Java 8+ Features Practice Exam Quiz
Which of the following features was introduced in Java 8?
A) Lambda expressions
B) Modules
C) Records
D) Var handles
Answer: A) Lambda expressions
Which functional interface is used for lambda expressions that take no arguments and return a result?
A) Runnable
B) Supplier
C) Consumer
D) Function
Answer: B) Supplier
In Java 8, which method of the Stream interface is used to get the first element of the stream?
A) find()
B) findFirst()
C) findAny()
D) first()
Answer: B) findFirst()
What does the Optional class represent in Java 8?
A) A value that may or may not be present
B) A container for non-nullable values
C) A stream of elements
D) A custom exception type
Answer: A) A value that may or may not be present
Which of the following methods can be used to create a stream from a collection in Java 8?
A) stream()
B) toStream()
C) collect()
D) getStream()
Answer: A) stream()
In Java 8, which method is used to iterate over the elements of a map in the forEach loop?
A) forEach()
B) iterate()
C) process()
D) loop()
Answer: A) forEach()
What is the default behavior of lambda expressions in terms of access to variables?
A) They can only access final or effectively final local variables
B) They can access any variable from the enclosing scope
C) They can access variables of any class in the program
D) They can access only instance variables of the class
Answer: A) They can only access final or effectively final local variables
What type of method reference is used to refer to a static method in Java 8?
A) Class::method
B) instance::method
C) Class::new
D) Class::methodReference
Answer: A) Class::method
Which of the following is a new feature introduced in Java 8 for concurrent programming?
A) ReentrantLock
B) CompletableFuture
C) ExecutorService
D) ThreadPoolExecutor
Answer: B) CompletableFuture
Which interface is used in Java 8 to support functional programming?
A) Runnable
B) Comparator
C) FunctionalInterface
D) Serializable
Answer: C) FunctionalInterface
Which method is used to combine two streams into one stream in Java 8?
A) combine()
B) flatMap()
C) merge()
D) collect()
Answer: B) flatMap()
In Java 8, which of the following is a valid way to filter a stream?
A) stream.filter()
C) stream.ignore()
D) stream.remove()
Answer: A) stream.filter()
Which of the following methods is used to compare two strings lexicographically in Java 8?
A) compare()
B) compareTo()
C) equals()
D) lexicographicalCompare()
Answer: B) compareTo()
What type of stream is created by the Stream.of() method in Java 8?
A) Infinite stream
B) Parallel stream
C) Sequential stream
D) Range stream
Answer: C) Sequential stream
Which Java 8 feature allows us to execute code after a certain time has passed?
A) ScheduledExecutorService
B) TimerTask
C) CompletableFuture
D) Duration
Answer: A) ScheduledExecutorService
What is the main benefit of using default methods in Java 8 interfaces?
A) They allow methods to be overridden
B) They can have code in the interface
C) They allow multiple inheritance
D) They enable interface instantiation
Answer: B) They can have code in the interface
Which of the following functional interfaces represents an operation on a single operand that produces a result of the same type?
A) Consumer
B) Function
C) Predicate
D) Supplier
Answer: B) Function
How can you create a stream from an array in Java 8?
A) Stream.array()
C) Stream.of()
D) Arrays.asList()
Answer: B)
Which of the following is true about the Stream API in Java 8?
A) Streams can be reused multiple times
B) Streams are data structures
C) Streams are read-only
D) Streams can be either sequential or parallel
Answer: D) Streams can be either sequential or parallel
What is the new method introduced in Map interface in Java 8?
A) putIfAbsent()
B) removeIf()
C) add()
D) merge()
Answer: A) putIfAbsent()
Which of the following methods is used to sort a stream in Java 8?
A) sort()
B) order()
C) filter()
D) distinct()
Answer: A) sort()
What is the purpose of the @FunctionalInterface annotation in Java 8?
A) To enforce that the interface has only one abstract method
B) To indicate that the interface is designed to be used by lambda expressions
C) To define an interface that can be used for functional programming
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
In Java 8, which feature allows processing elements in parallel without writing any additional code?
A) Fork/Join framework
B) Parallel streams
C) ExecutorService
D) Asynchronous tasks
Answer: B) Parallel streams
Which of the following methods in Optional class returns a value if present, otherwise throws an exception?
A) orElseThrow()
B) get()
C) orElse()
D) orElseEmpty()
Answer: A) orElseThrow()
What is the purpose of the forEach() method in Java 8?
