Lifespan and Development Practice Exam Quiz

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Lifespan and Development Practice Exam Quiz


Which of the following is a characteristic of the early childhood stage of development?

A) The development of motor skills
B) Emotional regulation begins
C) Formation of primary relationships
D) Independence from parental influence


According to Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, the primary challenge during adolescence is:

A) Integrity vs. Despair
B) Identity vs. Role Confusion
C) Trust vs. Mistrust
D) Generativity vs. Stagnation


Which of the following best defines cognitive development during middle adulthood?

A) Significant improvements in memory retention
B) Decreased processing speed and difficulty multitasking
C) Development of abstract thinking and reasoning
D) A decline in vocabulary and linguistic abilities


The theory of “moral reasoning” was proposed by:

A) Erikson
B) Vygotsky
C) Kohlberg
D) Piaget


In which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development theory does an individual face the challenge of achieving intimacy vs. isolation?

A) Adolescence
B) Young Adulthood
C) Middle Adulthood
D) Old Age


The major developmental milestone during the prenatal period is:

A) Development of primary motor skills
B) Formation of fundamental identity
C) Development of basic physical and neural structures
D) Ability to communicate with others


The concept of “crystallized intelligence” refers to:

A) The ability to solve novel problems
B) The accumulation of knowledge and experience
C) Processing speed and efficiency
D) Memory retention and recall


What is the primary focus of the “family systems theory”?

A) The genetic inheritance passed down within families
B) The role of family in shaping cognitive development
C) The dynamic interactions and relationships within the family system
D) The impact of peers on family life


Which of the following is an example of a family transition that may occur during adulthood?

A) Puberty
B) Becoming a parent
C) Early childhood education
D) Peer acceptance


According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development is the range between:

A) A child’s current abilities and potential abilities with guidance
B) A child’s current abilities and the abilities they will have in the future
C) What a child can do alone and what they can do in a group
D) A child’s highest potential and their lowest capabilities


Which of the following best describes the process of “socialization”?

A) Learning through direct instruction
B) The process of learning behaviors and norms appropriate for one’s culture
C) Acquiring knowledge through formal education
D) Gaining independence from caregivers


Which of the following is a key component of “attachment theory”?

A) Cognitive development through imitation
B) Emotional bonds formed between infants and their caregivers
C) The understanding of self in relation to others
D) The development of moral reasoning


According to Piaget, the ability to understand the concept of conservation (e.g., that quantity does not change despite changes in shape or appearance) is typically developed during:

A) Sensorimotor Stage
B) Preoperational Stage
C) Concrete Operational Stage
D) Formal Operational Stage


In adulthood, the focus of development typically shifts to:

A) Establishing an identity
B) Forming intimate relationships
C) Building careers and maintaining social roles
D) Developing abstract thinking


Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic motivator for development?

A) Financial rewards
B) Social recognition
C) Personal growth and self-satisfaction
D) Peer pressure


The term “gerontology” refers to the study of:

A) Developmental psychology in adolescence
B) Family dynamics in adulthood
C) Cognitive decline in old age
D) The aging process and the challenges faced by older adults


Which of the following is a key aspect of lifespan development?

A) Development is purely based on biology
B) Development occurs in both positive and negative directions
C) Development is a one-time event in early childhood
D) Development is irreversible after a certain age


The term “differentiation” in developmental psychology refers to:

A) The process of changing one’s personality to fit social norms
B) The process of acquiring new skills from experience
C) The process by which structures become more specialized over time
D) The development of complex thought patterns in later childhood


What is the major challenge in middle adulthood according to Erikson’s stages?

A) Trust vs. Mistrust
B) Integrity vs. Despair
C) Generativity vs. Stagnation
D) Autonomy vs. Shame


The term “life course perspective” in developmental psychology refers to:

A) The gradual decline of physical abilities in old age
B) A focus on major life events and transitions over a lifetime
C) The development of cognitive abilities over time
D) The role of genetics in shaping personality


The developmental milestone of “puberty” is primarily associated with:

A) Cognitive development and abstract thinking
B) The onset of reproductive capabilities
C) Moral and ethical decision-making
D) The development of social relationships


Which of the following best describes the concept of “fluid intelligence”?

A) Knowledge accumulated over a lifetime
B) The ability to reason and solve novel problems
C) The ability to process information quickly
D) The ability to recall previously learned information


According to Kohlberg, a person in the post-conventional level of moral reasoning:

A) Obeys rules to avoid punishment
B) Focuses on societal norms and laws
C) Acts based on universal ethical principles
D) Is influenced primarily by self-interest


The “critical period” concept refers to:

A) A specific time in which certain experiences or stimuli must occur for development to proceed normally
B) A period of rapid growth during adolescence
C) The time in which personality traits are established
D) The stage in life when cognitive development reaches its peak


Which of the following is most important in Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development in older adulthood?

A) Generating creativity in artistic work
B) Achieving generativity through parenting
C) Reaching integrity through reflection on life
D) Establishing independence from family


According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the highest level of human needs is:

A) Esteem needs
B) Safety needs
C) Physiological needs
D) Self-actualization


Which of the following is a characteristic of “late adulthood” in the lifespan development theory?

A) Rapid physical growth
B) Intellectual abilities continue to improve
C) Increased risk of chronic diseases and functional decline
D) Development of moral and ethical reasoning


Which developmental theory focuses on the interaction between children and their social environments?

A) Cognitive Development Theory
B) Social Learning Theory
C) Ecological Systems Theory
D) Psychodynamic Theory


The term “emerging adulthood” refers to which phase of life?

A) The first 3 years of life
B) The transition period between adolescence and adulthood
C) The midlife period
D) The late years of adulthood


In what stage of life do individuals typically experience the highest level of physical strength and endurance?

A) Adolescence
B) Young Adulthood
C) Middle Adulthood
D) Late Adulthood



Which of the following describes the concept of “life-span perspective” in developmental psychology?

A) Development is based solely on childhood experiences
B) Development involves growth and change throughout life
C) Development is complete by early adulthood
D) Development is irreversible after infancy


Which of the following is a characteristic of the “preoperational” stage in Piaget’s theory?

A) Ability to understand conservation
B) Development of abstract thinking
C) Symbolic thinking and egocentrism
D) The ability to solve hypothetical problems


In adulthood, the need for “generativity” refers to:

A) The desire to leave a legacy and contribute to society
B) The need for financial security
C) The desire to build intimate relationships
D) The ability to care for oneself independently


The concept of “self-regulation” in child development refers to:

A) The ability to control one’s emotions, behavior, and reactions
B) The process of learning from mistakes
C) The ability to develop complex thinking
D) The ability to understand abstract concepts


What is the term for the process by which children learn to adapt to their environment by interacting with it?

A) Assimilation
B) Accommodation
C) Equilibration
D) Observational learning


The attachment theory proposed by Bowlby emphasizes the importance of:

A) Physical maturation and development
B) The quality of early relationships with caregivers
C) Cognitive development in early childhood
D) The ability to form peer relationships during adolescence


The “nature vs. nurture” debate focuses on whether:

A) Personality is determined by genetics or environmental factors
B) Intelligence is solely genetic
C) Children should be raised in one culture or another
D) Behavior is inherited or learned through observation


Which stage of cognitive development in Piaget’s theory is characterized by the ability to perform operations mentally rather than physically?

A) Sensorimotor
B) Preoperational
C) Concrete operational
D) Formal operational


Which of the following is a key feature of “adolescence” according to Erikson?

A) Integrity vs. Despair
B) Identity vs. Role Confusion
C) Intimacy vs. Isolation
D) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt


According to Vygotsky, the “scaffolding” process involves:

A) Direct instruction and support from caregivers or teachers
B) A child’s ability to teach others
C) A child’s independence from caregivers
D) Social behaviors learned through observation


In adulthood, cognitive decline is most likely to affect which of the following abilities?

A) Vocabulary
B) Memory and processing speed
C) Abstract reasoning
D) Physical coordination


Which of the following factors is most strongly associated with the development of “resilience” in children?

A) Higher socioeconomic status
B) Strong social support and relationships
C) Higher IQ levels
D) Early exposure to technology


A child’s ability to understand that others have different perspectives is known as:

A) Empathy
B) Theory of mind
C) Social learning
D) Cognitive development


Which of the following best describes the “psychosocial” stage of development during young adulthood?

A) Integrity vs. Despair
B) Intimacy vs. Isolation
C) Autonomy vs. Shame
D) Industry vs. Inferiority


The “ecological systems theory” developed by Bronfenbrenner emphasizes:

A) The importance of biological maturation in development
B) The influence of various environmental systems on development
C) The role of genetics in determining behavior
D) The internal psychological stages of development


The concept of “resilience” refers to:

A) A child’s ability to recover from adversity and continue developing positively
B) A person’s ability to acquire new skills in adulthood
C) The gradual decline of cognitive abilities in later life
D) The rigidity of one’s personality across the lifespan


Which of the following is considered an example of a “normative life event”?

