insurance company is obligated to pay for a patient’s medical care
C. The portion of healthcare costs that the insured individual must pay, such as premiums, deductibles, and co-pays
D. A method of increasing the quality of care through shared decision-making


What is the “Chronic Care Model” focused on?
A. Treating acute health conditions as they arise
B. Improving care coordination for individuals with chronic conditions
C. Providing access to care for uninsured individuals
D. Reducing healthcare spending by eliminating long-term care


What is the main function of the “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services” (CMS)?
A. To regulate the cost of pharmaceuticals
B. To administer national health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid
C. To provide free healthcare to low-income individuals
D. To oversee the creation of new healthcare technologies


Which of the following is an example of a “pay-for-performance” healthcare model?
A. Hospitals are reimbursed based on the number of patients they treat
B. Providers are paid based on the quality and outcomes of the care they deliver, such as reduced readmission rates
C. Insurance companies set a flat fee for all medical services regardless of patient outcomes
D. Physicians receive bonuses for seeing a certain number of patients


What is “economic efficiency” in the context of healthcare policy?
A. Maximizing the number of patients served regardless of cost
B. Delivering healthcare services in the most cost-effective way while achieving the best possible health outcomes
C. Reducing the number of healthcare providers in the system
D. Prioritizing services that generate the most revenue for healthcare organizations


What does “Medicaid expansion” seek to achieve?
A. To reduce federal funding for Medicaid
B. To extend Medicaid coverage to more low-income individuals and families
C. To eliminate Medicaid as a government program
D. To limit Medicaid benefits to only children and pregnant women


Which of the following is a limitation of the U.S. healthcare system?
A. Universal access to healthcare services
B. High administrative costs and complexity
C. A single-payer system with a low cost to taxpayers
D. Equal healthcare access for all income groups


What does “uninsured rate” in a population refer to?
A. The percentage of people who are not eligible for healthcare services
B. The percentage of people who do not have health insurance coverage
C. The rate at which insurance premiums increase annually
D. The rate at which health insurance companies go bankrupt


Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of “capitation” in healthcare payment models?
A. Providers may have less incentive to manage patient care efficiently
B. Providers receive a set fee for each patient regardless of care needs, potentially leading to overutilization of services
C. Providers are rewarded for the number of patients they see, leading to an overuse of resources
D. Providers may cut back on necessary care to avoid financial loss if patient needs exceed the cap


What is the “Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health” (HITECH) Act designed to do?
A. Regulate the pricing of medical devices
B. Promote the adoption of electronic health records and improve health IT systems
C. Provide free health insurance to low-income families
D. Increase the number of healthcare providers in rural areas


Which of the following would be considered an example of “market-driven healthcare reform”?
A. A government-imposed cap on healthcare spending
B. Encouraging competition among private health insurers to reduce costs and improve quality
C. Nationalized healthcare programs funded by tax revenue
D. Providing free healthcare services to all citizens


How does “telemedicine” contribute to healthcare access?
A. It allows patients to access healthcare services remotely, often reducing barriers related to distance or transportation
B. It eliminates the need for healthcare providers by using automated systems
C. It reduces the cost of healthcare services by eliminating office visits
D. It only applies to non-urgent care needs


What does “patient-centered care” emphasize in the healthcare system?
A. Treating patients as passive recipients of care directed by healthcare professionals
B. Involving patients in the decision-making process and ensuring that care is tailored to individual needs and preferences
C. Focusing solely on cost reduction in the healthcare delivery system
D. Providing care based only on clinical guidelines without considering patient input


What is “premium assistance” in health insurance?
A. A program that helps individuals pay their monthly premiums for insurance coverage
B. A program that provides free healthcare services to all patients regardless of income
C. A method of reducing co-pays for hospital visits
D. A government mandate requiring individuals to purchase private insurance


Which of the following is an advantage of “private health insurance”?
A. No out-of-pocket costs for services
B. More flexibility in choosing healthcare providers and treatments
C. Guaranteed coverage for all medical conditions
D. Government funding for all health insurance premiums


What is “healthcare rationing”?
A. Offering unlimited access to healthcare services regardless of need
B. Limiting access to certain healthcare services or resources due to budgetary constraints
C. Increasing the number of healthcare professionals to meet demand
D. Expanding access to care for all individuals