A) To iterate over a stream
B) To filter elements from a stream
C) To sort elements in a stream
D) To collect elements from a stream
Answer: A) To iterate over a stream
What is the use of the Collectors.toList() method in Java 8?
A) To collect elements into a list
B) To filter elements in a stream
C) To sum the elements of a stream
D) To remove duplicates from a stream
Answer: A) To collect elements into a list
Which of the following is true about the Stream API’s intermediate operations in Java 8?
A) They modify the original data source
B) They are lazy
C) They are always executed eagerly
D) They must be terminal operations
Answer: B) They are lazy
What is the default behavior of a method reference in Java 8?
A) It is equivalent to writing the lambda expression
B) It is used for method overriding
C) It is used to refer to the super method
D) It requires parameters to be passed explicitly
Answer: A) It is equivalent to writing the lambda expression
Which of the following is the method of the Stream class used for finding the maximum value based on a comparator in Java 8?
A) max()
B) findMax()
C) reduce()
D) collect()
Answer: A) max()
How do you convert a Stream back to a collection in Java 8?
A) to()
B) collect()
C) convert()
D) collectTo()
Answer: B) collect()
Which of the following is a new type of method introduced in Java 8 interfaces?
A) Static methods
B) Private methods
C) Abstract methods
D) Synchronized methods
Answer: A) Static methods
Which of the following is NOT a valid way to create a stream in Java 8?
A) Stream.of()
D) stream()
Answer: D) stream()
What does the Optional class in Java 8 help to prevent?
A) NullPointerException
B) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
C) ClassCastException
D) ConcurrentModificationException
Answer: A) NullPointerException
What does the filter() method of the Stream interface do in Java 8?
A) Removes duplicate elements
B) Sorts the elements of the stream
C) Filters elements based on a condition
D) Converts all elements to uppercase
Answer: C) Filters elements based on a condition
Which of the following classes provides default methods in Java 8?
A) String
B) ArrayList
C) Collections
D) Collection
Answer: D) Collection
In Java 8, which method of the Stream interface is used to map each element to another form?
A) map()
B) transform()
C) convert()
D) reduce()
Answer: A) map()
Which of the following features does the CompletableFuture class support in Java 8?
A) Synchronous execution only
B) Asynchronous computation with a callback
C) Parallel computation only
D) Blocking computation
Answer: B) Asynchronous computation with a callback
What is the purpose of the forEach() method in a Stream?
A) To execute a given action for each element in the stream
B) To filter the stream based on a condition
C) To map each element to a different value
D) To collect elements into a collection
Answer: A) To execute a given action for each element in the stream
Which of the following is the correct syntax for creating a Stream from a list in Java 8?
B) Stream.create(list)
C) Stream.of(list)
D) list.toStream()
Answer: A)
Which of the following methods does not belong to the Stream interface?
A) distinct()
B) sorted()
C) reduce()
D) add()
Answer: D) add()
What type of method is used for default implementation in an interface in Java 8?
A) static methods
B) abstract methods
C) default methods
D) final methods
Answer: C) default methods
Which of the following methods is used to return the first element of a stream in Java 8?
A) first()
B) findFirst()
C) top()
D) head()
Answer: B) findFirst()
Which of the following is true about the Stream API in Java 8?
A) Stream operations are always executed eagerly
B) Stream operations are always executed lazily
C) Stream operations are executed only once
D) Stream operations are executed in parallel by default
Answer: B) Stream operations are always executed lazily
What is the default value returned by Optional.orElse() if the value is not present?
A) null
B) false
C) 0
D) A default value specified by the user
Answer: D) A default value specified by the user
Which of the following is used to iterate over a Map in Java 8?
A) forEach()
B) iterate()
C) map()
D) each()
Answer: A) forEach()
Which of the following classes can be used to perform parallel processing in Java 8?
A) ParallelStream
B) ForkJoinPool
C) ParallelExecutor
D) ParallelTask
Answer: B) ForkJoinPool
Which of the following methods is used to combine two streams into one in Java 8?
A) concat()
B) merge()
C) flatten()
D) combine()
Answer: A) concat()
In Java 8, which method is used to generate a stream of values in a range?
A) Stream.range()
B) Stream.generate()
C) IntStream.range()
D) Stream.ofRange()
Answer: C) IntStream.range()
Which of the following is true about the Predicate interface in Java 8?