A) The death of a parent in adolescence
B) A divorce in adulthood
C) A child starting school at age 6
D) Becoming a grandparent in late adulthood


In middle adulthood, individuals are likely to experience:

A) Significant physical growth
B) A decline in intellectual ability
C) A focus on career achievement and family responsibilities
D) An inability to maintain relationships


According to Bronfenbrenner’s theory, the “microsystem” includes:

A) Cultural and societal influences
B) Family, peers, and school
C) Policies and laws affecting society
D) Broader global environmental factors


Which of the following best represents “gender identity”?

A) The social roles and expectations for individuals based on gender
B) An individual’s sense of being male, female, or another gender
C) The biological characteristics that define male and female
D) The behaviors learned through observing gender roles


Which of the following is a key challenge during “late adulthood” according to Erikson’s stages?

A) Trust vs. Mistrust
B) Identity vs. Role Confusion
C) Generativity vs. Stagnation
D) Integrity vs. Despair


Which of the following is an example of “continuous development”?

A) A sudden shift in cognitive abilities during puberty
B) Gradual, cumulative changes in cognitive skills over time
C) Rapid physical changes during early childhood
D) A person’s development is strictly age-dependent


Which of the following is an example of “cognitive dissonance”?

A) The ability to solve complex problems
B) The discomfort of holding conflicting beliefs or behaviors
C) A child learning new motor skills
D) A person’s behavior that matches their beliefs


The “selective optimization with compensation” model suggests that:

A) People lose abilities in old age, but compensate by focusing on strengths
B) People must choose specific areas to specialize in for development
C) Cognitive abilities remain unchanged throughout life
D) Individuals focus only on physical rather than intellectual abilities in old age


Which of the following is a defining feature of the “postformal” stage of cognitive development?

A) Development of formal operational thought
B) An understanding of abstract and hypothetical reasoning
C) Recognition that some problems have no clear solution
D) Early childhood reliance on concrete thinking


“Vicarious reinforcement” in social learning theory refers to:

A) Learning by directly experiencing rewards or punishments
B) Learning through observing others and seeing the consequences of their actions
C) Learning through repetition and practice
D) Learning without the influence of external rewards


In the study of lifespan development, “cultural competence” refers to:

A) The ability to adapt to new social environments
B) Understanding and respecting the cultural influences on development
C) The knowledge of universal stages of development
D) The influence of genetic factors on development


Which of the following is a focus of “developmental psychopathology”?

A) Understanding the normal stages of development
B) The study of abnormal development and its causes
C) The examination of social behaviors in adults
D) The exploration of genetic influences on development


The concept of “imprinting” is most closely associated with:

A) The development of language in infancy
B) The formation of early attachment bonds in animals
C) The development of abstract thinking in adolescents
D) The onset of puberty


Which of the following best represents the idea of “adaptive behavior” in development?

A) Learning new skills to overcome challenges and adapt to new environments
B) Relying on existing behaviors and abilities without change
C) Exhibiting behaviors that are solely biologically determined
D) A refusal to change one’s behavior across the lifespan



According to Erikson, the challenge of “intimacy vs. isolation” is most prominent during:

A) Adolescence
B) Early adulthood
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


The process by which children learn social behaviors by observing others is known as:

A) Operant conditioning
B) Classical conditioning
C) Observational learning
D) Cognitive development


Which of the following best describes “cognitive development” in Piaget’s theory?

A) The process by which individuals acquire, organize, and use knowledge
B) The emotional growth and maturity of individuals
C) The development of moral reasoning
D) The physical changes that occur in the brain


Which of the following best describes a “secure attachment” in infancy?

A) The child does not show preference for the caregiver
B) The child is upset when the caregiver leaves but is easily comforted upon return
C) The child is indifferent to the caregiver’s presence
D) The child avoids the caregiver


The term “lifespan perspective” highlights the fact that development:

A) Occurs only during childhood
B) Involves constant growth from birth to old age
C) Is confined to the first 18 years of life
D) Is mostly biological, with little influence from the environment


According to Vygotsky, “scaffolding” refers to:

A) A child’s ability to build upon their own knowledge independently
B) A gradual reduction of support as a child gains competence
C) The process of acquiring formal education
D) The cognitive tools provided by society to help children


In Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, the “postconventional” level is characterized by:

A) A focus on avoiding punishment
B) An understanding of universal ethical principles
C) Strict adherence to societal rules and laws
D) An emphasis on gaining approval from others


The “crystallized intelligence” theory suggests that:

A) Intelligence declines with age due to a loss of cognitive skills
B) Knowledge and experience increase with age, especially in areas of expertise
C) Cognitive abilities are fixed after early childhood
D) Intelligence remains stable throughout life


Which of the following stages of Erikson’s theory is associated with young children’s development of autonomy?

A) Trust vs. Mistrust
B) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
C) Industry vs. Inferiority
D) Identity vs. Role Confusion


Which of the following is an example of a “normative age-graded influence”?

A) A teenager’s first romantic relationship
B) A person’s career progression in adulthood
C) A child’s experiences in preschool
D) The physical changes that come with aging


In the early stages of adolescence, individuals experience a shift from:

A) Concrete thinking to abstract thinking
B) Dependency to independence from their parents
C) Understanding social rules to rejecting societal norms
D) Intimacy to isolation from others


The “zone of proximal development” (ZPD) refers to:

A) The range of tasks a child can do independently
B) The level of challenge a child is comfortable with
C) The difference between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help
D) The cognitive development that occurs after childhood


Which of the following is most important for “successful aging”?

A) The ability to remain independent in old age
B) Maintaining strong family relationships
C) Continuous cognitive development and physical health
D) The avoidance of illness and disease


According to the theory of “social exchange,” relationships are maintained based on:

A) Mutual benefit and minimizing the costs in interactions
B) Social norms and cultural expectations
C) The desire for self-improvement
D) The emotional connection between individuals


Which of the following is the primary focus of “developmental psychology”?

A) The study of the biological processes of aging
B) The examination of life’s major transitions and their impact on behavior
C) The analysis of how genes determine behavior
D) The study of mental disorders across the lifespan


The “stability vs. change” debate in developmental psychology explores whether:

A) Personality and behavior change throughout life or remain constant
B) Physical health improves or declines with age
C) Cognitive abilities improve over the lifespan
D) Moral reasoning becomes more complex over time


The ability to understand one’s own emotions and how they influence behavior is known as:

A) Emotional regulation
B) Emotional intelligence
C) Social cognition
D) Self-awareness


According to the theory of “socioemotional selectivity,” older adults tend to:

A) Focus more on new social interactions rather than close relationships
B) Decrease their social interactions to focus on emotional satisfaction
C) Avoid relationships that could lead to emotional distress
D) Seek more challenging experiences


A developmentalist would describe “adolescence” as the period:

A) When children learn abstract reasoning
B) Between childhood and early adulthood when identity is formed
C) When the brain’s ability to retain new information peaks
D) When individuals enter their career stage


In early adulthood, the development of “intimacy” refers to:

A) Developing strong peer relationships
B) Gaining independence from parents
C) Forming deep, meaningful relationships with others
D) Exploring different careers


According to attachment theory, which of the following would be an example of an insecure attachment style in infancy?

A) The infant is upset when the caregiver leaves and is comforted upon return
B) The infant avoids the caregiver and seems indifferent to their presence
C) The infant seeks comfort and then pushes the caregiver away
D) The infant shows strong attachment to both parents equally


The “nurture” perspective in development emphasizes:

A) The role of genetics in shaping an individual’s behavior
B) The influence of societal and cultural factors on development
C) The biological foundation of intelligence
D) The role of maturation in development


Which of the following is an example of “adaptive behavior” during childhood?

A) A child learning to communicate through language
B) A child rejecting peer influence
C) A child showing rigid behavior in response to changes
D) A child avoiding difficult social situations


In which of Piaget’s stages do children begin to understand the concept of conservation?

A) Sensorimotor
B) Preoperational
C) Concrete operational
D) Formal operational


The idea of “crystallized intelligence” suggests that:

A) Cognitive abilities remain stable throughout adulthood
B) Intelligence increases through experience and knowledge over time
C) Intelligence is purely biological and independent of age
D) Intellectual growth slows down significantly after childhood


The “bioecological model” of human development stresses the importance of:

A) How the brain’s structure affects development
B) The way in which individuals interact with their environment
C) The role of genes in personality development
D) Social behaviors in adulthood


Which of the following factors most strongly influences the transition from adolescence to adulthood?

A) Emotional maturity
B) Completing formal education
C) Forming lasting intimate relationships
D) Physical changes due to puberty


Which of the following best describes “self-efficacy”?

