NCLEX Health Assessment and Physical Examination Practice

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NCLEX Health Assessment and Physical Examination Practice


Which of the following is the most important action when performing a health assessment on a new patient?

A) Ask about family history
B) Gather information on the patient’s medical history
C) Perform a complete physical examination
D) Establish rapport with the patient


Which of the following is the correct technique for auscultating heart sounds?

A) Use the diaphragm of the stethoscope
B) Use the bell of the stethoscope
C) Place the stethoscope over the patient’s spine
D) Place the stethoscope on the patient’s neck


When assessing a patient’s respirations, which of the following should be noted?

A) Rate and rhythm
B) Pulse rate and blood pressure
C) Temperature and pulse rate
D) Capillary refill time


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s skin for signs of dehydration. Which of the following is an expected finding?

A) Dry, cracked lips
B) Warm, flushed skin
C) Increased skin turgor
D) Pale, moist skin


What should the nurse do first when conducting a physical assessment of an adult patient?

A) Check the patient’s vital signs
B) Perform an abdominal examination
C) Observe the patient’s overall appearance
D) Auscultate heart and lung sounds


During the inspection of the abdomen, the nurse notes a distended belly. What does this finding indicate?

A) Normal gas accumulation
B) Possible abdominal trauma
C) Bowel obstruction or fluid retention
D) Weight loss


What is the purpose of palpating the patient’s abdomen during a health assessment?

A) To detect the presence of fluid
B) To assess muscle strength
C) To measure body temperature
D) To listen for bowel sounds


The nurse is assessing a patient’s lymph nodes. Which of the following is considered an abnormal finding?

A) Tender and mobile nodes
B) Non-tender and fixed nodes
C) Enlarged nodes
D) Absence of palpable nodes


The nurse is assessing a patient’s respiratory rate. Which of the following is the normal adult respiratory rate?

A) 12-16 breaths per minute
B) 18-22 breaths per minute
C) 20-24 breaths per minute
D) 10-14 breaths per minute


Which of the following is the best technique to assess a patient’s pulse rate?

A) Place the index and middle fingers over the radial artery
B) Use a stethoscope to auscultate the carotid artery
C) Place the thumb over the femoral artery
D) Count for 15 seconds and multiply by 2


When performing a musculoskeletal examination, the nurse notes the patient has limited range of motion in the left shoulder. What should the nurse do next?

A) Ask the patient to perform the movement slowly
B) Inquire about any pain or discomfort during the movement
C) Immediately refer the patient for X-ray
D) Record it as normal


A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment on a patient. What is the correct order for performing the abdominal assessment?

A) Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
B) Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
C) Palpation, inspection, auscultation, percussion
D) Palpation, percussion, auscultation, inspection


When inspecting a patient’s mouth, which of the following findings should be reported immediately?

A) Slight redness of the gums
B) Presence of a white coating on the tongue
C) Ulcers or lesions in the mouth
D) Dryness of the lips


What does a decrease in the patient’s blood pressure when standing up indicate?

A) Hypertension
B) Orthostatic hypotension
C) Normal blood pressure change
D) Dehydration


When performing a physical examination of a patient, the nurse should ask about the patient’s history of which of the following?

A) Employment history
B) Family history of chronic diseases
C) Childhood vaccinations
D) Travel history to other countries


A nurse is assessing a patient’s temperature. Which of the following is considered a normal body temperature?

A) 96.6°F (35.9°C)
B) 97.6°F (36.4°C)
C) 98.6°F (37°C)
D) 100.4°F (38°C)


When inspecting a patient’s nails, what is a normal finding?

A) Clubbing of the nails
B) Cyanosis around the nail beds
C) Pink, well-circulated nail beds
D) Nail pitting or ridging


When performing a neurological examination, which of the following is tested by having the patient close their eyes and identify a familiar object placed in their hand?

A) Stereognosis
B) Graphesthesia
C) Proprioception
D) Coordination


The nurse is assessing the skin of a patient with suspected dehydration. Which of the following skin findings should be noted?

A) Skin that is warm and moist
B) Skin that is cool and dry
C) Skin that is slightly flushed
D) Skin with decreased turgor


What is the best approach for assessing the pain level of a non-verbal patient?

A) Ask family members about the patient’s pain
B) Observe the patient for non-verbal signs of discomfort
C) Ask the patient to rate their pain on a scale of 1-10
D) Examine the patient’s vital signs only


The nurse observes that a patient’s pupils are unequal in size. What is this finding called?

A) Anisocoria
B) Mydriasis
C) Miosis
D) Nystagmus


Which of the following is a sign of jaundice that should be assessed in a patient?

A) Redness of the palms
B) Yellowish tint to the sclera
C) Blue discoloration of the lips
D) Pale skin and mucous membranes


When performing a health history assessment, the nurse asks the patient to describe their sleep patterns. What is the nurse assessing for?

A) Physical activity level
B) Anxiety or depression
C) Respiratory function
D) Sleep disorders


A nurse is performing a head-to-toe assessment on a patient. What should the nurse do next after obtaining the patient’s vital signs?

A) Begin by inspecting the head and neck
B) Palpate the abdomen
C) Perform a focused respiratory assessment
D) Ask the patient about any current medications


The nurse finds a non-tender, hard lump in the patient’s breast during a physical exam. What action should the nurse take next?

A) Document the finding and schedule a follow-up
B) Instruct the patient to monitor the lump and return if it changes
C) Refer the patient for further evaluation
D) Reassure the patient that it is a normal finding


Which of the following is the best method for assessing a patient’s skin turgor?

A) Pinch the skin on the back of the hand and release it
B) Observe for redness around the skin
C) Check the skin temperature with the back of the hand
D) Palpate the skin for texture and moisture


The nurse is assessing a patient’s gait. Which of the following indicates an abnormal finding?

A) Smooth, coordinated movements
B) Uneven or unsteady walking
C) Slightly wide stance
D) Heel-to-toe walking


What does a patient’s decreased level of consciousness indicate during a neurological exam?

A) Normal aging process
B) A potential emergency requiring immediate intervention
C) A sign of improved health status
D) Expected response to a fever


Which of the following is the best technique for assessing a patient’s lung sounds?

A) Use the diaphragm of the stethoscope and listen to the anterior and posterior chest
B) Use the bell of the stethoscope over the trachea
C) Place the stethoscope over the patient’s back only
D) Use the diaphragm only over the heart


What should the nurse assess during the physical examination of a patient’s neck?

A) Range of motion and symmetry of the carotid pulse
B) Palpation of the thyroid gland and neck lymph nodes
C) Bruits in the jugular vein
D) All of the above


The nurse is assessing a patient’s head for signs of trauma. Which of the following is an abnormal finding?

A) Normal symmetry of the skull
B) Tenderness over the frontal area
C) A palpable mass or swelling
D) A smooth and intact scalp


When performing a physical assessment of a patient’s chest, the nurse notices retraction of the intercostal spaces. What does this finding suggest?

A) Normal respiratory effort
B) Severe difficulty in breathing
C) Hyperinflation of the lungs
D) A history of asthma


When assessing a patient’s cranial nerve function, the nurse asks the patient to smile. Which cranial nerve is being assessed?