A) It represents a function that takes two arguments
B) It represents a function that returns a boolean value
C) It represents a function that takes no arguments
D) It represents a function that produces a result of the same type
Answer: B) It represents a function that returns a boolean value
Which Java 8 feature allows operations on data without mutating the original data?
A) Streams
B) Optional
C) Immutable lists
D) Lambda expressions
Answer: A) Streams
What does the mapToInt() method in Java 8 return?
A) A stream of integers
B) An integer result after applying a function
C) A stream of elements converted to integers
D) An array of integers
Answer: C) A stream of elements converted to integers
In Java 8, which of the following methods is used to collect stream results into a List?
A) collect()
B) toList()
C) collectList()
D) list()
Answer: A) collect()
Which of the following method signatures is valid for a lambda expression in Java 8?
A) (int x, int y) -> { return x + y; }
B) int x, int y -> { return x + y; }
C) int x -> { return x * x; }
D) int -> x * x
Answer: A) (int x, int y) -> { return x + y; }
Which of the following is the correct way to use Optional in Java 8?
A) Optional<String> value = new Optional<>(“Hello”);
B) Optional<String> value = Optional.ofNullable(“Hello”);
C) Optional<String> value = Optional.empty(“Hello”);
D) Optional<String> value = Optional.of(“Hello”);
Answer: B) Optional<String> value = Optional.ofNullable(“Hello”);
What is the purpose of the Collectors.joining() method in Java 8?
A) To join elements of a stream into a single string
B) To create a string that represents the stream
C) To combine two collections into one
D) To add an element to the end of the stream
Answer: A) To join elements of a stream into a single string
Which of the following methods is used to apply a function to each element in a stream in Java 8?
A) apply()
B) transform()
C) map()
D) modify()
Answer: C) map()
Which method of the Stream class in Java 8 allows you to remove duplicate elements from a stream?
A) distinct()
B) unique()
C) removeDuplicates()
D) filter()
Answer: A) distinct()
What does the flatMap() method in Java 8 do?
A) It maps elements to a new type
B) It flattens a nested stream of elements into a single stream
C) It sorts elements in the stream
D) It applies a function to each element and returns a stream
Answer: B) It flattens a nested stream of elements into a single stream
Which of the following is true about method references in Java 8?
A) They refer to instance methods only
B) They can refer to static methods, instance methods, and constructors
C) They can refer only to private methods
D) They are the same as lambda expressions in functionality but more concise
Answer: B) They can refer to static methods, instance methods, and constructors
61. Which of the following is a valid way to define a lambda expression in Java 8?
A) () -> { return “Hello”; }
B) () => { “Hello” }
C) () -> “Hello”;
D) function() -> “Hello”;
Answer: C) () -> “Hello”;
Which of the following is true about Java 8 streams?
A) Streams are mutable
B) Streams can be reused once created
C) Streams can only be used once
D) Streams can store state
Answer: C) Streams can only be used once
Which class is used to handle asynchronous programming in Java 8?
A) Future
B) CompletableFuture
C) Promise
D) Task
Answer: B) CompletableFuture
What is the default return type of the Stream.reduce() method in Java 8?
A) Optional
B) Stream
C) List
D) Integer
Answer: A) Optional
Which of the following is an example of a functional interface in Java 8?
A) util.Comparator
B) java.lang.Runnable
C) java.util.List
D) java.util.Map
Answer: B) java.lang.Runnable
Which of the following statements is true regarding the Optional class in Java 8?
A) Optional is a wrapper class for any type
B) Optional helps handle null values gracefully
C) Optional is a collection class
D) Optional does not provide methods for null handling
Answer: B) Optional helps handle null values gracefully
How do you create a stream from an array in Java 8?
A) fromArray()
C) Stream.ofArray()
D) Stream.create()
Answer: B)
In Java 8, which of the following methods is used to create a stream from a collection?
A) stream()
B) createStream()
C) toStream()
D) fromCollection()
Answer: A) stream()
Which of the following is an example of a default method in an interface in Java 8?
A) public void myMethod();
B) default void myDefaultMethod() {}
C) static void myMethod() {}
D) protected void myDefaultMethod() {}
Answer: B) default void myDefaultMethod() {}
Which of the following stream operations is an intermediate operation?
A) collect()
B) forEach()
C) map()
D) reduce()
Answer: C) map()
In Java 8, how do you define a method reference to a static method?