A) The belief that one can succeed in specific situations
B) The ability to work well with others
C) The tendency to avoid challenges
D) The skill of managing emotions in social situations


The “active-passive child” debate in developmental psychology revolves around:

A) Whether children actively shape their development or passively respond to environmental factors
B) The extent to which parenting influences development
C) Whether biological processes or external environments are more influential
D) The impact of education on personality development


The concept of “emerging adulthood” is most applicable to:

A) Adolescents in their late teens to early twenties, exploring identity
B) Young adults who are married with children
C) Middle-aged adults in the workforce
D) Older adults entering retirement



According to Jean Piaget, the ability to perform operations mentally instead of physically occurs during the:

A) Sensorimotor stage
B) Preoperational stage
C) Concrete operational stage
D) Formal operational stage


According to the life-course perspective, the way an individual’s life path is shaped depends on:

A) Early childhood experiences alone
B) Experiences at various points in the lifespan and social context
C) Only the major life events
D) Biological inheritance only


The term “generativity vs. stagnation” refers to:

A) The struggle between forming an identity and experiencing role confusion in young adults
B) The ability to reflect on past actions in middle adulthood
C) The desire to contribute to future generations and society or feeling stuck and self-absorbed
D) The transition to late adulthood and finding peace with life


A person who maintains a high level of physical and cognitive function into old age is demonstrating:

A) Resilience
B) Cognitive decline
C) Lifelong learning
D) Successful aging


Which of the following is a characteristic of “formal operational thinking” as described by Piaget?

A) The ability to understand abstract concepts and think logically about hypothetical situations
B) The ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships through hands-on experience
C) The development of language skills
D) The ability to perform basic math calculations


The “nature vs. nurture” debate in lifespan development concerns:

A) Whether traits are inherited genetically or shaped by environmental factors
B) Whether humans are born with a blank slate or are naturally predisposed to specific behaviors
C) The role of cognitive abilities in shaping behavior
D) The role of childhood experiences in determining adulthood behavior


According to Freud, the “latency period” in psychosexual development is characterized by:

A) Sexual energy being focused on the genitals
B) A time when children develop social and intellectual skills
C) The onset of puberty and sexual attraction
D) The stage of oral fixation


The “life-course perspective” emphasizes that development:

A) Is a series of stages that are uniform across cultures
B) Can be best understood by focusing on major life events and transitions
C) Ends in adulthood and does not extend into old age
D) Is largely determined by biological processes and genetic factors


Which of the following best represents the “cognitive development” in late adulthood?

A) Major decline in all cognitive abilities
B) The maintenance of problem-solving abilities and knowledge despite aging
C) A sharp increase in cognitive abilities
D) A focus on physical abilities rather than cognitive ones


According to attachment theory, the attachment bond formed in childhood:

A) Is easily changed as the child grows older
B) Is a lifelong bond that influences emotional relationships throughout life
C) Has no impact on later relationships
D) Is primarily influenced by physical health and not emotional experiences


According to Erikson, the challenge of “integrity vs. despair” occurs during:

A) Young adulthood
B) Adolescence
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


Which of the following statements is true regarding brain development during early childhood?

A) The brain grows rapidly in size but is not yet fully connected
B) The brain is fully developed at birth, but it requires nurturing to thrive
C) Cognitive functions and reasoning abilities are fully formed in early childhood
D) The brain growth slows down significantly during the first few years of life


Which of the following is true about the concept of “self-concept” during adolescence?

A) It remains consistent throughout adolescence
B) It is based solely on academic achievement
C) It involves a developing understanding of one’s own identity and place in the world
D) It is mainly shaped by parental expectations


In the context of lifespan development, “identity diffusion” is characterized by:

A) A clear understanding of one’s values and goals
B) A lack of direction or commitment to a particular role or belief system
C) A period of crisis that leads to commitment
D) Developing a strong sense of personal identity and purpose


According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, a “secure base” refers to:

A) The physical presence of a caregiver only
B) The emotional availability of the caregiver that helps the child explore the world
C) The child’s ability to remain independent without needing attachment
D) The physical objects in a child’s environment


In adulthood, the ability to process and solve complex problems, particularly those involving abstract concepts, is referred to as:

A) Fluid intelligence
B) Crystallized intelligence
C) Social intelligence
D) Emotional intelligence


Which of the following statements best reflects “individual differences” in lifespan development?

A) Everyone follows the same developmental trajectory
B) Development occurs in a predictable sequence and pattern for everyone
C) Development is influenced by genetic factors, but individual experiences and contexts create variations
D) Lifespan development is the same regardless of cultural or social factors


According to the “bioecological model” of development, the microsystem includes:

A) The broad cultural and societal influences on a person’s development
B) The immediate environments such as family, peers, and school that a person interacts with regularly
C) The economic conditions that influence developmental processes
D) The overall historical and political context of development


Which of the following is an example of “cognitive aging”?

A) Increased ability to focus and concentrate
B) Improved ability to multitask and solve problems quickly
C) Slower processing speed and challenges with memory retrieval
D) The ability to learn new languages with ease


“Midlife crisis” is a term most commonly associated with which of the following challenges?

A) A feeling of deep regret over unachieved goals and dreams in adulthood
B) The emotional challenges of aging and loss
C) The attempt to reconcile past decisions with future opportunities
D) The reassessment of identity and meaning in midlife


Which of the following is a characteristic of “postformal thought” in adulthood?

A) The ability to think abstractly about hypothetical situations
B) The ability to synthesize multiple perspectives and think about problems in flexible ways
C) The ability to logically think through problems without considering emotions
D) The ability to follow rules strictly without deviation


The “bald spot” theory of aging refers to:

A) A decrease in the amount of hair on an individual’s head with age
B) The decline in reproductive ability with age
C) The loss of intellectual capacity over time
D) The changes in an individual’s social and emotional needs during old age


The “brain reserve” hypothesis suggests that:

A) Older adults have more difficulty learning new skills due to brain shrinkage
B) The brain’s ability to withstand damage is based on the amount of previous cognitive activity
C) The brain becomes less efficient with age but maintains a set capacity for learning
D) Cognitive decline is inevitable in later adulthood


Which of the following is an example of “resilience” in the context of lifespan development?

A) Experiencing a challenging childhood and later thriving in adulthood despite it
B) Always avoiding risk and protecting one’s emotional well-being
C) Staying unchanged in the face of adversity
D) Avoiding relationships to maintain a stable emotional state


According to the concept of “selective optimization with compensation,” older adults:

A) Avoid challenges in order to maintain stability
B) Focus on their strengths and adjust to losses in other areas
C) Rely only on external help rather than adapting themselves
D) Aim to master all new challenges, regardless of their ability



In Erikson’s theory, the key challenge of adolescence is:

A) Trust vs. Mistrust
B) Autonomy vs. Shame
C) Industry vs. Inferiority
D) Identity vs. Role Confusion


Which of the following best describes “conventional morality” according to Kohlberg?

A) Morality based on avoiding punishment
B) Morality based on adhering to social rules and gaining approval
C) Morality based on abstract ethical principles
D) Morality based on the desire for equality and fairness


Which of the following best represents “resilience” in children who grow up in challenging environments?

A) They develop severe emotional difficulties as adults
B) They are more likely to experience mental health issues
C) They successfully adapt and overcome adversity in positive ways
D) They reject all forms of support and refuse to adapt


During the early adulthood stage, individuals focus on:

A) Developing intimacy and forming strong relationships
B) Identifying personal goals and setting career objectives
C) Preparing for retirement
D) Building physical strength and endurance


A child who demonstrates the ability to understand that objects continue to exist even when they are not visible is demonstrating:

A) Object permanence
B) Conservation
C) Egocentrism
D) Reversibility


The concept of “fluid intelligence” refers to:

A) The ability to think abstractly and solve novel problems
B) Knowledge and skills acquired over time
C) The ability to recall specific information from memory
D) The ability to adapt to emotional changes


According to Vygotsky, the “zone of proximal development” is:

A) The range of tasks a child can complete without any assistance
B) The difference between a child’s current development and their potential development with guidance
C) The age at which a child can independently perform tasks
D) A developmental stage in early childhood


Which of the following is a common characteristic of middle adulthood?

A) Rapid physical and cognitive decline
B) The peak of physical strength and stamina
C) A focus on personal relationships and legacy
D) A lack of concern for societal issues


The “stranger anxiety” observed in infants is usually most intense at what age?

A) 2 months
B) 6 months
C) 12 months
D) 18 months


The “critical period” in prenatal development refers to:

A) The first few months of pregnancy when the fetus is most vulnerable to environmental factors
B) The period during which the baby is most active in the womb
C) The time when the baby’s organs begin to function independently
D) The stage when the fetus can hear external sounds


The “socioemotional selectivity theory” suggests that:

A) Older adults prioritize social relationships that are most meaningful and emotionally satisfying
B) People of all ages focus on expanding their social networks
C) Older adults focus primarily on achieving career success
D) Young adults are more likely to develop close relationships than older adults


Which of the following best reflects the concept of “emerging adulthood”?