A) Cranial nerve III
B) Cranial nerve V
C) Cranial nerve VII
D) Cranial nerve IX


The nurse notes a pulsatile mass in the abdomen. What should the nurse do next?

A) Continue the assessment and ask the patient about pain
B) Document the finding and refer the patient for further evaluation
C) Apply pressure to the area to see if the pulsation stops
D) Ignore the finding, as it is a common occurrence


The nurse is palpating a patient’s lymph nodes. Which of the following findings would be considered normal?

A) Firm, non-tender, and fixed nodes
B) Soft, movable, and non-tender nodes
C) Hard, immobile nodes
D) Tender, swollen nodes


When assessing a patient’s reflexes, which of the following is the normal response when testing the patellar reflex?

A) A flexion of the knee
B) An extension of the leg
C) No response
D) A sudden tightening of the calf


A nurse is auscultating a patient’s lungs and hears a crackling sound. Which of the following does this indicate?

A) Wheezing
B) Rhonchi
C) Crackles (rales)
D) Stridor


The nurse is assessing a patient for dehydration. Which of the following would be an early sign of dehydration?

A) Hypotension and tachycardia
B) Dry mucous membranes and decreased skin turgor
C) Edema and weight gain
D) Increased urine output


The nurse is assessing a patient’s lungs and hears wheezing. What does this suggest?

A) Airway narrowing, as seen in asthma or bronchitis
B) Normal lung sounds
C) Fluid accumulation in the lungs
D) A potential heart murmur


During an abdominal exam, the nurse palpates the liver. What is considered an abnormal finding?

A) A smooth, firm liver edge
B) A liver edge palpable 2 cm below the costal margin
C) A liver edge that is firm and non-tender
D) The liver is not palpable in the majority of individuals


What is the correct technique for assessing for clubbing of the nails?

A) Examine the nail beds for a yellowish tint
B) Check the angle between the nail and the nail bed, which should be less than 160 degrees
C) Press on the nail beds to observe capillary refill time
D) Check for redness or swelling around the nail


The nurse is performing a physical assessment on a patient with a suspected heart murmur. What should the nurse do next?

A) Palpate the carotid artery
B) Auscultate the heart using both the diaphragm and bell of the stethoscope
C) Measure the patient’s blood pressure
D) Assess the patient’s extremities for signs of edema


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s mouth. Which of the following would be considered an abnormal finding?

A) Pink and moist mucous membranes
B) A white coating on the tongue
C) Well-defined, non-tender gums
D) A dry, cracked tongue


During a neurological exam, the nurse asks the patient to close their eyes and touch their nose with their finger. What is being assessed?

A) Coordination
B) Sensory perception
C) Muscle strength
D) Visual acuity


When assessing a patient’s thyroid gland, the nurse should palpate it. Which of the following findings is abnormal?

A) A smooth, symmetrical gland
B) A palpable nodule or enlarged gland
C) Non-tender to palpation
D) The patient swallowing while the nurse palpates


The nurse is assessing a patient’s heart sounds. Which of the following would indicate the presence of a heart murmur?

A) A normal S1 and S2 sound
B) A harsh, blowing sound heard during systole or diastole
C) A consistent rhythm with no abnormal sounds
D) A rubbing sound heard during inspiration


The nurse is assessing a patient’s cranial nerve function. Which cranial nerve is tested by asking the patient to shrug both shoulders?

A) Cranial nerve V
B) Cranial nerve VII
C) Cranial nerve XI
D) Cranial nerve X


When palpating the abdomen, the nurse notes tenderness in the right lower quadrant. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Appendicitis
B) Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
C) Gallbladder disease
D) Irritable bowel syndrome


The nurse is assessing a patient’s joints for range of motion. Which of the following is an abnormal finding?

A) Limited movement with pain
B) Smooth, full range of motion
C) Symmetrical movement of both sides
D) No swelling or redness around joints


The nurse is performing a physical exam on a patient with suspected fluid retention. Which of the following findings would be most indicative of this condition?

A) Peripheral edema and weight gain
B) Increased urine output
C) Pallor and dry skin
D) Increased blood pressure and tachycardia


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s skin for signs of pressure ulcers. Which area is most at risk for pressure ulcers in a bedridden patient?

A) Elbows and knees
B) Sacrum and heels
C) Hands and feet
D) Lower back and shoulders


When assessing a patient’s reflexes, which of the following is considered an abnormal response?

A) A deep tendon reflex that is symmetrical
B) An exaggerated or hyperactive reflex
C) A normal response to the Babinski test in an adult
D) A mild decrease in reflex response


The nurse is assessing a patient with suspected heart failure. Which finding would be most concerning?

A) A weak, thready pulse
B) An increased respiratory rate
C) Jugular vein distension
D) Normal heart sounds


During a physical examination, the nurse notes that the patient’s pupils are constricted and non-reactive to light. What should the nurse do next?

A) Reassess the pupils in 10 minutes
B) Notify the healthcare provider immediately
C) Assess for other neurological symptoms
D) Check the patient’s blood pressure


The nurse is performing an abdominal exam on a patient. Which of the following findings would be considered an emergency?

A) Mild tenderness on palpation
B) Presence of a rigid abdomen with pain
C) Bowel sounds heard every 10 seconds
D) A positive rebound tenderness sign


The nurse is assessing a patient’s muscle strength. Which of the following findings is considered normal?

A) Muscle strength 3/5
B) Muscle strength 4/5
C) Muscle strength 2/5
D) Muscle strength 5/5


The nurse is performing a physical examination on a patient. Which of the following findings would indicate possible dehydration?

A) Moist mucous membranes
B) Increased urine output
C) Decreased skin turgor
D) Well-hydrated skin


During a respiratory assessment, the nurse observes asymmetrical chest expansion. What could this indicate?

A) Normal breathing pattern
B) Airway obstruction
C) A potential pleural effusion or pneumothorax
D) A healthy lung condition


When performing an abdominal assessment, the nurse should begin with which technique?

A) Palpation
B) Percussion
C) Inspection
D) Auscultation


The nurse is examining a patient’s eyes. Which of the following responses indicates normal function when performing the pupillary light reflex test?

A) Both pupils constrict when exposed to light
B) One pupil constricts while the other dilates
C) Both pupils remain dilated
D) Both pupils remain fixed


The nurse is auscultating a patient’s lungs and hears a high-pitched, musical sound. What is this indicative of?

A) Bronchial breath sounds
B) Crackles (rales)
C) Wheezing
D) Pleural friction rub


During the physical exam, the nurse finds that the patient’s neck veins are distended. This finding is indicative of which condition?

A) Normal finding in a healthy patient
B) Increased blood volume or pressure, potentially heart failure
C) Increased urine output
D) Anemia or hypovolemia


A nurse is assessing a patient for clubbing of the nails. What is a characteristic feature of this condition?

A) The angle between the nail and the nail bed is less than 160 degrees
B) The nail beds are red and swollen
C) The angle between the nail and the nail bed is greater than 180 degrees
D) The nails are flat and well-defined


The nurse assesses a patient’s cranial nerve function. Which of the following tests is used to evaluate cranial nerve II (optic)?