A) ClassName::methodName
B) methodName::ClassName
C) methodReference::methodName
D) ::methodName
Answer: A) ClassName::methodName
Which of the following is an advantage of using streams in Java 8?
A) Streams provide parallel processing capabilities
B) Streams are always faster than loops
C) Streams support mutation of elements
D) Streams require manual memory management
Answer: A) Streams provide parallel processing capabilities
Which of the following is used to apply an action to each element of a stream in Java 8?
A) reduce()
B) collect()
C) forEach()
D) map()
Answer: C) forEach()
In Java 8, what does the Collectors.toList() method do?
A) Converts a list to a stream
B) Collects the elements of the stream into a List
C) Converts a List to a Set
D) Collects the elements into a Map
Answer: B) Collects the elements of the stream into a List
Which of the following is true about the Stream class in Java 8?
A) Stream supports only sequential processing
B) Stream supports parallel processing
C) Stream is not part of the util package
D) Stream is a subclass of Collection
Answer: B) Stream supports parallel processing
In Java 8, which method of the Optional class returns the value if present, or the provided default value if absent?
A) get()
B) orElse()
C) ifPresent()
D) map()
Answer: B) orElse()
How can you generate an infinite stream in Java 8?
A) generate()
B) Stream.infinite()
C) Stream.iterate()
D) Stream.of()
Answer: A) Stream.generate()
Which of the following is a correct example of using flatMap() in Java 8?
A) flatMap(i -> Arrays.asList(i, i * 2));
B) stream.flatMap(i -> { return i; });
C) stream.flatMap(i -> i * 2);
D) stream.flatMap(i -> new List<>(i));
Answer: A) stream.flatMap(i -> Arrays.asList(i, i * 2));
Which of the following methods in Stream is used to convert elements into another form (such as collecting into a Map)?
A) collect()
B) map()
C) reduce()
D) flatMap()
Answer: A) collect()
Which of the following is used to perform a side-effect operation for each element of the stream in Java 8?
A) map()
B) forEach()
C) reduce()
D) collect()
Answer: B) forEach()
Which of the following methods is used to find the maximum value in a stream of integers in Java 8?
A) max()
B) reduce()
C) sum()
D) aggregate()
Answer: A) max()
Which of the following methods does not belong to the Stream interface in Java 8?
A) findFirst()
B) peek()
C) reduce()
D) clear()
Answer: D) clear()
Which method in Stream is used to skip elements based on a condition in Java 8?
A) skip()
B) takeWhile()
C) filter()
D) limit()
Answer: A) skip()
Which of the following is true about Java 8 lambdas?
A) They can access local variables from the enclosing method only if they are final or effectively final
B) They can access local variables from the enclosing method without any restrictions
C) They cannot access instance variables
D) They are not able to throw exceptions
Answer: A) They can access local variables from the enclosing method only if they are final or effectively final
Which of the following is a valid way to define a method reference in Java 8?
A) ClassName::methodName
B) methodName
C) methodReference::methodName
D) methodName::Class
Answer: A) ClassName::methodName
Which of the following is an example of a terminal operation in a stream in Java 8?
A) map()
B) filter()
C) forEach()
D) peek()
Answer: C) forEach()
Which method is used to convert a stream of objects to a stream of their string representations in Java 8?
A) mapToString()
B) toString()
C) map()
D) flatMap()
Answer: C) map()
91. Which of the following is true about the Stream.distinct() method in Java 8?
A) It filters out all null values from the stream
B) It removes duplicate elements based on their hashCode()
C) It removes duplicate elements based on their content using the equals() method
D) It does not affect the stream elements
Answer: C) It removes duplicate elements based on their content using the equals() method
In Java 8, which method is used to convert a stream to a list?
A) toList()
B) Stream.collect()
C) Stream.toArray()
D) Stream.getList()
Answer: B) Stream.collect()
Which of the following methods is used to sort a stream in Java 8?
A) sort()
B) orderBy()
C) streamSort()
D) sorted()
Answer: D) sorted()
Which interface represents a function that takes one argument and returns a result in Java 8?
A) Function
B) Consumer
C) Predicate
D) Supplier
Answer: A) Function
In Java 8, which method is used to create a stream from a range of integers?
A) ofRange()
B) IntStream.range()
C) Stream.range()
D) IntStream.createRange()
Answer: B) IntStream.range()
Which method is used to get the first element from an Optional in Java 8?