A) A period of stable career development and family formation
B) A phase of self-exploration and instability between adolescence and adulthood
C) The transition into retirement
D) A phase of rapid physical and emotional growth during the teenage years


The “sandwich generation” refers to adults who:

A) Are responsible for both their children and aging parents
B) Are navigating life transitions without children
C) Are transitioning from adolescence to adulthood
D) Are nearing retirement and looking after their own needs


According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, a child with a “secure” attachment:

A) Feels anxious and uncertain when separated from the caregiver
B) Is not emotionally affected by the presence or absence of the caregiver
C) Seeks comfort from the caregiver and feels confident exploring the world
D) Becomes withdrawn and does not seek comfort from the caregiver


The “generativity vs. stagnation” stage of Erikson’s theory typically occurs during:

A) Adolescence
B) Early adulthood
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


Which of the following is a key feature of late adulthood according to Erikson?

A) The challenge of establishing identity
B) The need for intimacy and close relationships
C) The challenge of achieving integrity and finding peace with life
D) The struggle for autonomy and independence


According to the “socioemotional selectivity theory,” why do older adults tend to have fewer but closer relationships?

A) They prefer to be alone due to physical decline
B) They prioritize emotionally meaningful relationships over new social connections
C) They are less likely to engage with others due to cognitive decline
D) They are less interested in emotional connections and more focused on social status


The term “social clock” refers to:

A) The time at which children typically develop social skills
B) The expected timing of life events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement
C) The period during which individuals typically experience life transitions
D) The biological aging process that occurs at specific ages


Which of the following statements is true regarding cognitive development in late adulthood?

A) Memory and problem-solving abilities always decline significantly
B) Older adults often experience only minimal cognitive decline in certain areas
C) All older adults experience severe cognitive impairments
D) Cognitive decline is universal and inevitable in older adults


The “identity achievement” status in Erikson’s theory refers to:

A) Achieving a clear and coherent sense of self after a period of exploration
B) Being confused about one’s values and goals
C) Rejecting parental values in favor of societal norms
D) Unquestioning commitment to goals without prior exploration


A child who understands the concept of conservation (the idea that quantity remains the same despite changes in appearance) is likely in which stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory?

A) Sensorimotor
B) Preoperational
C) Concrete operational
D) Formal operational


Which of the following best describes “secure attachment” in infancy?

A) The infant does not seek comfort from the caregiver when distressed
B) The infant seeks comfort from the caregiver and is easily soothed
C) The infant is indifferent to the caregiver’s presence or absence
D) The infant exhibits fear and anxiety towards the caregiver


According to the “crystallized intelligence” concept, which of the following typically increases with age?

A) Memory capacity
B) Vocabulary and knowledge gained through experience
C) Speed of processing information
D) Visual-spatial abilities


In late adulthood, “life review” refers to:

A) A critical reassessment of one’s life and accomplishments
B) A period of increased creativity and new learning
C) The physical decline in health
D) The transition into retirement



According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, the internal working model refers to:

A) The pattern of attachment behaviors displayed by infants
B) The mental representations of self, others, and relationships formed through experiences
C) The emotional bonds children form with their caregivers
D) The developmental milestones children achieve during early attachment


The concept of “egocentrism” in Piaget’s theory refers to:

A) The ability to understand that other people have different perspectives
B) A stage where children develop an understanding of time and space
C) The difficulty in recognizing that others may have different viewpoints
D) The understanding that quantity remains the same despite physical changes


Which of the following best describes the transition from adolescence to young adulthood?

A) A period of emotional instability and lack of identity
B) A time for establishing deep, long-term relationships and personal goals
C) A focus on developing intellectual abilities only
D) A time of total independence with no influence from family


The “lifespan perspective” emphasizes that development is:

A) Restricted to childhood and adolescence
B) A linear progression of stages
C) A lifelong, multidimensional process
D) Only focused on adulthood and aging


Which of the following is an example of a “turning point” in life according to the life course perspective?

A) Starting a new school year
B) A major career change that redefines one’s path
C) Attending a family reunion
D) Moving to a new neighborhood


The term “generativity” in Erikson’s theory refers to:

A) The concern for the welfare of future generations and contributing to society
B) The ability to develop a sense of identity
C) The formation of intimate relationships
D) The acceptance of the inevitability of aging


Which of the following is the primary focus during adolescence, according to Erikson?

A) Trust vs. Mistrust
B) Industry vs. Inferiority
C) Identity vs. Role Confusion
D) Integrity vs. Despair


Which theory focuses on the importance of reinforcement and punishment in shaping behavior?

A) Cognitive theory
B) Social learning theory
C) Psychoanalytic theory
D) Behaviorism


In early childhood, which of the following is a key developmental milestone?

A) Developing the ability to think abstractly
B) Learning to walk and use basic language skills
C) Understanding complex moral dilemmas
D) Developing the ability to understand others’ emotions


The “empty nest syndrome” typically refers to:

A) The period of time when children are born and create a family of their own
B) The emotional distress parents feel when their children leave home
C) The excitement and freedom that comes with children leaving home
D) The adjustment period following the birth of a child


In terms of cognitive development, adults in late adulthood often experience:

A) Major gains in fluid intelligence
B) A complete loss of memory
C) Stability in crystallized intelligence
D) Rapid decline in all cognitive functions


Which of the following best describes “theory of mind”?

A) The understanding that objects continue to exist when they are out of sight
B) The ability to attribute mental states, like beliefs and desires, to others
C) The ability to perform complex problem-solving tasks
D) The understanding of the physical properties of objects


Which of the following is true about “life expectancy”?

A) Life expectancy is the same across all cultures and countries
B) Life expectancy in developed countries has generally increased in recent decades
C) Life expectancy has remained unchanged in most countries
D) Life expectancy is not influenced by social or environmental factors


The “crystallized intelligence” concept involves the accumulation of:

A) Knowledge and facts learned over time
B) The speed of processing new information
C) The ability to adapt to new and unfamiliar situations
D) Abstract reasoning skills


In early adulthood, individuals are primarily concerned with:

A) Establishing their own family and career
B) Retiring and managing health issues
C) Exploring the meaning of life
D) Adjusting to physical and cognitive decline


According to the life course perspective, historical events and cultural shifts:

A) Do not affect an individual’s development significantly
B) Influence the trajectory of individuals’ lives at various stages
C) Are unrelated to the developmental changes individuals experience
D) Only impact development during childhood


Which of the following is an example of “role diffusion” in adolescence according to Erikson?

A) A teenager exploring different career options
B) A child accepting responsibility for their actions
C) A young adult forming intimate relationships
D) A senior citizen finding satisfaction with their life’s achievements


Which of the following is true regarding cognitive development in adulthood?

A) All adults experience a significant decline in cognitive abilities
B) Adults often experience continued development of cognitive skills, especially in crystallized intelligence
C) Cognitive abilities are unaffected by aging
D) Cognitive decline in adulthood always occurs suddenly


According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the “microsystem” refers to:

A) The broader societal and cultural context influencing development
B) The personal experiences an individual has with their family, school, and peers
C) The transition from one stage of life to another
D) The global impact on development


In middle adulthood, individuals often experience:

A) A decrease in responsibility and obligations
B) A decline in their need for social relationships
C) A focus on career advancement and personal growth
D) A desire to withdraw from social interactions and family life


The concept of “cognitive dissonance” refers to:

A) The mental discomfort that occurs when a person holds two conflicting beliefs or attitudes
B) The process of forgetting irrelevant information
C) The ability to solve complex problems without error
D) The ability to adapt to new situations through experience



Which of the following best describes “socioemotional selectivity theory”?

A) The idea that social networks shrink as people age, focusing on more meaningful relationships
B) The increase in social connections during late adulthood to combat loneliness
C) The preference for maintaining a wide range of social relationships regardless of age
D) The theory that social experiences in early life are irrelevant in adulthood


According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development refers to:

A) The age at which a child can perform tasks independently
B) The gap between what a child can do with assistance and what they can do alone
C) The period during which a child must develop basic motor skills
D) The stage in which a child learns through observation and imitation


In the context of family development, the “empty nest” period typically represents:

A) A time of conflict as parents adjust to the departure of their children
B) A stage of growth and increased independence for both parents and children
C) The start of childbearing for the parents
D) The time when children return home after leaving for school or work


According to Erikson, the challenge of “integrity vs. despair” is most commonly encountered during:

A) Adolescence
B) Young adulthood
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


The “fundamental attribution error” refers to the tendency to:

A) Overestimate the influence of personality traits and underestimate situational factors when judging others’ behaviors
B) Underestimate the influence of personality traits and overestimate situational factors when judging others’ behaviors
C) Incorrectly attribute behaviors to external situations rather than internal traits
D) Correctly identify the cause of others’ behaviors based on contextual information


According to the theory of cognitive development, which of the following abilities is characteristic of the concrete operational stage?

A) Abstract thinking
B) The ability to perform operations mentally without concrete objects
C) Understanding conservation and reversibility
D) Hypothetical reasoning


A major criticism of Freud’s psychosexual stages is that:

A) They focus too much on cognitive development
B) They emphasize biological influences and neglect environmental factors
C) They assume all individuals experience the same stages at the same age
D) They do not account for the cultural diversity of human development


Which of the following describes the role of “self-regulation” in child development?