What is a “high-deductible health plan” (HDHP)?
A. A health insurance plan with low premiums and high out-of-pocket costs, typically paired with a health savings account (HSA)
B. A health insurance plan with high premiums and low deductibles
C. A government-funded insurance plan with no deductibles
D. A healthcare plan that offers a fixed amount of care at no cost to the patient


How does “value-based care” differ from traditional fee-for-service models?
A. Providers are reimbursed based on the quantity of services they provide
B. Providers are incentivized to improve the overall quality and efficiency of care rather than the volume of services delivered
C. Providers are not reimbursed for patient care at all
D. There is no financial compensation for healthcare providers in value-based care


What is “cost-effectiveness analysis” in healthcare?
A. A method for determining the prices of medical services based on their cost to healthcare providers
B. A technique used to compare the costs and outcomes of different healthcare interventions to determine the best value
C. A process of eliminating expensive medical treatments from insurance coverage
D. A way of controlling healthcare costs by limiting the number of services provided


What role does “healthcare policy advocacy” play in shaping health reform?
A. It involves the promotion of certain healthcare reforms by lobbying legislators, policy-makers, and other stakeholders
B. It focuses on setting prices for healthcare services across the country
C. It ensures the government pays for all healthcare services
D. It eliminates insurance companies from the healthcare system



What is the main purpose of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (ACA)?
A. To reduce the amount of government involvement in healthcare
B. To increase healthcare insurance premiums for individuals
C. To expand access to healthcare, reduce costs, and improve quality
D. To eliminate the use of private health insurance


What is the role of “accountable care organizations” (ACOs)?
A. To provide medical care exclusively to children
B. To improve the quality of care while reducing costs by coordinating healthcare services
C. To increase hospital admission rates
D. To limit the number of patients healthcare providers see


What is the purpose of the “Medical Loss Ratio” (MLR) rule under the ACA?
A. To ensure that insurance companies spend a certain percentage of premiums on healthcare services rather than administrative costs and profits
B. To reduce premiums for all insurance plans
C. To guarantee that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions
D. To limit the amount of healthcare services covered by insurance


Which of the following describes “single-payer healthcare”?
A. Healthcare is funded by private insurance companies, and the government has no role
B. Healthcare is funded and administered by a single government entity, covering all citizens
C. Healthcare services are free for all citizens regardless of their income
D. Healthcare is divided between public and private sectors, with no universal coverage


Which of the following is a characteristic of “Medicare Advantage” plans?
A. They provide coverage exclusively for emergency services
B. They are offered by private insurers and provide the same benefits as Medicare Part A and Part B, with additional coverage options
C. They cover only basic inpatient care
D. They are free for all individuals who qualify for Medicare


Which economic concept is central to the “supply-side” theory in healthcare policy?
A. Increasing government regulation of healthcare prices
B. Reducing taxes on businesses and high-income earners to encourage investment in healthcare services
C. Expanding healthcare access by increasing public funding for health programs
D. Mandating universal health insurance coverage for all citizens


Which of the following best describes the concept of “healthcare cost containment”?
A. Increasing the number of healthcare providers to drive competition
B. Limiting the amount of healthcare services available to patients to reduce spending
C. Increasing government spending on public healthcare services
D. Reducing the administrative costs associated with healthcare delivery


How do “health insurance exchanges” under the ACA impact consumers?
A. They provide individuals with a centralized marketplace to compare and purchase insurance plans
B. They eliminate the need for individuals to pay for health insurance premiums
C. They mandate that all employers provide health insurance to employees
D. They limit the types of insurance plans available to consumers


Which of the following is a potential benefit of “telehealth” services?
A. Reduces the need for face-to-face consultations, potentially lowering healthcare costs
B. Increases the risk of healthcare fraud and misdiagnosis
C. Only available in rural areas
D. Decreases patient access to healthcare information


What is “health insurance portability” under the ACA?
A. It allows individuals to transfer health insurance coverage from one provider to another without losing benefits
B. It ensures that health insurance policies are standardized across states
C. It provides free health insurance to individuals who change jobs
D. It allows insurance providers to limit coverage based on health history