A) Testing for light touch sensation
B) Observing pupil response to light
C) Asking the patient to close their eyes and smile
D) Asking the patient to identify an object with one eye closed


A nurse is assessing a patient for peripheral edema. Which of the following areas is most commonly examined?

A) Anterior tibial area
B) Feet and ankles
C) Elbows and forearms
D) Neck and shoulders


The nurse is assessing the patient’s reflexes. Which of the following is an abnormal finding when testing the deep tendon reflexes?

A) Reflex is symmetrical on both sides
B) Reflexes are brisk and hyperactive
C) Reflexes are sluggish but present
D) Reflexes are absent bilaterally


During a routine health assessment, the nurse notices a patient’s skin is yellowish. What is this finding known as?

A) Cyanosis
B) Jaundice
C) Pallor
D) Erythema


The nurse is assessing a patient’s bowel sounds. Which of the following is considered abnormal?

A) Bowel sounds heard every 5–15 seconds
B) Loud, gurgling sounds heard every 3 minutes
C) Absence of bowel sounds for more than 5 minutes
D) Quiet bowel sounds heard intermittently


During a neurological exam, the nurse instructs the patient to extend both arms outward and close their eyes. What is being assessed?

A) Coordination
B) Sensory perception
C) Strength and muscle tone
D) Cranial nerve function


The nurse notices that a patient has a reddened area on their heel that does not blanch when pressed. What does this suggest?

A) An early sign of pressure ulcer development
B) A normal finding in a healthy patient
C) A sign of an allergic reaction
D) An indication of dehydration


The nurse is assessing a patient’s heart rate and notes an irregular rhythm. What should the nurse do next?

A) Continue the assessment and document the finding
B) Assess for other signs of heart failure
C) Notify the healthcare provider immediately
D) Recheck the heart rate after 1 hour


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s abdomen and notices visible peristalsis. What does this finding suggest?

A) Normal digestive activity
B) Intestinal obstruction
C) Healthy bowel movements
D) Excessive hydration


The nurse is palpating a patient’s abdomen and feels a firm, non-tender mass in the right upper quadrant. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Liver enlargement
B) Appendicitis
C) Pancreatitis
D) Gallbladder disease


During an eye examination, the nurse tests for visual acuity using a Snellen chart. Which cranial nerve is being tested?

A) Cranial nerve II (optic)
B) Cranial nerve III (oculomotor)
C) Cranial nerve IV (trochlear)
D) Cranial nerve VI (abducens)


The nurse is performing a physical examination on a patient with suspected heart disease. Which of the following would be an expected finding?

A) Peripheral cyanosis and clubbing of the nails
B) Normal blood pressure and a healthy pulse
C) Mild swelling of the hands and feet
D) Clear, pink mucous membranes


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s skin and observes small, raised, red spots on the arms and legs. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Petechiae
B) Ecchymosis
C) Purpura
D) Erythema


The nurse is performing a physical exam on a patient with suspected pneumonia. What is the most appropriate technique to assess for tactile fremitus?

A) Palpate the patient’s abdomen
B) Ask the patient to cough while palpating the back
C) Ask the patient to repeat “ninety-nine” while palpating the chest
D) Percuss over the lungs to assess for dullness


During a physical examination, the nurse observes a large mass on the patient’s neck. What should the nurse do next?

A) Document the mass and inform the healthcare provider
B) Continue with the exam and observe the mass
C) Palpate the mass and assess for tenderness
D) Instruct the patient to monitor the mass for changes


When inspecting a patient’s hands and fingers, the nurse notices pitting of the nails. What is this indicative of?

A) Psoriasis
B) Normal aging changes
C) Chronic respiratory disease
D) Peripheral artery disease


The nurse is assessing a patient for signs of inflammation. Which of the following findings would suggest inflammation?

A) Increased warmth, redness, and swelling
B) Coldness, pallor, and cyanosis
C) Decreased blood flow and absent pulse
D) Absence of pain, swelling, or redness


The nurse is assessing a patient’s thorax and notices a decreased tactile fremitus over the lower lobes. What might this finding indicate?

A) Normal lung tissue
B) Pneumothorax or pleural effusion
C) Pulmonary fibrosis
D) Asthma


The nurse assesses a patient’s pupils and notices that one pupil is dilated and non-reactive to light. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Normal finding
B) A neurological emergency requiring immediate evaluation
C) A sign of excessive alcohol consumption
D) An eye infection


The nurse is testing a patient’s coordination by asking them to touch their nose with one finger and then touch the nurse’s finger. What does this test evaluate?

A) Fine motor skills
B) Muscle strength
C) Gait and balance
D) Sensory perception


When performing a musculoskeletal exam, the nurse notes limited range of motion in the shoulder. What could be the cause of this finding?

A) A normal sign of aging
B) A shoulder injury or arthritis
C) An electrolyte imbalance
D) Peripheral vascular disease


The nurse is assessing a patient’s pulse rate. What is the normal range for an adult’s resting heart rate?

A) 40-60 bpm
B) 60-100 bpm
C) 100-120 bpm
D) 120-140 bpm


The nurse is performing a focused neurological exam. Which of the following is the best method to assess the patient’s level of consciousness?

A) Asking the patient to name family members
B) Assessing the Glasgow Coma Scale
C) Asking the patient to perform a math problem
D) Observing the patient’s gait


The nurse is assessing a patient for peripheral edema. What is the most reliable indicator of edema?

A) Measurement of weight
B) Inspection of the skin
C) Palpation for pitting or non-pitting edema
D) Observation of the patient’s mobility


The nurse is auscultating heart sounds and hears a harsh, blowing sound. What does this indicate?

A) Normal heart sounds
B) Heart murmur
C) Pleural friction rub
D) Peripheral vascular disease


The nurse is performing an abdominal exam and hears high-pitched bowel sounds. What could this indicate?

A) Normal bowel activity
B) Hyperperistalsis or early bowel obstruction
C) Decreased bowel motility
D) A solid abdominal mass


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s nails and notes that the nails are spoon-shaped. What condition might this suggest?

A) Cyanosis
B) Hypoxia
C) Iron deficiency anemia
D) Jaundice


During a respiratory assessment, the nurse notes that the patient has a barrel chest. What condition is commonly associated with this finding?

A) Emphysema
B) Asthma
C) Pneumonia
D) Pulmonary edema


The nurse assesses a patient’s skin for turgor. Which of the following would indicate dehydration?

A) The skin bounces back quickly when pinched
B) The skin returns slowly to its normal position
C) The skin appears moist and smooth
D) The skin appears tight and shiny


The nurse is performing an assessment of the cranial nerves. Which of the following tests is used to assess cranial nerve V (trigeminal)?

A) Assessing for blink reflex
B) Testing sensation on the forehead, cheeks, and jaw
C) Asking the patient to stick out their tongue
D) Asking the patient to shrug their shoulders


The nurse is examining a patient’s abdomen and notes a pulsating mass in the midline. What should the nurse suspect?

A) A normal finding
B) An abdominal aortic aneurysm
C) A hernia
D) A bowel obstruction


The nurse is assessing a patient’s eyes. Which of the following would indicate a normal finding during a fundoscopic exam?