A) The ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations
B) The ability to interact with others without conflict
C) The development of motor coordination and physical skills
D) The tendency to rely on adults for decision-making


According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the macrosystem includes:

A) Immediate environments like family and school
B) The broader cultural and societal context, including laws and values
C) The interaction between a child and their peers
D) The larger social organizations, such as church or community groups


According to Freud’s theory, which of the following is true of the “id”?

A) It is concerned with moral values and ethics
B) It operates on the reality principle, seeking to satisfy desires in realistic ways
C) It is unconscious and operates on the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification
D) It represents the child’s conscious awareness of the world


In the context of lifespan development, “life satisfaction” in later adulthood is most often associated with:

A) Regret over missed opportunities and unachieved goals
B) The maintenance of close social relationships and meaningful activities
C) A focus on physical appearance and vitality
D) The decline in memory and cognitive function


A child’s understanding that others have beliefs, desires, and perspectives different from their own is known as:

A) Object permanence
B) Theory of mind
C) Conservation
D) Self-concept


Which of the following best describes the “midlife crisis” phenomenon?

A) The universal period of depression and self-doubt that everyone experiences in middle adulthood
B) A time of reflection and reevaluation, often marked by significant changes in life priorities
C) A rapid period of cognitive decline associated with aging
D) A period of adjustment and acceptance after the death of a spouse


According to the theory of social learning, children learn behaviors primarily through:

A) Innate instincts and genetic predispositions
B) Observation and imitation of others’ behavior
C) The development of personal, internal values
D) The acquisition of knowledge from academic sources


The term “emerging adulthood” refers to the developmental period:

A) Immediately after adolescence, when individuals are transitioning into adulthood
B) From birth to age 3, when foundational cognitive skills are developed
C) In late adulthood, when physical decline and cognitive deterioration begin
D) In early childhood, when social and emotional development accelerates


According to the life-span perspective, development is characterized as:

A) A series of predictable, genetically determined stages
B) A sequence of continuous changes that stop once adulthood is reached
C) A lifelong, dynamic process shaped by both biological and environmental factors
D) A fixed set of universal milestones that occur at specific ages


In adulthood, the process of “selective optimization with compensation” refers to:

A) The process of selecting the best career path and optimizing financial growth
B) The ability to focus on areas of strength and compensate for weaknesses due to age
C) The selective focus on a single personal goal for optimal performance
D) The optimization of social relationships during later life


According to Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, the “postconventional” level of moral reasoning is characterized by:

A) Following rules strictly in order to avoid punishment
B) The recognition of universal moral principles and individual rights
C) Making decisions based on social approval and respect for authority
D) Understanding the importance of societal norms and laws for maintaining order


A person in the “young-old” category, typically 65 to 74 years old, is most likely to experience:

A) Major declines in physical and cognitive abilities
B) A focus on retirement and leisure activities
C) Significant challenges related to caregiving responsibilities
D) A sense of complete disengagement from society


Which of the following is a key feature of “successful aging”?

A) Maintaining physical health, cognitive functioning, and social engagement
B) A significant reduction in social connections and relationships
C) The avoidance of any physical and cognitive challenges
D) A focus on maintaining an unchanging lifestyle without adaptation



According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, the “secure base” concept refers to:

A) A child’s ability to act independently from their parents
B) The emotional foundation that allows a child to explore the world and return for comfort
C) The transition from dependence to independence in early adulthood
D) The ability to form relationships with multiple caregivers


Which of the following best describes “fluid intelligence”?

A) Knowledge acquired through education and experience
B) The ability to reason, think abstractly, and solve novel problems
C) The ability to recall specific facts and information
D) The application of learned skills to familiar situations


According to the life-span perspective, which of the following is a characteristic of “developmental contextualism”?

A) Development occurs within multiple contexts, including biological, cultural, and environmental factors
B) Development follows a fixed path with predictable stages at each age
C) All individuals experience the same types of challenges and milestones
D) Social experiences are the only factors influencing development


The term “generation gap” refers to:

A) The differences in values, expectations, and behaviors between parents and children across generations
B) The biological differences between parents and children
C) The period of adolescence when an individual becomes independent
D) The generational patterns in a family’s health history


Which of the following is a key principle of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

A) Basic physiological needs must be met before higher-level needs can be pursued
B) Individuals are primarily motivated by social approval and esteem
C) Moral and ethical behavior is the first step in human development
D) All individuals experience the same needs at the same point in life


Which of the following best defines “self-concept”?

A) An individual’s understanding of their own abilities, values, and identity
B) The way individuals are influenced by external factors, such as society and peers
C) The way an individual reacts emotionally to life events
D) The interaction between personal goals and societal expectations


The “bioecological model” of human development emphasizes:

A) The role of genetics and biology in determining the course of development
B) The interaction between individuals and their multiple environments or contexts
C) The development of personality traits through interaction with caregivers
D) The influence of societal and cultural factors alone in development


The concept of “life review” in later adulthood refers to:

A) A person’s ability to remember their childhood experiences
B) The process of reflecting on and evaluating one’s life, often in preparation for death
C) The way an individual prepares for retirement
D) The assessment of one’s career achievements and social status


A common characteristic of “permissive” parenting is:

A) High control and low warmth
B) Low control and high warmth
C) High control and high warmth
D) Low control and low warmth


Which of the following best describes “crystallized intelligence”?

A) The ability to adapt to new environments and solve novel problems
B) The accumulation of knowledge, experience, and skills
C) The ability to think abstractly and reason logically in unfamiliar situations
D) The process of managing cognitive decline in older adulthood


In Erikson’s psychosocial theory, the stage of “industry vs. inferiority” is typically associated with:

A) Early adulthood, when individuals seek intimacy
B) Adolescence, when individuals explore identity
C) Middle childhood, when children develop competencies and skills
D) Late adulthood, when individuals reflect on their life’s work


In later adulthood, “selective optimization with compensation” suggests that:

A) Older adults should avoid any new experiences to maintain their well-being
B) Adults focus on their strengths and compensate for declines in other areas
C) Aging should be avoided at all costs by maintaining high levels of physical activity
D) Aging adults should focus on social relationships and minimize family obligations


In Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, the “mesosystem” refers to:

A) The broader cultural and societal influences on development
B) The immediate environment, including family, school, and peers
C) The connections and interactions between different systems, such as family and school
D) The changes in an individual’s environment over time


Which of the following is an example of “vicarious reinforcement” in the context of social learning theory?

A) A child learning how to ride a bike by watching a peer fall off repeatedly
B) A child imitating their parent’s behavior after seeing the parent rewarded for it
C) A person avoiding a behavior after experiencing negative consequences firsthand
D) A teenager learning to drive by reading a manual


The “pruning” process in brain development during adolescence refers to:

A) The growth of new neurons in the brain
B) The elimination of unused or unnecessary neural connections
C) The strengthening of existing neural pathways related to memory
D) The increase in brain size and volume due to learning


In the context of lifespan development, “positive aging” is most closely related to:

A) The avoidance of physical decline through rigorous exercise
B) The ability to maintain independence and engage in meaningful activities
C) The complete absence of chronic illness in old age
D) A focus on appearance and cosmetic surgery in older adulthood


In middle adulthood, the “empty nest syndrome” is:

A) A feeling of relief and freedom when children leave home
B) The inability to cope with a child leaving for college or work
C) A period of reflection on one’s life choices and goals
D) The adjustment to becoming grandparents


According to attachment theory, “avoidant attachment” is characterized by:

A) Strong emotional closeness and dependence on caregivers
B) A lack of interest in forming relationships with others
C) A tendency to avoid or ignore caregivers, often as a protective mechanism
D) An inability to trust others or seek help from caregivers


In adulthood, “midlife crisis” is often triggered by:

A) A desire to revisit adolescence and childhood dreams
B) The realization that one is nearing the end of their life and has unfulfilled goals
C) The need to make significant career or financial changes
D) A shift towards deeper family commitments


The “nature vs. nurture” debate centers on which of the following questions?

A) Whether physical characteristics are inherited or learned
B) Whether genetics or environmental influences have a greater impact on development
C) Whether humans are inherently good or bad
D) Whether development is a result of free will or predestination



According to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, “scaffolding” refers to:

A) Providing minimal support to learners and letting them figure things out on their own
B) The process of learning through trial and error
C) The supportive interactions between adults and children that help the child develop new skills
D) The process of transferring knowledge from one person to another through conversation


Which of the following is an example of “cross-sectional research” in lifespan development?

A) Studying the development of a single group of children over a period of several years
B) Comparing children of different ages at one point in time to assess age differences
C) Tracking the life events of individuals from birth to old age
D) Investigating how people change over time through life stages


“Cognitive development” in early childhood is characterized by:

A) The ability to form complex moral judgments
B) A gradual increase in the ability to think logically and understand abstract concepts
C) The development of fine motor skills
D) A growth in the ability to use language for communication and social interaction


In the context of personality development, “self-esteem” refers to:

A) A person’s awareness of their social identity
B) How a person perceives their worth or value
C) A person’s ability to meet societal expectations
D) The influence of others on a person’s behavior and decisions


According to Erikson, the developmental task of “generativity vs. stagnation” is central to which stage of adulthood?