A) get()
B) orElse()
C) ifPresent()
D) findFirst()
Answer: A) get()
Which of the following functional interfaces represents a predicate in Java 8?
A) Predicate<T>
B) Function<T, R>
C) Consumer<T>
D) Supplier<T>
Answer: A) Predicate<T>
Which of the following methods can be used to combine two streams in Java 8?
A) concat()
B) merge()
C) combine()
D) flatMap()
Answer: A) concat()
In Java 8, which interface represents a function that takes no arguments and returns a result?
A) Runnable
B) Supplier
C) Function
D) Consumer
Answer: B) Supplier
Which of the following statements about Optional in Java 8 is true?
A) Optional can be used to avoid null pointer exceptions
B) Optional is always empty when created
C) Optional is a wrapper class for collections
D) Optional can be created only with of()
Answer: A) Optional can be used to avoid null pointer exceptions
What is the purpose of the flatMap() method in Java 8 streams?
A) It flattens the structure of the stream
B) It maps the elements of the stream to a different type
C) It performs side-effects on the elements of the stream
D) It sorts the elements in the stream
Answer: A) It flattens the structure of the stream
Which of the following methods is used to handle multiple exceptions in CompletableFuture in Java 8?
A) exceptionally()
B) handle()
C) whenComplete()
D) catchException()
Answer: B) handle()
What is the purpose of the map() method in a stream?
A) To perform actions on each element and return a new stream
B) To merge the elements of the stream
C) To filter the elements of the stream
D) To collect elements into a collection
Answer: A) To perform actions on each element and return a new stream
Which of the following statements is true about Java 8’s default methods in interfaces?
A) They can have a body
B) They must be abstract
C) They cannot be overridden
D) They can only be used with abstract methods
Answer: A) They can have a body
Which method in the Stream class is used to find the first element in the stream that matches a condition in Java 8?
A) findFirst()
B) findMatch()
C) findAny()
D) filter()
Answer: A) findFirst()
What does the Collectors.groupingBy() method do in Java 8?
A) It groups elements by a given criterion
B) It filters elements based on a condition
C) It reduces the stream to a single element
D) It sorts elements based on a comparator
Answer: A) It groups elements by a given criterion
Which of the following is the correct syntax for using forEach() in a stream?
A) forEach(action)
B) stream.forEach(action, filter)
C) stream.forEach(action, condition)
D) stream.forEach() action
Answer: A) stream.forEach(action)
What is the purpose of the Predicate functional interface in Java 8?
A) To represent a function that takes one argument and produces a result
B) To represent a boolean-valued function of one argument
C) To represent an operation that takes two arguments and produces a result
D) To represent an action that consumes a value and returns nothing
Answer: B) To represent a boolean-valued function of one argument
In Java 8, which of the following is true about method references?
A) They cannot be used with lambda expressions
B) They are a shorthand for lambda expressions
C) They always require a return statement
D) They are used exclusively for instance methods
Answer: B) They are a shorthand for lambda expressions
Which of the following methods in Stream is used to limit the number of elements in the stream?
A) takeWhile()
B) limit()
C) skip()
D) restrict()
Answer: B) limit()
What is the return type of the Stream.collect() method?
A) List
B) Set
C) Map
D) Collector
Answer: D) Collector
Which of the following is the correct way to create an infinite stream of integers starting from 1 in Java 8?
A) generate(1)
B) IntStream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1)
C) Stream.of(1)
D) Stream.generate(() -> 1)
Answer: B) IntStream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1)
Which of the following methods returns a stream of the elements in an array in Java 8?
A) of()
C) Stream.create()
D) Arrays.list()
Answer: B)
What does the Stream.peek() method do in Java 8?
A) It collects elements into a collection
B) It filters elements based on a condition
C) It allows you to perform a side-effect operation on the stream elements
D) It sorts the stream elements
Answer: C) It allows you to perform a side-effect operation on the stream elements
Which of the following statements is true about Collectors.joining() in Java 8?
A) It combines the stream elements into a single string
B) It filters elements based on a condition
C) It collects the stream elements into a list
D) It maps stream elements to a new form
Answer: A) It combines the stream elements into a single string
What is the purpose of the Optional.orElse() method in Java 8?
A) To return the value if present, otherwise it will throw an exception
B) To return the value if present, otherwise return a default value
C) To wrap the value in an Optional
D) To check if the value is present
Answer: B) To return the value if present, otherwise return a default value
Which method in the Stream class is used to concatenate multiple streams in Java 8?