What does “economic burden” refer to in healthcare policy analysis?
A. The total amount the government spends on healthcare programs
B. The financial strain healthcare costs place on individuals, families, and the economy
C. The total number of healthcare professionals in the system
D. The cost of pharmaceutical drugs to healthcare providers


Which of the following is a primary goal of the “Public Health Service Act”?
A. To regulate the cost of prescription drugs
B. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases and improve public health
C. To provide tax incentives for private health insurance
D. To establish a national healthcare system funded by the government


How do “accountable care organizations” (ACOs) impact healthcare providers?
A. Providers receive financial incentives based on the quality and efficiency of the care they deliver
B. Providers are penalized if they provide care outside of a designated network
C. Providers are reimbursed based on the volume of services they deliver
D. Providers are given unlimited resources to care for patients


What is the main feature of a “high-deductible health plan” (HDHP)?
A. Low premiums and high deductibles, often paired with a health savings account (HSA)
B. High premiums and low deductibles
C. Comprehensive coverage with no out-of-pocket costs
D. Coverage for all types of healthcare, including dental and vision


What is the purpose of the “State Children’s Health Insurance Program” (SCHIP)?
A. To provide healthcare coverage for children in low-income families who do not qualify for Medicaid
B. To provide medical insurance for college students
C. To provide adult health insurance for those who cannot afford premiums
D. To offer government-funded long-term care for children


Which of the following is a “demand-side” strategy to reduce healthcare costs?
A. Limiting the number of healthcare providers in the market
B. Encouraging consumers to compare health plans and select cost-effective options
C. Reducing the number of services covered by insurance plans
D. Imposing price controls on healthcare providers


How do “Medicaid” and “Medicare” differ in terms of eligibility?
A. Medicaid covers low-income individuals and families, while Medicare covers individuals over 65 and certain disabilities
B. Medicaid only covers children, while Medicare covers all adults
C. Medicaid provides coverage for those with private insurance, while Medicare only covers government employees
D. There is no difference in eligibility between Medicaid and Medicare


Which of the following is an example of “managed care”?
A. Patients are free to choose any healthcare provider without restrictions
B. Insurance plans limit patient choice of providers and emphasize cost-efficiency
C. Patients are reimbursed based on the number of services provided
D. Providers are paid based on the number of patients they see


What is “universal health coverage”?
A. A healthcare system where every citizen is required to purchase private insurance
B. A system in which every citizen has access to the health services they need without financial hardship
C. A program that provides insurance coverage only for children and elderly citizens
D. A government program that limits healthcare services to a specific region


What is the primary goal of “cost-effectiveness analysis” in healthcare policy?
A. To determine the total cost of healthcare delivery in a country
B. To compare the relative costs and health outcomes of different healthcare interventions
C. To reduce the amount of money spent on healthcare providers
D. To ensure that all healthcare services are provided for free


What is a “patient-centered medical home” (PCMH)?
A. A healthcare model where primary care providers manage all aspects of a patient’s care, emphasizing prevention and coordinated care
B. A healthcare model focusing only on emergency medical services
C. A home where patients are given full medical treatments regardless of cost
D. A system where patients can only visit specialists without seeing a primary care physician


What does “healthcare interoperability” refer to?
A. The ability of different healthcare systems to work together, sharing patient data securely
B. The uniform pricing of all medical services across healthcare providers
C. The integration of alternative medicine into mainstream healthcare
D. The restriction of healthcare services to a single network


How does “preventive care” impact healthcare costs?
A. It typically leads to higher short-term costs but reduces long-term healthcare spending by preventing more serious health conditions
B. It reduces overall healthcare spending by eliminating the need for emergency care
C. It has no impact on overall healthcare spending
D. It increases healthcare costs by encouraging unnecessary testing


What is “bundled payment” in healthcare reimbursement?
A. Providers are paid a single payment for all services related to a treatment or condition, rather than separate payments for each service
B. Providers are reimbursed for every single service provided, regardless of treatment effectiveness
C. Providers are paid a flat fee for every patient treated, regardless of condition
D. Patients are required to pay a single out-of-pocket fee for all services they receive