A) Early adulthood
B) Middle adulthood
C) Late adulthood
D) Adolescence


Which of the following describes the “crisis” aspect of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development?

A) A stressful event that disrupts an individual’s development
B) A critical period in development when an individual faces a challenge they must overcome to proceed
C) A breakdown in moral reasoning that occurs in adolescence
D) A necessary stage of development where all individuals must achieve success to progress


The “zone of proximal development” refers to:

A) The range of tasks that a child can perform independently
B) The age at which a child should achieve developmental milestones
C) The range of tasks that a child can perform with the help of others
D) The environment in which children learn best


In the context of lifespan development, “identity diffusion” refers to:

A) A clear sense of self and personal direction
B) A period of confusion and lack of commitment to personal values or roles
C) A strong identification with a particular social group
D) The resolution of conflicts between personal and societal values


In late adulthood, “selective social interaction” refers to:

A) The process of reducing social interaction to focus on meaningful relationships
B) The tendency to engage in more social activities due to increased free time
C) The decline in the ability to form new social connections
D) The selective withdrawal from social events to preserve mental health


“Adolescence” is often characterized by which of the following cognitive changes?

A) The development of the ability to think abstractly and hypothetically
B) A focus on concrete, practical problem-solving
C) An increased tendency toward egocentrism and idealism
D) A decline in memory and recall abilities


In the context of attachment theory, “disorganized attachment” typically results from:

A) Consistent and responsive caregiving
B) Inconsistent and frightening caregiver behavior, leading to confusion in the child
C) Avoidant behaviors due to distant caregivers
D) Secure attachment behaviors in times of distress


The term “normative age-graded influences” refers to:

A) Events or influences that happen to everyone at a specific age or life stage
B) Events that affect individuals differently based on their environment
C) Experiences that are unique to a particular generation
D) Changes that occur due to personal choices and decisions


“Emotional regulation” in infancy involves:

A) The ability to identify and express complex emotions like guilt or shame
B) The ability to control impulses and emotions in a socially acceptable way
C) The ability to manage and soothe emotional distress, often through self-soothing behaviors
D) The ability to form secure emotional bonds with caregivers


Which of the following is an example of “cultural diversity” in the context of lifespan development?

A) Different ethnic groups adhering to the same societal norms
B) The influence of cultural practices, values, and beliefs on individual development
C) The universal stages of development experienced by all humans
D) The inheritance of personality traits across generations


The concept of “terminal drop” refers to:

A) A rapid decline in cognitive abilities during the final stages of life
B) The emotional or physical decline that occurs after retirement
C) The tendency for people to become more independent in their final years
D) The loss of social relationships in later adulthood


The “socioemotional selectivity theory” suggests that:

A) Older adults tend to focus on social relationships that are most meaningful and fulfilling
B) Social relationships become more strained and distant in old age
C) Younger adults are less concerned with their social networks than older adults
D) People’s social networks become more extensive as they age


In the context of lifespan development, “moral reasoning” refers to:

A) A person’s understanding of the difference between right and wrong
B) The ability to solve problems based on ethical principles
C) A social contract between individuals and society to promote fairness
D) The ability to conform to societal rules and norms


Which of the following is an example of “resilience” in the context of lifespan development?

A) Overcoming personal adversity and adapting positively to difficult circumstances
B) Maintaining a stable lifestyle despite external challenges
C) Avoiding challenges in order to maintain mental health
D) Remaining passive in the face of challenges and relying on others for support


According to Freud, the “latent stage” of psychosexual development is characterized by:

A) The exploration of sexual identity in adolescence
B) The resolution of Oedipal and Electra complexes
C) The development of defense mechanisms to cope with anxiety
D) The development of social and intellectual skills in childhood


The term “life course perspective” emphasizes:

A) The importance of examining an individual’s development in the context of their entire life, considering past experiences and future outcomes
B) The idea that there is a fixed path that all individuals follow through different life stages
C) The way societal expectations shape an individual’s development at specific ages
D) The biological processes that govern aging and physical decline



According to Jean Piaget, the ability to perform mental operations on objects that are not physically present occurs during which stage of cognitive development?

A) Sensorimotor stage
B) Preoperational stage
C) Concrete operational stage
D) Formal operational stage


In Erikson’s theory, the developmental task of “integrity vs. despair” is associated with which stage of life?

A) Adolescence
B) Early adulthood
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


“Temperament” in infants refers to:

A) The attachment style developed with caregivers
B) A child’s characteristic patterns of emotional reactivity and self-regulation
C) The ability to engage in abstract reasoning
D) The developmental milestones achieved by the infant


Which of the following best describes “socioemotional selectivity theory”?

A) As people age, they seek to maximize emotional well-being and prioritize close, meaningful relationships
B) Older adults are less interested in emotional regulation
C) Younger adults tend to have deeper, more meaningful relationships than older adults
D) Emotional regulation decreases as individuals age


According to Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, the “preconventional level” of moral reasoning involves:

A) Making decisions based on the principles of justice and human rights
B) Understanding and following societal laws and rules
C) Avoiding punishment and seeking rewards
D) Seeking mutual benefit and cooperation with others


Which of the following is an example of a “normative history-graded influence” in lifespan development?

A) A child’s first day of school
B) The impact of World War II on people born in the 1940s
C) The social development of children within a particular family
D) A personal experience, such as moving to a new city


In middle adulthood, the process of “generativity” is primarily about:

A) Reflecting on past life experiences and accepting them
B) Teaching and guiding the next generation to ensure societal continuity
C) Developing new hobbies and interests
D) Establishing a career that provides personal satisfaction


“Theories of mind” in early childhood development refer to:

A) The ability to understand that other people have thoughts, feelings, and perspectives that may differ from one’s own
B) The development of physical coordination and fine motor skills
C) A child’s ability to develop complex language skills
D) The ability to plan and organize tasks


Which of the following is the primary focus of “lifespan development” as a field of study?

A) The study of prenatal development and early childhood only
B) The changes that occur in individuals over the course of their entire life
C) The genetic and biological factors that influence development
D) The psychological changes that occur after adulthood


In the context of cognitive development, “fluid intelligence” refers to:

A) The ability to apply learned knowledge to solve new problems
B) The ability to process and adapt to novel information quickly
C) Knowledge and skills that are accumulated over a lifetime
D) The ability to reason logically based on prior experiences


The “social clock” concept refers to:

A) The biological changes that influence aging
B) The societal expectations for when certain life events (e.g., marriage, having children) should occur
C) The chronological age at which someone feels their biological age matches
D) The perceived time pressures people face to achieve milestones in life


According to research on lifespan development, which of the following is a characteristic of “successful aging”?

A) Experiencing a significant decline in physical health
B) Engaging in fewer social activities and relationships
C) Maintaining physical and mental functioning, along with a sense of fulfillment
D) Completely withdrawing from social life to focus on personal reflection


In childhood development, “egocentrism” refers to:

A) The ability to understand another person’s perspective
B) The tendency to view the world from one’s own point of view and assume others share the same perspective
C) The development of empathy for others’ feelings
D) The realization that other people have emotions and thoughts that differ from one’s own


In the context of adolescence, “identity foreclosure” occurs when:

A) Adolescents explore different identities and make a commitment to a personal identity
B) Adolescents make a commitment to an identity without exploring other options
C) Adolescents experience a crisis and have no clear sense of identity
D) Adolescents form their identity independently from their family influences


The “information processing theory” in cognitive development suggests that:

A) Cognitive development occurs in distinct stages that are biologically determined
B) Human cognition is like a computer, with information being processed, stored, and retrieved
C) Cognitive development is mostly influenced by social interaction with caregivers
D) Cognitive development only occurs in early childhood and remains fixed after that


In the context of lifespan development, “ethnic identity” refers to:

A) An individual’s connection to their cultural heritage and sense of belonging to an ethnic group
B) The influence of family and community on an individual’s self-concept
C) The development of a national or regional identity
D) The ability to assimilate into the dominant culture


In late adulthood, which of the following is a common cognitive change?

A) An increase in the speed of information processing
B) The development of stronger memory recall abilities
C) A decline in working memory and processing speed
D) The emergence of new learning capabilities


“Disengagement theory” in aging suggests that:

A) Older adults should withdraw from social roles to prepare for death
B) Older adults should remain actively involved in their communities to promote longevity
C) Social involvement decreases in old age as a natural and healthy part of the aging process
D) Social interaction remains the same in old age as in earlier life stages


In the context of cognitive development, “crystallized intelligence” refers to:

A) The ability to process new information quickly
B) Knowledge and skills accumulated over time that are used to solve problems
C) The ability to think abstractly and flexibly
D) The decline in memory and cognitive abilities associated with aging


In middle adulthood, the concept of “midlife crisis” is often associated with:

A) A sudden realization of one’s own mortality and a reevaluation of life goals
B) A time of self-actualization and accomplishment
C) A decrease in social and emotional stability
D) A deepening sense of personal identity and self-understanding



The process of “crystallization” in early adulthood refers to:

A) The development of emotional stability
B) The accumulation of knowledge and experience
C) The ability to think abstractly and solve novel problems
D) The creation of close interpersonal relationships


According to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, cognitive development is:

A) Primarily driven by biological maturation
B) Best understood by focusing on individual cognitive processes
C) Influenced by social interactions and cultural tools
D) Independent of external social influences


In the context of lifespan development, the term “attachment” refers to:

A) A child’s ability to bond with their peers
B) The emotional bond that forms between an infant and their caregiver
C) The lifelong emotional relationship between a person and their best friend
D) The process by which a child learns to socialize with others


According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs is considered the highest level of need?