A) concat()
B) merge()
C) combine()
D) flatMap()
Answer: A) concat()
Which of the following is true about the Collectors.toMap() method in Java 8?
A) It collects stream elements into a map using the provided key and value functions
B) It collects stream elements into a list
C) It collects stream elements into a set
D) It merges the elements based on a predicate
Answer: A) It collects stream elements into a map using the provided key and value functions
What does the Stream.flatMap() method do in Java 8?
A) It maps each element to a single value
B) It transforms each element into a stream of elements and flattens the result
C) It sorts the stream elements
D) It filters the stream based on a condition
Answer: B) It transforms each element into a stream of elements and flattens the result
Which method is used to create an empty Optional in Java 8?
A) empty()
B) Optional.of()
C) Optional.get()
D) Optional.none()
Answer: A) Optional.empty()
Which method of Stream class is used to skip the first n elements of a stream in Java 8?
A) skip()
B) dropWhile()
C) takeWhile()
D) discard()
Answer: A) skip()
129. Which of the following methods is used to create an unmodifiable collection in Java 8?
A) unmodifiableList()
B) Stream.unmodifiable()
C) List.of()
D) Set.of()
Answer: A) Collections.unmodifiableList()
Which of the following is true about the Stream.forEach() method in Java 8?
A) It modifies the elements of the stream
B) It performs an action on each element of the stream
C) It filters the stream elements
D) It returns a new stream
Answer: B) It performs an action on each element of the stream
Which method is used to combine two or more functions in Java 8?
A) andThen()
B) combine()
C) compose()
D) merge()
Answer: A) andThen()
Which method is used to iterate over a collection in Java 8?
A) forEach()
B) each()
C) loop()
D) iterate()
Answer: A) forEach()
Which of the following can be used to sort a stream of strings in Java 8 in reverse order?
A) sort(Comparator.reverseOrder())
B) Stream.sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder())
C) Stream.reverseSort()
D) Stream.reverse()
Answer: B) Stream.sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder())
Which of the following is the correct way to find the maximum value in a stream of integers using Java 8?
A) max()
B) Stream.getMax()
C) Stream.highest()
D) Stream.findMax()
Answer: A) Stream.max()
In Java 8, what type of variable can be used in a lambda expression?
A) Instance variables
B) Local variables
C) Static variables
D) All of the above
Answer: B) Local variables
Which functional interface does Stream.filter() use in Java 8?
A) Predicate<T>
B) Function<T, R>
C) Consumer<T>
D) Supplier<T>
Answer: A) Predicate<T>
What is the default value of an Optional object in Java 8?
A) null
B) empty()
C) Optional.of()
D) Optional.get()
Answer: B) Optional.empty()
Which method is used to get the minimum value from a stream in Java 8?
A) min()
B) Stream.lowest()
C) Stream.getMin()
D) Stream.findMin()
Answer: A) Stream.min()
In Java 8, which of the following is an example of a terminal operation?
A) map()
B) filter()
C) reduce()
D) peek()
Answer: C) reduce()
Which of the following methods returns a new stream that skips the first n elements in Java 8?
A) takeWhile()
B) skip()
C) limit()
D) forEach()
Answer: B) skip()
146. In Java 8, what is the return type of the Stream.collect() method when used with Collectors.toList()?
A) List
B) Set
C) Map
D) Collector
Answer: A) List
Which of the following is true about the CompletableFuture class in Java 8?
A) It represents an asynchronous computation
B) It is a blocking class
C) It is a stream-based class
D) It is a subclass of Future
Answer: A) It represents an asynchronous computation
What is the purpose of the Optional.ifPresent() method in Java 8?
A) To check if the value is null
B) To perform an action if the value is present
C) To retrieve the value
D) To return a default value
Answer: B) To perform an action if the value is present
What is the purpose of Stream.anyMatch() in Java 8?
A) To check if at least one element matches a condition
B) To filter elements based on a condition
C) To transform elements of a stream
D) To get the first element that matches a condition
Answer: A) To check if at least one element matches a condition
Which of the following is NOT a functional interface in Java 8?
A) Runnable
B) Callable
C) Function
D) Consumer
Answer: B) Callable
Which method is used to retrieve the value of an Optional object in Java 8, if it is present?