A) Red reflex present
B) A cloudy lens
C) Papilledema
D) Retinal hemorrhages


The nurse observes that a patient is having difficulty swallowing. What is the appropriate term for this condition?

A) Dysphagia
B) Dysphasia
C) Dysphasia
D) Aphasia


During a musculoskeletal examination, the nurse notes that the patient has limited range of motion (ROM) in the knee. What is the first step in addressing this finding?

A) Proceed to other assessments
B) Ask the patient if they experience pain with movement
C) Perform a full neurological assessment
D) Document the limited ROM for future evaluation


The nurse is palpating the abdomen of a patient and detects tenderness in the right lower quadrant. What condition might this suggest?

A) Cholecystitis
B) Appendicitis
C) Gastritis
D) Diverticulitis


The nurse is performing an assessment on a patient and detects a bruit over the carotid artery. What should the nurse do next?

A) Document the finding as normal
B) Notify the healthcare provider immediately
C) Recheck for the bruit after 24 hours
D) Ask the patient to cough to clear the bruit


The nurse assesses a patient’s pulses and notes that the radial pulse is weak and thready. What might this suggest?

A) Normal finding in a healthy patient
B) Hypovolemia or shock
C) Hypertension
D) Hyperthyroidism


The nurse is assessing a patient’s chest for any signs of abnormal breathing patterns. What might be indicated by Cheyne-Stokes respirations?

A) Deep, rapid breathing associated with metabolic acidosis
B) Slow, shallow breathing related to drug overdose
C) Periods of apnea followed by increasing depth and rate of breathing
D) A normal breathing pattern


The nurse is inspecting the thorax and notices that the patient’s ribs are angling downward. This is most commonly associated with which condition?

A) Pneumonia
B) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
C) Asthma
D) Pleural effusion


The nurse is assessing a patient’s neck veins and observes jugular vein distention. What could this indicate?

A) Dehydration
B) Normal cardiac function
C) Right-sided heart failure
D) Increased exercise


When performing a musculoskeletal exam, the nurse finds that a patient’s knees are in a knock-knee position. What does this suggest?

A) Normal developmental finding in children
B) Osteoarthritis
C) Rheumatoid arthritis
D) A musculoskeletal deformity


The nurse notes that a patient has a large amount of clear, watery drainage from the nose. What condition might this suggest?

A) Sinusitis
B) Allergic rhinitis
C) Common cold
D) Meningitis


The nurse is assessing a patient’s chest for signs of abnormal respiratory patterns. Which of the following would indicate normal breathing?

A) Bradypnea with shallow breaths
B) Tachypnea with deep breaths
C) Eupnea, a normal rate and depth of breathing
D) Cheyne-Stokes respiration


The nurse is performing a neurological assessment. Which of the following is a sign of a positive Romberg test?

A) The patient sways significantly when standing with feet together and eyes closed
B) The patient can balance easily with eyes open
C) The patient shows no signs of unsteadiness when standing on one leg
D) The patient can walk heel-to-toe without difficulty


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s skin and notes a raised, red lesion with a white center. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A) Melanoma
B) Psoriasis
C) Basal cell carcinoma
D) Pressure ulcer


During a physical exam, the nurse palpates the thyroid gland and finds it enlarged. What is the most appropriate action?

A) Recheck in 1 month
B) Document the finding and inform the healthcare provider
C) Palpate for a bruit
D) Have the patient swallow while palpating the thyroid


The nurse is assessing a patient’s heart rate and detects a regular rhythm but a rate of 130 bpm. What should the nurse do next?

A) Document the finding as normal
B) Assess the patient’s respiratory rate and blood pressure
C) Ask the patient to relax and check again later
D) Notify the healthcare provider immediately


The nurse is assessing a patient’s skin and notes a flat, round, pigmented lesion with irregular borders. What should the nurse be concerned about?

A) Seborrheic keratosis
B) Melanoma
C) Psoriasis
D) Basal cell carcinoma


The nurse auscultates a patient’s lungs and hears a high-pitched wheezing sound on expiration. What does this most likely indicate?

A) Asthma
B) Pneumonia
C) Pulmonary edema
D) Emphysema


The nurse is assessing a patient’s abdomen and palpates a tender mass in the left lower quadrant. What is the most likely cause?

A) Cholecystitis
B) Appendicitis
C) Diverticulitis
D) Gastritis


During a cardiovascular assessment, the nurse hears a systolic murmur over the aortic area. What might this indicate?

A) Mitral valve prolapse
B) Aortic stenosis
C) Pulmonary hypertension
D) Tricuspid regurgitation


The nurse is assessing the patient’s chest and notices the presence of a barrel chest. What condition is most commonly associated with this?

A) Emphysema
B) Asthma
C) Pneumonia
D) Pulmonary embolism


The nurse is assessing a patient’s muscle strength and notes a score of 4/5 on the scale. What does this indicate?

A) No weakness
B) Slight weakness
C) Moderate weakness
D) Severe weakness


The nurse is palpating a patient’s neck and detects a palpable, tender mass. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Thyroid nodule
B) Lymphadenopathy
C) Goiter
D) Enlarged trachea


The nurse is performing an assessment on a patient’s pulse and finds it to be irregular. What is the best course of action?

A) Record the pulse and proceed with the exam
B) Repeat the pulse measurement after a few minutes
C) Notify the healthcare provider immediately
D) Document it as normal


The nurse is assessing a patient for signs of dehydration. Which of the following would be an early indicator?

A) Dry mucous membranes
B) Decreased urinary output
C) Increased heart rate
D) Increased blood pressure


The nurse is examining a patient’s nails and notes that they are convex and thickened. What is this most likely a sign of?

A) Clubbing associated with chronic hypoxia
B) Cyanosis
C) Normal finding in aging adults
D) Psoriasis


The nurse is performing a neurological assessment. The patient’s pupils constrict when exposed to light but do not constrict when focused on an object. What condition might this indicate?

A) Normal response
B) Oculomotor nerve dysfunction
C) Retinal detachment
D) Cataracts


The nurse is examining a patient’s respiratory status and notes the patient is using accessory muscles to breathe. What might this indicate?

A) Normal response
B) Acute respiratory distress
C) Bronchitis
D) Pulmonary embolism


The nurse observes that a patient has redness and swelling of the joints, along with limited range of motion. What condition might this suggest?

A) Osteoarthritis
B) Rheumatoid arthritis
C) Gout
D) Tendonitis


The nurse is assessing a patient’s eyes and notices that the pupil is fixed and dilated. What condition might this suggest?

A) Normal response to bright light
B) Ocular trauma or increased intracranial pressure
C) Convergence
D) Cataracts


The nurse is performing a cardiac assessment and detects a friction rub when auscultating the heart. What might this suggest?

A) Pericarditis
B) Heart murmur
C) Valve regurgitation
D) Pulmonary embolism


The nurse is assessing a patient’s abdomen and notes that the bowel sounds are hypoactive. What might this indicate?

A) Gastroenteritis
B) Bowel obstruction
C) Normal findings after surgery
D) Fluid retention


The nurse is assessing a patient’s legs for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Which of the following signs would indicate a positive finding?