A) Safety needs
B) Esteem needs
C) Self-actualization
D) Physiological needs


In late adulthood, the concept of “life review” refers to:

A) The process of planning for the future
B) The reflection on past experiences to make sense of one’s life
C) The continuation of daily activities without any changes
D) The feeling of regret for past decisions and missed opportunities


In Erikson’s theory, the task of “autonomy vs. shame and doubt” is most important during which stage of development?

A) Infancy
B) Early childhood
C) Adolescence
D) Young adulthood


The term “fluid intelligence” refers to:

A) Knowledge that is gained through education
B) The ability to adapt to new situations and think abstractly
C) The accumulation of facts and experiences over time
D) The knowledge that remains stable and unchanged throughout life


The “law of effect” proposed by Edward Thorndike suggests that:

A) Behaviors that are reinforced are more likely to be repeated
B) Behavior is shaped by unconscious drives
C) Behavior is determined solely by genetic factors
D) Cognitive development occurs in distinct stages


The “nurture” aspect of development emphasizes the role of:

A) Genetic inheritance in shaping behavior
B) Environmental factors in shaping behavior
C) Biological maturation and growth
D) The role of sensory experiences in development


Which of the following is an example of “positive reinforcement”?

A) Giving a child a treat for completing their homework
B) Taking away a toy for misbehaving
C) Ignoring a child’s bad behavior
D) Making a child stay after school for misbehaving


In the context of lifespan development, “differentiation” refers to:

A) The process of learning to adapt to the environment
B) The process of becoming more specialized or distinct in behavior or function
C) The tendency to move toward uniformity as individuals mature
D) The way individuals become more socially connected as they age


According to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, which system refers to the immediate environment in which a person directly interacts?

A) Microsystem
B) Mesosystem
C) Exosystem
D) Macrosystem


According to John Bowlby, the primary function of attachment in infancy is:

A) To promote cognitive development
B) To ensure that the infant will be socially accepted later in life
C) To provide a secure base for exploration and learning
D) To prepare the infant for independence from caregivers


The term “monotropy” in Bowlby’s attachment theory refers to:

A) The idea that all attachments are equally important
B) The concept that one primary attachment figure is more important than others
C) The gradual shift in attachment styles over time
D) The development of multiple attachments that occur simultaneously


Which of the following is an example of “vicarious reinforcement”?

A) A child is praised by a teacher for doing well on a test
B) A child learns to avoid a certain behavior by seeing another child punished for it
C) A child receives a reward for following instructions
D) A child ignores a behavior that is not reinforced


According to the theory of “social learning,” children learn behaviors through:

A) Direct reinforcement and punishment
B) Observing and imitating the behaviors of others
C) Inborn knowledge of societal rules
D) Strict adherence to adult instructions


The “moral development” of a child, according to Lawrence Kohlberg, progresses through which of the following stages?

A) Cognitive, social, and emotional stages
B) Preconventional, conventional, and postconventional stages
C) Behavioral, cognitive, and emotional stages
D) Sensory, motor, and social stages


“Fluid intelligence” tends to:

A) Increase with age
B) Remain stable throughout life
C) Decline with age
D) Be unaffected by environmental factors


The concept of “midlife crisis” is most strongly associated with:

A) Young adulthood
B) Middle adulthood
C) Late adulthood
D) Adolescence


In Erikson’s theory, the development of “trust vs. mistrust” primarily occurs during which stage of life?

A) Infancy
B) Early childhood
C) Middle childhood
D) Late adulthood



The process of “decentering” in cognitive development refers to:

A) Focusing solely on the self
B) The ability to view situations from multiple perspectives
C) Gaining an understanding of abstract concepts
D) Developing an understanding of one’s social identity


In Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, a child who obeys rules to avoid punishment is operating at which level?

A) Preconventional
B) Conventional
C) Postconventional
D) Universal ethical principles


Which of the following is a characteristic of the “generativity vs. stagnation” stage of development, according to Erikson?

A) A focus on developing intimacy in relationships
B) Concern with establishing a stable career
C) A desire to contribute to society and guide future generations
D) A focus on self-exploration and personal growth


The theory of “operant conditioning,” as proposed by B.F. Skinner, emphasizes:

A) The role of internal thought processes in learning
B) Learning through observation and imitation
C) Learning through the consequences of behavior (reinforcements and punishments)
D) The development of schemas in response to the environment


The concept of “self-concept” refers to:

A) The idealized image of oneself
B) How an individual perceives their own attributes and abilities
C) The expectations others have for an individual
D) A person’s moral framework for behavior


Which of the following is an example of a “sensitive period” in development?

A) A critical period during which language acquisition is maximized
B) An age range where children are particularly susceptible to environmental influences
C) A period where cognitive abilities are most likely to improve
D) A time when emotional attachment is least influenced by external factors


Which of the following best describes the “crystallized intelligence” of an individual?

A) The ability to reason abstractly and solve novel problems
B) Knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education
C) The innate capacity for learning and problem-solving
D) The decline in intellectual abilities due to aging


The “double standard of aging” refers to:

A) The different ways that aging is experienced by different cultures
B) The expectation that men and women should age in different ways, with a greater emphasis on appearance for women
C) The biological and psychological changes that occur in older adulthood
D) The contrast between the rates of cognitive and physical decline in later life


The term “identity vs. role confusion” is associated with which of Erikson’s developmental stages?

A) Adolescence
B) Early adulthood
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


According to the theory of “socioemotional selectivity,” older adults:

A) Tend to become less emotionally connected to others as they age
B) Focus on maximizing their emotional well-being by prioritizing meaningful relationships
C) Experience a decline in emotional regulation with age
D) Show little difference in emotional satisfaction compared to younger adults


According to the theory of “information processing,” which of the following best describes how individuals learn new information over time?

A) Individuals process new information at a constant rate throughout their lifespan
B) Learning becomes more efficient as individuals age and accumulate experiences
C) Older adults often experience a decline in the ability to process new information, especially in speed
D) Learning is only effective during the early stages of life


In Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the “sensorimotor stage” is characterized by:

A) The development of abstract thinking and problem-solving
B) The ability to perform operations mentally and understand conservation
C) The beginning of symbolic thought and language use
D) The understanding of the world through sensory and motor interactions


The “impact of divorce” during middle childhood typically includes:

A) Increased emotional security and maturity
B) Greater ability to understand complex relationships
C) Feelings of anxiety, confusion, and conflict about loyalty
D) A better ability to focus on school and social activities


Which of the following best represents a “cross-sectional” research design in developmental psychology?

A) Studying the same individuals over an extended period of time
B) Comparing individuals at different stages of development at the same point in time
C) Focusing on a single subject in great detail over time
D) Observing development in a specific cultural context over several years


The “zone of proximal development” in Vygotsky’s theory refers to:

A) The difference between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help
B) A set of skills that children develop independently without adult guidance
C) The ability to complete tasks that require advanced cognitive skills
D) A stage where children exhibit full independence in thinking and problem-solving


The “attachment theory” in lifespan development emphasizes:

A) The importance of initial emotional connections between infants and caregivers
B) How attachments to peers influence development in adolescence
C) The development of self-concept and self-esteem throughout life
D) The role of cognitive development in creating secure relationships


The “gender schema theory” suggests that children:

A) Develop a gender identity based on biological predispositions alone
B) Learn gender roles by observing and imitating others in their culture
C) Form cognitive structures that guide their understanding of gender roles
D) Experience gender identity as fluid and socially constructed


According to Erikson, the challenge of “integrity vs. despair” occurs during which stage?

A) Adolescence
B) Early adulthood
C) Late adulthood
D) Middle adulthood


The concept of “emerging adulthood” refers to:

A) A developmental stage between adolescence and adulthood characterized by exploration and self-discovery
B) The transition from middle adulthood to late adulthood
C) A brief period in childhood where individuals explore various social roles
D) A theoretical stage occurring in late adolescence only for certain cultural groups


Which of the following best describes “cognitive dissonance”?

A) The state of mental discomfort caused by holding two conflicting beliefs or attitudes
B) A method of problem-solving where a person works systematically toward a solution
C) The development of social identities based on group membership
D) The process of recalling information from long-term memory



Which of the following best describes a “longitudinal study” in lifespan development research?