A) get()
B) retrieve()
C) extract()
D) orElse()
Answer: A) get()
Which of the following methods is used to sort a stream in Java 8?
A) sorted()
B) sort()
C) orderBy()
D) arrange()
Answer: A) sorted()
What does the Stream.reduce() method do in Java 8?
A) It collects the stream elements into a list
B) It transforms the stream elements into a single value
C) It filters the stream elements based on a condition
D) It performs an action on each element
Answer: B) It transforms the stream elements into a single value
Which of the following is true about the Predicate interface in Java 8?
A) It takes one argument and returns a boolean
B) It takes no arguments and returns a boolean
C) It takes one argument and returns a string
D) It takes one argument and returns an integer
Answer: A) It takes one argument and returns a boolean
Which of the following methods can be used to remove duplicates from a stream in Java 8?
A) distinct()
B) filter()
C) unique()
D) removeDuplicates()
Answer: A) distinct()
What does the Stream.limit() method do in Java 8?
A) It limits the stream to the first n elements
B) It filters the stream based on a condition
C) It transforms each element of the stream
D) It sorts the stream
Answer: A) It limits the stream to the first n elements
Which method of the Stream interface is used to convert the elements into a list in Java 8?
A) toList()
B) collect()
C) map()
D) toArray()
Answer: B) collect()
Which method in the Optional class returns the value if present or the given default value otherwise?
A) orElse()
B) get()
C) isPresent()
D) map()
Answer: A) orElse()
Which method in Java 8 is used to convert an array into a stream?
A) asStream()
B) Stream.of()
C) Stream.toArray()
Answer: D)
Which of the following is used to create an immutable set in Java 8?
A) HashSet()
B) of()
C) Collections.unmodifiableSet()
D) TreeSet()
Answer: B) Set.of()
What is the purpose of the CompletableFuture.thenApply() method in Java 8?
A) To combine two futures
B) To handle exceptions asynchronously
C) To process the result of the computation
D) To block until the computation is completed
Answer: C) To process the result of the computation
Which of the following statements is true about the Lambda expressions in Java 8?
A) Lambda expressions can access only final local variables
B) Lambda expressions can access both final and non-final local variables
C) Lambda expressions can access only non-final local variables
D) Lambda expressions cannot access any local variables
Answer: A) Lambda expressions can access only final local variables
Which of the following is true about the Stream.peek() method in Java 8?
A) It is a terminal operation
B) It is used to examine the elements of the stream without consuming them
C) It is used to modify elements in the stream
D) It throws an exception if the stream is empty
Answer: B) It is used to examine the elements of the stream without consuming them
Which interface is used by the method in Java 8?
A) Function<T, R>
B) Consumer<T>
C) Predicate<T>
D) Supplier<T>
Answer: A) Function<T, R>
Which of the following is a valid method for iterating through a Map in Java 8?
A) forEach()
B) map.entries()
C) map.iterate()
D) map.entries().forEach()
Answer: A) map.forEach()
Which of the following methods is used to create an immutable list in Java 8?
A) of()
B) ArrayList()
C) Collections.unmodifiableList()
D) LinkedList()
Answer: A) List.of()
In Java 8, which method is used to check if any element of a stream matches a given predicate?
A) anyMatch()
B) noneMatch()
C) allMatch()
D) findFirst()
Answer: A) anyMatch()
Which of the following is a new feature of Java 8?
A) Default methods in interfaces
B) Multi-threading support
C) Lambda functions in classes
D) A new type of method for strings
Answer: A) Default methods in interfaces
What is the purpose of the Stream.forEachOrdered() method in Java 8?
A) To iterate over the stream while preserving the encounter order
B) To sort the stream
C) To iterate over the stream without preserving the order
D) To apply a terminal operation to the stream
Answer: A) To iterate over the stream while preserving the encounter order
Which of the following classes in Java 8 is a functional interface?
A) Thread
B) Runnable
C) Executor
D) String
Answer: B) Runnable
What is the purpose of the Optional.ifPresentOrElse() method in Java 8?
A) It returns a default value if the value is not present
B) It executes a specified action if the value is present
C) It executes an action if the value is present and another action if not
D) It throws an exception if the value is not present
Answer: C) It executes an action if the value is present and another action if not
180. Which of the following methods is used to transform each element of a stream into another type in Java 8?
A) map()
B) filter()
C) reduce()
D) collect()
Answer: A) map()