A) Swelling and redness in the calf
B) Absence of tenderness on palpation
C) Positive Homan’s sign
D) Full range of motion in the knee


The nurse is performing an assessment on a patient with a suspected stroke. What is the most important part of the neurological exam to assess?

A) Level of consciousness
B) Pupillary response
C) Gait and coordination
D) Cranial nerve function


The nurse is examining a patient’s skin and notes a large, raised lesion with a waxy surface and a pearly border. What is this most likely?

A) Squamous cell carcinoma
B) Basal cell carcinoma
C) Melanoma
D) Psoriasis


The nurse is assessing a patient’s breath sounds and hears crackles in the lower lobes. What might this indicate?

A) Pneumonia
B) Pulmonary edema
C) Asthma
D) Pleural effusion


The nurse is assessing a patient’s respiratory effort and notes that the patient has a decreased rate of breathing. What is the term for this?

A) Hyperventilation
B) Bradypnea
C) Tachypnea
D) Apnea


The nurse is performing a cardiovascular assessment and notes that the patient has jugular vein distention. What is the most likely cause?

A) Right-sided heart failure
B) Left-sided heart failure
C) Pulmonary embolism
D) Pneumothorax


The nurse is assessing a patient’s lung sounds and hears a continuous high-pitched sound during expiration. What condition might this suggest?

A) Bronchospasm
B) Pulmonary edema
C) Pneumothorax
D) Atelectasis


The nurse is palpating a patient’s abdomen and notes tenderness in the right upper quadrant. What is the most likely cause?

A) Appendicitis
B) Cholecystitis
C) Pancreatitis
D) Diverticulitis


The nurse is assessing a patient’s skin turgor and notes that it returns slowly after being pinched. What might this suggest?

A) Dehydration
B) Normal finding
C) Hypothyroidism
D) Hyperglycemia


The nurse is assessing a patient with suspected fluid overload. What is the best method to assess for edema?

A) Palpating the skin for moisture
B) Measuring the circumference of the limbs
C) Performing a pitting test
D) Asking the patient about changes in weight


The nurse is assessing a patient’s visual acuity using the Snellen chart. What is the correct method for performing this test?

A) Ask the patient to cover one eye and read the chart
B) Ask the patient to stand at a distance of 20 feet from the chart
C) Ask the patient to focus on an object while the nurse holds the chart
D) Ask the patient to read the chart while sitting down


The nurse observes that a patient’s nail beds are pale and slightly bluish. What might this suggest?

A) Cyanosis
B) Normal finding in fair-skinned individuals
C) Fungal infection
D) Healthy circulation


During an abdominal assessment, the nurse notices that the patient has a visible pulsation in the upper abdomen. What could this indicate?

A) Normal finding in thin individuals
B) Aortic aneurysm
C) Gastritis
D) Appendicitis


The nurse is performing a physical exam on a patient with suspected pneumonia. Which lung sound is most commonly heard in this condition?

A) Wheezing
B) Crackles (rales)
C) Rhonchi
D) Stridor


The nurse is performing a neurological exam and notices that a patient’s right hand is weak and there is a drooping on the right side of the face. What might this indicate?

A) Left hemisphere stroke
B) Right hemisphere stroke
C) Bell’s palsy
D) Normal finding


The nurse is assessing a patient’s respiratory rate and notes it is 8 breaths per minute. What term is used to describe this?

A) Bradypnea
B) Tachypnea
C) Hypoventilation
D) Apnea


The nurse is examining a patient and notices a 2 cm firm, non-tender lump in the breast. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Fibrocystic breast disease
B) Breast cancer
C) Benign tumor
D) Lipoma


During a physical exam, the nurse assesses a patient’s gait and notices unsteadiness with a wide base. What might this suggest?

A) Normal finding in elderly individuals
B) Cerebellar ataxia
C) Parkinson’s disease
D) Rheumatoid arthritis


The nurse is assessing a patient’s pupils with a penlight and notes that the left pupil constricts more slowly than the right. What might this suggest?

A) Normal finding
B) Optic nerve damage on the left side
C) Oculomotor nerve damage on the right side
D) Increased intracranial pressure


The nurse is examining the patient’s abdomen and notices the presence of rebound tenderness in the right lower quadrant. What condition might this suggest?

A) Cholecystitis
B) Acute appendicitis
C) Pancreatitis
D) Renal colic


The nurse assesses the skin of a patient and notes the presence of a raised, red, and itchy rash. What condition might this indicate?

A) Psoriasis
B) Urticaria
C) Eczema
D) Melanoma


The nurse auscultates the heart and hears a third heart sound (S3) in a patient with congestive heart failure. What does this indicate?

A) Normal finding in healthy individuals
B) Left-sided heart failure
C) Aortic stenosis
D) Mitral valve regurgitation


The nurse is palpating the patient’s abdomen and feels a firm, non-mobile mass in the left upper quadrant. What should the nurse suspect?

A) Colorectal cancer
B) Splenic enlargement
C) Hepatic enlargement
D) Ovarian cyst


The nurse is examining a patient’s skin and notes the presence of a round, dark, and irregularly shaped mole. What action should the nurse take?

A) Reassure the patient that it is a benign mole
B) Document the finding for future reference
C) Assess the lesion for additional signs of malignancy
D) Instruct the patient to avoid sunlight exposure


The nurse is inspecting a patient’s ears and notes the presence of a yellowish-brown, waxy substance. What should the nurse do next?

A) Document the finding as normal
B) Instruct the patient to clean the ears with cotton swabs
C) Remove the wax with a cotton swab
D) Notify the healthcare provider immediately


The nurse is assessing a patient’s pulse and notes that it is irregular and absent in the lower extremities. What might this indicate?

A) Peripheral arterial disease
B) Pulmonary embolism
C) Deep vein thrombosis
D) Hyperthyroidism


The nurse is assessing the patient’s mental status and notes that the patient is disoriented to time and place. What is the first step the nurse should take?

A) Notify the healthcare provider
B) Check the patient’s blood glucose level
C) Reorient the patient to time and place
D) Document the finding as normal


The nurse is assessing the patient’s abdomen and hears a hyperactive bowel sound in the right lower quadrant. What condition is most likely associated with this?

A) Normal bowel sounds
B) Appendicitis
C) Gastroenteritis
D) Bowel obstruction


The nurse is performing a physical exam on a patient with suspected heart failure. Which of the following findings would be most concerning?

A) Elevated blood pressure
B) Jugular vein distention
C) Increased urinary output
D) Rapid shallow breathing


The nurse is assessing a patient’s musculoskeletal system and notes that the patient has difficulty flexing the knee. What should the nurse assess next?

A) Range of motion in the hip
B) Muscle strength in the quadriceps
C) Pulse in the femoral artery
D) Skin temperature around the knee


The nurse is performing a physical assessment on a patient with suspected hypoxia. What would the nurse expect to find during the exam?

A) Cyanosis
B) Normal respiratory rate
C) Decreased heart rate
D) Pale skin color


The nurse is assessing a patient with suspected renal disease. Which of the following findings would indicate fluid retention?