A) A study that compares different age groups at the same point in time
B) A study that focuses on an individual’s development across a short time frame
C) A study that follows the same group of individuals over an extended period of time
D) A study that examines only cognitive development during adolescence


According to Lev Vygotsky, which of the following plays the most important role in children’s cognitive development?

A) The physical environment in which they grow up
B) The internal maturation of the child
C) Social interactions and language
D) The passive learning of cultural traditions


Which of the following is a defining characteristic of “empathy” during early childhood?

A) The ability to recognize and understand another person’s feelings
B) A strong sense of self-awareness
C) The development of an individual moral code
D) The ability to express complex emotions verbally


Which of the following is a major feature of “postformal thought” as described by some researchers in adulthood?

A) The ability to think logically and systematically about abstract concepts
B) The integration of emotions into decision-making and problem-solving
C) The abandonment of any form of relativism in thinking
D) The use of dualistic thinking in evaluating situations


The concept of “cognitive reserve” in aging refers to:

A) The decline in cognitive function as a result of aging
B) The ability to maintain cognitive function despite brain damage or age-related decline
C) The ability to retire and maintain a low level of cognitive activity
D) The engagement in education to delay cognitive decline


Which of the following is the focus of “family systems theory”?

A) How individual personality traits influence family dynamics
B) How individual development is shaped solely by genetic factors
C) The way family members interact and influence one another in patterns
D) The impact of societal changes on the structure of families


According to the “prenatal development” stage, the first trimester is characterized by:

A) The development of basic organ structures
B) The rapid increase in fetal weight and size
C) The completion of the neurological and sensory systems
D) The birth of the baby


According to Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, adolescents face the challenge of:

A) Trust vs. mistrust
B) Identity vs. role confusion
C) Integrity vs. despair
D) Generativity vs. stagnation


According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, which of the following is a characteristic of “secure attachment”?

A) The child is distressed when the caregiver leaves but easily calms upon return
B) The child avoids the caregiver and doesn’t seek comfort
C) The child exhibits anxious behavior and seeks constant attention from the caregiver
D) The child is indifferent to the presence of the caregiver


According to Jean Piaget, during the “preoperational stage,” children are limited in their thinking because they:

A) Cannot understand object permanence
B) Are unable to perform logical operations mentally
C) Can understand cause-and-effect relationships
D) Are capable of abstract thinking


A child who demonstrates the ability to focus on multiple aspects of a problem at once is displaying:

A) Conservation
B) Transitivity
C) Egocentrism
D) Decentration


In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is:

A) The need for food and water
B) The desire for esteem and respect from others
C) The need to fulfill one’s potential and become the best version of oneself
D) The requirement to form loving, meaningful relationships


Which of the following best describes the term “life review” in the context of late adulthood?

A) A retrospective process where older adults reflect on their life and its meaning
B) A type of cognitive test used to assess memory in older adults
C) The process of adjusting to the loss of a spouse or close family member
D) A practice where elderly people evaluate their role in society


The “biopsychosocial model” of development emphasizes:

A) The importance of biological processes over psychological and social factors
B) The integration of biology, psychology, and social factors in understanding development
C) The focus on cognitive and emotional development exclusively
D) The impact of social influences alone on human development


According to research on “aging and health,” which of the following is true?

A) Cognitive decline is inevitable in all older adults
B) Healthy lifestyle choices can help mitigate the effects of aging
C) Older adults are not capable of experiencing positive psychological growth
D) All older adults experience a loss of social relationships


Which of the following is an example of “socioemotional selectivity” theory in older adulthood?

A) Older adults focus on developing new relationships with peers
B) Older adults seek to maximize their emotional well-being by prioritizing meaningful relationships
C) Older adults begin to isolate themselves from their communities
D) Older adults express greater cognitive flexibility than younger adults


In the context of family development, the “empty nest” syndrome refers to:

A) The phase when parents are confronted with the idea of having children leave the home
B) The period when parents face the return of children to live at home
C) The transition when parents become caregivers to aging parents
D) The moment when children reach adulthood and begin families of their own


In developmental psychology, “nature vs. nurture” refers to:

A) The relationship between biological inheritance and environmental influences in shaping development
B) The impact of genetics on intelligence
C) The effects of childhood experiences on future development
D) The difference between genetic diseases and environmental illnesses


The term “life expectancy” refers to:

A) The age at which an individual will retire from the workforce
B) The average number of years an individual is expected to live, based on current mortality rates
C) The age at which an individual will become a parent
D) The maximum age that humans can potentially live


Which of the following factors is considered a “protective factor” in child development?

A) Chronic exposure to stressful life events
B) High levels of parental involvement and emotional support
C) High rates of childhood illness
D) Social isolation and lack of social support



In Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, the challenge faced by young adults is:

A) Integrity vs. Despair
B) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
C) Intimacy vs. Isolation
D) Trust vs. Mistrust


Which of the following is true regarding the “critical period” in development?

A) It is a time when individuals are particularly sensitive to environmental influences
B) It is a time when all aspects of development occur at a rapid pace
C) It is the same for all children across the world
D) It refers to a time when the brain is not capable of adapting to environmental changes


In the context of family development, “nuclear families” refer to:

A) Families that consist of a father, mother, and their biological children
B) Families that include extended relatives such as grandparents and cousins
C) Families formed through adoption and fostering
D) Families in which parents live separately but maintain a strong co-parenting relationship


According to Piaget, the “formal operational stage” is characterized by:

A) The ability to think logically about concrete events
B) The development of abstract thinking and problem-solving abilities
C) The focus on using symbolic play to represent objects
D) The ability to understand conservation concepts


Which of the following best describes the “secure base” concept in attachment theory?

A) A caregiver who is emotionally unavailable and unresponsive to the child
B) A caregiver who provides emotional support and stability for exploration
C) A child’s ability to explore their environment without fear of danger
D) A family member who provides material resources for the child’s growth


In the context of aging, “fluid intelligence” refers to:

A) The ability to process new information and think abstractly
B) The knowledge and skills that are accumulated over time
C) The ability to remember and retrieve facts from long-term memory
D) The decline in processing speed as people age


The “correlation between socioeconomic status and academic achievement” is best explained by which concept in developmental psychology?

A) Nature vs. Nurture
B) The critical period
C) The role of environmental factors in shaping cognitive development
D) The principle of differentiation in development


Which of the following best describes “self-regulation” in early childhood development?

A) The ability to delay gratification and control impulses
B) The process of mastering complex motor skills
C) The emotional responses to social rejection
D) The development of language skills


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, which of the following is the highest level of moral reasoning?

A) Preconventional morality
B) Conventional morality
C) Postconventional morality
D) Postformal morality


Which of the following is an example of “vicarious reinforcement” in social learning theory?

A) A child observes a peer being praised for good behavior and imitates the same behavior
B) A child receives praise directly from a teacher for following instructions
C) A child learns to avoid a behavior after being punished
D) A child learns through trial and error without external feedback


The “midlife crisis” is most commonly associated with which stage of life development?

A) Adolescence
B) Early adulthood
C) Middle adulthood
D) Late adulthood


Which of the following factors most influences the development of “empathy” in children?

A) The level of exposure to academic content
B) The availability of social media
C) The emotional responsiveness of caregivers
D) The social class of the family


The concept of “retirement” in late adulthood is most associated with which of the following developmental changes?

A) Increased social engagement
B) A shift in roles and identity from work to leisure activities
C) A decrease in cognitive abilities
D) A shift from physical health to emotional concerns


“Cognitive dissonance” refers to:

A) The ability to form new memories despite cognitive decline
B) The discomfort that occurs when there are contradictions between beliefs and behavior
C) The development of a consistent sense of self over time
D) The cognitive ability to understand different perspectives


Which of the following best describes “crystallized intelligence” in late adulthood?

A) The ability to solve novel problems quickly
B) The accumulated knowledge and experience over a lifetime
C) The decline in memory and recall
D) The ability to think abstractly and logically


The “zone of proximal development” (ZPD) is a concept associated with:

A) Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development
B) Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development
C) Piaget’s theory of cognitive stages
D) Kohlberg’s stages of moral development


Which of the following is a key characteristic of the “growing child” in the “preoperational stage” (according to Piaget)?

A) Concrete problem-solving abilities
B) The use of formal logic to solve problems
C) The development of the ability to perform mental operations but not necessarily logic
D) The understanding of abstract concepts such as justice


According to the “stranger anxiety” concept, infants begin to show fear when exposed to strangers around the age of:

A) 3-4 months
B) 6-8 months
C) 12-14 months
D) 18-24 months


Which of the following best describes “retirement preparation” in middle adulthood?

A) A time when individuals experience substantial emotional distress and confusion
B) The stage when individuals begin to plan for financial independence after work
C) The final stage of life when cognitive decline is most pronounced
D) A phase marked by emotional disengagement and withdrawal


The term “regression” in adulthood refers to:

A) The ability to perform tasks and solve problems more efficiently
B) The return to earlier, less mature forms of behavior in response to stress
C) The process of adapting to new life roles such as marriage or parenthood
D) The improvement of emotional control with age