A) Weight gain
B) Increased urinary output
C) Pale skin
D) Normal blood pressure


The nurse is assessing a patient with diabetes mellitus. What is the most important assessment to monitor in this patient?

A) Blood pressure
B) Blood glucose levels
C) Respiratory rate
D) Heart rate


The nurse is assessing a patient’s abdomen and notes the presence of borborygmi. What is the nurse hearing?

A) Hyperactive bowel sounds
B) Hypoactive bowel sounds
C) Air in the stomach
D) Fluid accumulation


Health Assessment and Physical Examination NCLEX Questions and Answers For Study Guide


Discuss the importance of a comprehensive health assessment and physical examination in the early detection of health problems.


A comprehensive health assessment and physical examination are essential in the early detection and management of health problems. The health assessment provides a detailed history of the patient’s physical, psychological, and social factors that could impact their well-being. It includes questions regarding family medical history, lifestyle, symptoms, and previous illnesses. A thorough assessment helps identify risk factors that may predispose the individual to certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or cancer.

The physical examination involves inspecting, palpating, percussing, and auscultating different body parts to identify abnormalities. This examination helps healthcare providers detect early signs of illness that may not yet present with noticeable symptoms. For instance, a heart murmur, abnormal lung sounds, or swelling in the extremities may indicate underlying conditions such as heart disease or respiratory issues.

Early detection through a health assessment and physical exam allows for timely interventions, which can improve patient outcomes. It also helps to establish a baseline for future comparisons and guides the development of an appropriate care plan tailored to the patient’s unique needs. Regular health assessments also promote preventive care, such as vaccinations and screenings for conditions like cancer or high blood pressure, which can prevent the onset of more severe health problems.


Explain how a nurse performs a neurological examination as part of a physical assessment, and discuss its clinical significance.


A neurological examination is a critical component of the physical assessment, designed to evaluate the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). The nurse conducts the examination systematically, focusing on the patient’s cognitive function, cranial nerves, motor function, sensory perception, and reflexes.

The neurological exam typically begins with assessing the patient’s level of consciousness. The nurse evaluates the patient’s orientation to person, place, and time to gauge cognitive function. Any confusion or disorientation can indicate conditions like delirium, dementia, or brain injury.

Next, the nurse assesses the cranial nerves. There are twelve cranial nerves, and the nurse checks each one for function. For example, testing for the sense of smell assesses cranial nerve I (olfactory), and checking for pupillary response to light assesses cranial nerve II (optic). The nurse also tests the patient’s ability to move facial muscles, assess speech, and check for any asymmetry that may indicate neurological impairment, such as Bell’s palsy or a stroke.

Motor function is tested by assessing the patient’s muscle strength and coordination. The nurse checks for any abnormalities in muscle tone, strength, or coordination, such as weakness, tremors, or difficulty with movements, which may be indicative of neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.

Sensory perception is assessed by testing light touch, pain, temperature, and proprioception in different areas of the body. Abnormalities in sensation can indicate peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord injury, or brain injury.

Finally, reflexes are tested by using a reflex hammer to assess deep tendon reflexes. Absent or hyperactive reflexes can suggest abnormalities in the nervous system, such as spinal cord injury or nerve damage.

The clinical significance of the neurological examination lies in its ability to detect early signs of neurological disorders or injury, enabling the healthcare team to provide prompt intervention and care. The findings guide diagnostic testing, treatment plans, and further investigations, such as brain imaging or lumbar punctures, when indicated.


Describe the process of assessing the cardiovascular system during a physical examination, and explain how findings can inform clinical decision-making.


Assessing the cardiovascular system during a physical examination involves several key components: inspection, palpation, percussion (if needed), and auscultation. Each component allows the nurse to gather important information about the patient’s heart function and circulation, which is critical for diagnosing cardiovascular conditions.

Inspection: The nurse begins by observing the patient’s chest for any signs of abnormal movement, such as a visible pulsation or a heave, which may indicate hypertrophy or increased cardiac workload. The nurse also looks for signs of jugular vein distention (JVD), which can suggest right-sided heart failure or fluid overload.

Palpation: The nurse palpates the chest to assess for any unusual masses, thrills, or vibrations. A thrill is a palpable vibration often associated with turbulent blood flow through a heart valve, which can indicate valvular disease. The nurse also checks the peripheral pulses (radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis) to assess the effectiveness of the heart’s pumping ability and ensure adequate circulation to the limbs.

Percussion: While percussion is not commonly used in routine cardiovascular assessments, it may be employed to determine the size of the heart’s borders. An abnormal percussion finding, such as an enlarged heart, can point to conditions like cardiomegaly or pericardial effusion.

Auscultation: Auscultation is the most critical part of the cardiovascular assessment. The nurse uses a stethoscope to listen to heart sounds, including the normal S1 and S2 sounds, as well as any abnormal sounds like murmurs, gallops, or rubs. Heart murmurs may suggest valvular defects, such as aortic stenosis or mitral regurgitation. A gallop rhythm (S3 or S4) may indicate heart failure or a stiff ventricle, which is common in conditions like hypertension or cardiomyopathy.

The findings from the cardiovascular assessment can significantly inform clinical decision-making. For example, if the nurse hears an irregular rhythm or a heart murmur, this may prompt further diagnostic testing, such as an echocardiogram or electrocardiogram (ECG), to assess the underlying cause. If the nurse detects signs of fluid retention, such as edema or JVD, this may lead to the administration of diuretics to alleviate symptoms of heart failure.

Furthermore, the nurse’s findings can help identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, allowing the healthcare provider to develop an individualized care plan that includes lifestyle modifications, medications, and ongoing monitoring.


Explain the significance of assessing the respiratory system during a physical examination and how abnormal findings can lead to further diagnostic evaluation.


The respiratory system assessment is vital for detecting early signs of respiratory distress, obstructive diseases, and systemic oxygenation issues. The nurse performs the respiratory examination by assessing the patient’s breathing pattern, auscultating lung sounds, and inspecting the chest for any abnormal signs, such as asymmetry or use of accessory muscles.

Inspection: The nurse inspects the patient for signs of difficulty breathing, such as tachypnea (rapid breathing), labored breathing, or the use of accessory muscles, which can indicate conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or respiratory infection. The nurse also observes for signs of cyanosis, a bluish discoloration of the lips or extremities, which suggests insufficient oxygenation and may indicate conditions like pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, or heart failure.

Palpation: The nurse palpates the chest to assess for symmetry, tenderness, or any palpable lumps that could indicate underlying pathology, such as tumors or pleuritic inflammation.

Auscultation: The nurse listens to the lung fields using a stethoscope to detect abnormal lung sounds. Crackles (rales) may indicate fluid in the lungs, commonly seen in conditions such as heart failure or pneumonia. Wheezes are high-pitched sounds associated with airway constriction, commonly heard in asthma and COPD. Rhonchi, low-pitched, rattling sounds, can indicate secretions in the larger airways, which might occur with bronchitis.

Abnormal findings during the respiratory assessment can prompt further diagnostic evaluation, such as a chest X-ray, arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis, or spirometry. For example, crackles and dyspnea may lead to the evaluation for pneumonia or heart failure. A wheezing sound in the lungs may prompt further testing for asthma, COPD, or an allergic reaction.

In addition to detecting disease, the respiratory assessment helps to monitor the patient’s response to treatment, such as assessing improvements in lung sounds after administering bronchodilators or oxygen therapy.


Explain the role of a nurse in assessing the abdominal system during a physical examination. Include key signs and symptoms to look for and how they inform patient care.


The abdominal assessment is a key component of the physical examination, as it helps to identify potential gastrointestinal (GI) or systemic issues. The nurse follows a structured approach to assessing the abdomen, which includes inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Each part of the assessment provides valuable information regarding the functioning of the gastrointestinal system and can help detect issues such as inflammation, infection, or obstruction.

Inspection: The nurse begins by visually inspecting the abdomen for any signs of abnormalities, such as distention, scars, or visible masses. Distention may indicate fluid retention, air accumulation, or organ enlargement, which could be due to conditions such as ascites, bowel obstruction, or tumors. The nurse also assesses the skin for signs of jaundice, which can suggest liver disease, or bruising, which could be related to trauma or clotting disorders.

Auscultation: Next, the nurse listens to bowel sounds using a stethoscope. Normal bowel sounds are intermittent and can be heard every 5 to 15 seconds. Hyperactive bowel sounds can indicate diarrhea, gastrointestinal inflammation, or early bowel obstruction, while hypoactive or absent bowel sounds may suggest bowel obstruction, paralytic ileus, or peritonitis.

Percussion: The nurse may gently percuss the abdomen to assess the presence of gas or fluid and to determine the size of solid organs, such as the liver or spleen. Dullness upon percussion may indicate an enlarged organ or fluid buildup, such as in the case of liver disease, splenomegaly, or ascites. Tympany (a hollow, drum-like sound) is typical over air-filled structures, like the stomach.

Palpation: The nurse palpates the abdomen to assess tenderness, masses, and organ size. Tenderness in specific areas, such as the lower right quadrant, could indicate appendicitis, while generalized tenderness may suggest peritonitis or infection. Palpation of the liver and spleen helps assess organ size and any irregularities. The nurse should also be attentive to the patient’s response to palpation, as guarding or rigidity can be signs of acute abdominal conditions requiring immediate attention.

Abnormal findings in the abdominal assessment can prompt further diagnostic tests, such as abdominal imaging (X-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan) or laboratory tests (e.g., liver function tests, CBC) to determine the underlying cause. The nurse plays a critical role in identifying these findings early, leading to timely interventions and improved patient outcomes.


Discuss how a nurse performs a musculoskeletal assessment and the significance of detecting abnormal findings in patients with musculoskeletal disorders.


A musculoskeletal assessment is an essential component of the physical examination, aimed at identifying abnormalities in the bones, joints, and muscles. The nurse evaluates the patient’s mobility, posture, strength, and the range of motion (ROM) of joints, helping to identify conditions like arthritis, fractures, or muscle weakness.

Inspection: The nurse first observes the patient’s posture and gait. Any asymmetry or abnormal posture may indicate musculoskeletal imbalances, such as scoliosis, lordosis, or kyphosis. The nurse also inspects the joints for any visible deformities, swelling, or redness, which can suggest conditions such as arthritis, joint inflammation, or trauma.

Palpation: The nurse palpates the joints, bones, and muscles for signs of tenderness, swelling, warmth, or abnormal lumps. Tenderness or swelling in a joint may be a sign of inflammation, as seen in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or bursitis. The nurse also palpates the muscles to assess for any abnormalities, such as atrophy (muscle wasting) or spasms, which can indicate neurological or muscular disorders.

Range of Motion (ROM) Testing: The nurse checks the range of motion in major joints like the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles. A reduced range of motion may indicate joint stiffness, pain, or muscle weakness. For example, limited flexion in the knee joint could suggest arthritis, while difficulty in shoulder abduction may be a sign of rotator cuff injury.

Strength Testing: The nurse assesses muscle strength by asking the patient to perform specific movements against resistance, such as raising a limb or squeezing the nurse’s hand. Muscle weakness can be a sign of various conditions, including neurological issues (e.g., stroke, multiple sclerosis) or musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., muscular dystrophy).

Joint Stability: The nurse also evaluates joint stability by testing for abnormal movement or laxity in the joint. An unstable knee or ankle joint, for example, may suggest ligament damage from an injury or chronic condition.

Detecting abnormal findings during the musculoskeletal assessment allows for timely interventions. For instance, joint deformities, muscle atrophy, or abnormal gait may lead the nurse to refer the patient for further diagnostic testing, such as X-rays or MRI, and initiate physical therapy or medications for pain management and mobility improvement. Early detection of musculoskeletal disorders can help prevent complications, such as joint immobility or severe pain.


Describe the steps involved in assessing the skin, hair, and nails during a physical examination and how abnormalities might indicate underlying health conditions.


The assessment of the skin, hair, and nails is a critical part of the physical examination, as these structures provide essential clues about the patient’s overall health and may reflect systemic diseases, nutritional deficiencies, or dermatologic conditions.

Inspection of the Skin: The nurse begins by examining the skin for signs of abnormalities, such as lesions, rashes, discoloration, and scars. The nurse notes the presence of any unusual moles, which could indicate melanoma or other skin cancers. Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) may suggest liver dysfunction, while paleness or cyanosis can indicate poor oxygenation or anemia.

Palpation of the Skin: The nurse palpates the skin to assess its moisture, temperature, and texture. Dry or flaky skin may indicate dehydration or hypothyroidism, while warm or hot skin may suggest fever, infection, or inflammatory conditions. The skin’s elasticity is also tested by pinching the skin to see if it returns to its normal position, with delayed return potentially indicating dehydration.

Hair Examination: The nurse inspects the hair for signs of hair loss, thinning, or changes in texture. Thinning hair may be a sign of thyroid dysfunction, iron deficiency, or alopecia areata. Unusual changes in hair texture, such as brittle hair, may suggest nutritional deficiencies or metabolic disorders.

Nail Examination: The nurse examines the nails for any signs of discoloration, brittleness, or deformities. Clubbing of the nails, where the fingertips enlarge and nails curve downward, can indicate chronic respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cystic fibrosis. Pale nails can suggest anemia or poor circulation, while white nails may indicate liver disease, such as cirrhosis.

Abnormalities in the skin, hair, and nails can be significant indicators of underlying health problems. For example, the presence of a rash or skin lesions could suggest an autoimmune disorder like lupus or an infection like cellulitis. Abnormalities in the nails may signal nutritional deficiencies, respiratory conditions, or systemic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Early identification of these changes allows for appropriate referrals and interventions, such as dermatology consults, laboratory testing, or medications to treat the underlying condition.


How do you assess the lymphatic system during a physical examination, and what are the implications of abnormal findings?


The lymphatic system assessment is essential in identifying signs of infection, malignancy, or other systemic conditions that may affect the immune system. The nurse examines the patient for the presence of swollen lymph nodes, signs of lymphatic drainage obstruction, and other abnormalities.

Inspection and Palpation: The nurse begins by visually inspecting areas where lymph nodes are located, such as the neck, armpits, and groin, for any visible swelling or asymmetry. The nurse then palpates these areas gently to assess for the size, consistency, and tenderness of lymph nodes. Normally, lymph nodes are small, firm, and non-tender. Swollen or enlarged lymph nodes may indicate infection, such as a respiratory infection, or more serious conditions like cancer or lymphatic disorders.

Tender lymph nodes are often associated with localized infections, while hard, non-tender nodes that do not move easily may suggest malignancy, such as lymphoma or metastatic cancer. Additionally, the nurse should assess for any signs of lymphatic drainage obstruction, such as edema in the extremities, which can indicate conditions like lymphedema or blockage of the lymphatic vessels.

Clinical Implications of Abnormal Findings: Enlarged or painful lymph nodes could prompt the nurse to recommend further diagnostic evaluation, such as blood tests, imaging (ultrasound or CT scan), or a biopsy. Persistent or unexplained lymphadenopathy (swelling of lymph nodes) may be a red flag for cancer, requiring more extensive evaluation and possible referral to a specialist.

Early identification of abnormalities in the lymphatic system is crucial for the timely diagnosis of infections, autoimmune diseases, or malignancies, allowing for prompt and appropriate treatment.


Discuss the process of assessing the cardiovascular system during a physical examination. Include the steps involved, specific signs and symptoms to watch for, and the implications of abnormal findings.


A comprehensive cardiovascular assessment is essential for evaluating the function of the heart and blood vessels. Nurses must follow a systematic approach to inspect, palpate, and auscultate the cardiovascular system, allowing them to detect signs of circulatory issues such as heart disease, heart failure, or peripheral vascular disease.

1. Inspection:

The first step in the cardiovascular assessment is visual inspection of the patient’s general appearance, posture, and breathing. The nurse should observe the patient’s skin color, noting any pallor, cyanosis (bluish discoloration), or redness, which may indicate issues with oxygenation or circulation. Cyanosis, especially around the lips or extremities, can suggest poor oxygen delivery due to heart failure or pulmonary issues.

The nurse should also look for jugular vein distension (JVD), which can indicate elevated venous pressure. JVD occurs when the right side of the heart is not pumping efficiently, often seen in heart failure or other right-sided cardiac conditions.

A careful inspection of the chest is essential for visible pulsations or abnormal movements. The nurse observes for any precordial movements, such as heaves or lifts, which may suggest left ventricular hypertrophy or heart failure.

2. Palpation:

After inspection, the nurse proceeds to palpate the chest, focusing on areas where heart sounds and pulsations are most easily felt, such as the apex of the heart (located in the left midclavicular line at the 5th intercostal space). The nurse should palpate for point of maximal impulse (PMI), which is the location where the heartbeat is most pronounced. If the PMI is displaced laterally, it could indicate left ventricular hypertrophy or other abnormalities such as a dilated heart.

The nurse should also palpate for pulses in the peripheral arteries, including the radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulses. Pulses should be evaluated for strength, symmetry, and rhythm. A weak or absent pulse could indicate peripheral artery disease (PAD) or occlusion of an artery, whereas bounding pulses may indicate conditions like aortic insufficiency or fever.

During palpation, the nurse should assess for any edema, particularly in the lower extremities. Swelling in the legs can be a sign of right-sided heart failure, venous insufficiency, or deep vein thrombosis.

3. Auscultation:

Next, the nurse uses a stethoscope to auscultate heart sounds in the four main areas: the aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, and mitral areas. The nurse listens for the S1 and S2 heart sounds, which represent the closing of the mitral and tricuspid valves (S1) and the aortic and pulmonic valves (S2). These sounds should be clear and regular, with S1 typically louder at the apex and S2 louder at the base of the heart.

Abnormal heart sounds may include:

  • S3 (often a sign of heart failure), which occurs right after S2 and sounds like “Kentucky.”
  • S4 (associated with hypertension, aortic stenosis, or left ventricular hypertrophy), occurring just before S1, with a “Tennessee” sound.
  • Murmurs, which are abnormal heart sounds that may be indicative of valvular defects (e.g., mitral regurgitation, aortic stenosis).
  • Clicking sounds or rub murmurs, which could suggest prosthetic heart valves or pericarditis, respectively.

The nurse should also listen for bruits in major arteries (such as the carotid artery), which indicate turbulent blood flow and may suggest arterial stenosis or atherosclerosis.

4. Blood Pressure Measurement:

Accurate blood pressure measurement is crucial in the cardiovascular assessment. The nurse should take measurements using a properly calibrated sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. The nurse listens for the first sound (systolic pressure) and the disappearance of sound (diastolic pressure) when inflating the cuff around the upper arm.

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure, while low blood pressure (hypotension) may indicate shock, dehydration, or heart failure.

5. Implications of Abnormal Findings:

Abnormal findings during a cardiovascular assessment can point to various clinical conditions:

  • Elevated Blood Pressure: Consistently high readings can suggest hypertension, which increases the risk for stroke, heart attack, and renal failure. Nurses should monitor blood pressure regularly and refer patients for treatment if needed, including lifestyle modifications or medications.
  • Abnormal Heart Sounds: Murmurs, S3, or S4 sounds can indicate valvular disease, heart failure, or hypertrophy. Nurses should document these findings and notify the physician for further diagnostic tests such as echocardiography or cardiac catheterization.
  • Peripheral Pulses: Weak or absent pulses could indicate peripheral artery disease (PAD) or vascular occlusion. The nurse should perform further assessments, including Doppler ultrasound or ankle-brachial index (ABI) testing, to evaluate blood flow to the extremities.
  • Edema: Swelling in the extremities can point to right-sided heart failure, deep vein thrombosis, or venous insufficiency. Nurses should assess the patient’s history for risk factors, such as previous heart conditions, recent surgeries, or immobility, and may recommend further testing like venous Doppler ultrasound or chest X-ray.
  • Jugular Venous Distention (JVD): This is often associated with right-sided heart failure or fluid overload. JVD should be assessed in relation to other signs, such as peripheral edema and shortness of breath, and may require interventions like diuretics or adjustments to heart failure management.

6. Nursing Interventions and Follow-up:

The nurse’s role in cardiovascular assessment goes beyond merely detecting abnormalities. Upon detecting abnormal findings, the nurse must:

  • Document findings in the patient’s health record.
  • Educate patients about lifestyle changes, such as reducing salt intake, increasing physical activity, and quitting smoking, to improve cardiovascular health.
  • Collaborate with the healthcare team to initiate diagnostic tests, such as echocardiograms, stress tests, or electrocardiograms (ECG).
  • Monitor patients for complications of cardiovascular disease, such as heart failure, arrhythmias, or cardiogenic shock, and provide appropriate interventions.



The cardiovascular assessment is a crucial step in identifying and managing heart and circulatory disorders. Nurses must be vigilant in assessing the heart and blood vessels to detect early signs of cardiovascular issues. Prompt recognition of abnormal findings allows for early intervention, improving patient outcomes and preventing further complications. Nurses play a key role in advocating for patients by ensuring timely follow-up care and educating patients on maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.